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Headwaters Hill

Visit the Headwaters Hill pages to learn about our quest to officially recognize a previously unnamed mountain. It's one of only five points in the continental U.S. that drain into three separate basins which never meet.

Note: as of July 12, 2001 the name "Headwaters Hill" is official! However, we have not yet updated all the pages on the website to reflect this.

Parting of the Waters

Read about "holes" in the Continental Divide, and Two Ocean Creek - a stream that contributes water to two oceans simutaneously.

American High Plains

The High Plains pages contain - among other things - photos of state high points, state corners, and interesting geographical sites found in this region of subtle beauty.

U.S. Highway Ends

Have you ever wondered: if ever I were to just keep on driving down this highway, where would it take me? And what would one find at the end of a highway, anyway? A pot of gold? Click here to find out...

My Colorado pages

How is the name of that town pronounced? What's the English translation for the name of that mountain? Click here to find out - or to view some other interesting pages related to the Centennial State.

Road-geek index

This page is an index to all my "Travel-", "Geography-", and/or "Map-related pages". Lots of overlap with topics on this page, but also Wyoming highway maps, some quotes, and links. Exit here...

Map gallery

Check out a portfolio of my maps...


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I'm a (very) amateur birdwatcher; click here for a list of birds I've spotted...

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