Modern Maps of Afghanistan

Most Americans have searched the internet looking for decent maps of Afghanistan. Of the maps available online, most don't have any names of villages/towns, others lack rivers, most lack dirt roads--leaving Americans frustrated looking for maps of Afghanistan.

Mistress Izabol (pen name) of Dominant Ladies™ felt the need to do something no woman has done before--create the first maps of Afghanistan by a woman. Some might say, "Well, the military probably already has maps." Others say, "Well, I'm sure that they have all kinds of satellite images." True. But with the maps they have and with the satellite images available, they still haven't found Bin Laden yet either, now have they?

What seems to be the problem? Satellite photos blend/camoflauge land features. Other cartographers choose "land colors" when they make a map which causes a camoflauge effect on paper.

Therefore, Izabol chose to DE-CAMOFLAUGE Afghanistan in maps. The maps have elevation in vivid contrasting colors to distinguish each elevation, instead of blending elevation. The maps contain both dirt roads and paved roads. Most maps online of Afghanistan only include the paved roads, however, Izabol's maps also have the dirt roads. The maps de-camoflauge the roads using 3-D graphic effects so the roads do not blend with the landscape. Most importantly, Izabol's maps contain the names of each city, town and village, translated from the Russian maps!

Each region has one zoom-out map of the region (left). (Village names are not on zoom-out maps for lack of space). Then each region is subdivided into 4-5 maps, doing zoom-ins (right). Village names, seasonal rivers/tributaries, and mountain peak names are on each zoom-in of the maps.

Jalalabad Region
Western Nangarhar Province
Eastern Laghman Province
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Jalalabad &
Nearby Area

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Region NorthWest
of Jalalabad

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Region NorthEast
of Jalalabad

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Region SouthWest
of Jalalabad

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Region SouthEast
of Jalalabad

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Al Queda/Taliban training
camps tend to be alongside
railroad tracks for supplies
Tora Bora Region

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Tora Bora Region

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Tora Bora Region
Nangarhar Province
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Tora Bora Region

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Tora Bora Region

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Kabul Region
Kabul Province
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Kabul &
Nearby Area

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Region NorthCentral
of Kabul

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Region NorthEast
of Kabul

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Region SouthCentral
of Kabul

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Region SouthEast
of Kabul

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Kandahar Region
Northern Kandahar Province
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Kandahar &
Nearby Area

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Region NorthWest
of Kandahar

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Region NorthEast
of Kandahar

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Region SouthWest
of Kandahar

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Region SouthEast
of Kandahar

Click to Enlarge (267KB)


Prehistory of India-Pakistan-Afghanistan Migrations

Contrary to popular beliefs and Hollywood sensationalism about Ice Ages, based on soil sample data around the world and ice core samples in Antarctica, Ice Ages and their melts have been happening in cycles. Just as the Moon revolves around the Earth and the Earth revolves around the Sun, our Solar System revolves around the Galaxy. That revolution of our Solar System around the Galaxy happens in about 120,000 year cycles and it is that revolution that causes Ice Ages and melts every 120,000 years. Presently, we live in a melt. But 50,000 years ago we were in an Ice Age and 120,000 years ago humans were living in a previous melt known as the Eemian Melt.

During each Ice Age freeze every 120,000 years Afghanistan and Southern Iran are impenetrable on foot. The region is covered by gigantic glaciers like a polar desert. Based on the chart to the left, that would mean that between approximately -60 meters and -100 meters (sea levels), there would be so much ice covering Southern Iran and Afghanistan that conditions would be far worse than Alaska.

Prior to the last Ice Age there were two groups that crossed Southern Iran and Afghanistan in previous melts. At sometime during the Eemian melt (120,000 Y.A.) groups speaking Dravidian languages crossed over and settled along the Indus. The Dravidian languages are considered the "old" languages of India. There is also another group that crossed Southern Iran/Afghanistan in a previous melt that speak Munda languages (part of the Mon-Khmer family). It is possible, however that Munda speakers did not cross Afghanistan in the previous melt, but rather than they migrated west from Southeast Asia.

Those of the Indo-European Language family began migrating into the Afghanistan-Pakistan-India region during this melt of the Ice Age, after the last glacial maximum.
Migration to the Indus River by Indo-European-speaking groups most likely began during the Younger Dryas phase of the Ice Age melt or 10,000 years ago. All along the Tigris and Euphrates basin and into the former region of the Persian Gulf land were Indo-European-speaking groups of the "cow clan" or "cattle clan". They were matrilineal groups that had a clan system. Cow clan is not to be confused with cattle-eaters, but the opposite. Based on archeological finds in the Tigris/Euphrates region, cow clan did many sculptures and shrines of cattle, however, based on finds, bones and residues in their food pits and trash pits, cow clan did not eat the cattle. Instead, cow clan had a diet of gazelle (before extinct in Asia), pig, fish, and birds. Since the cow was their clan animal, they did not eat it, but rather honored the cow. Cow clan did have agriculture in the Younger Dryas phase of the Ice Age melt. Also in this phase, smaller row boats/canoes/kayak style boats begin to appear along the Palestine region and Tigris/Euphrates. Larger ships (capable of carrying livestock) definitely appear in the Aegean region during the Younger Dryas.
While their Indo-Euro sisters in the Aegean began colonization of Crete, Ariadnia (Naxos/Paros), and Cyprus in larger ships (carrying livestock) in the Younger Dryas (8000 B.C.E./10,000 Y.A.), Cow Clan along the Tigris/Euphrates--Persian Gulf began exploration in smaller boats, like canoes. Since Cow Clan already had agriculture, they sought out other areas suitable for agriculture by boat. The rivers along southern Iran/Afghanistan were still unsuitable during this timeframe for agriculture as that region was still covered by glaciers--a polar desert. The Indus became the next settlement of Cow Clan and the river to the east of it. What is unclear is how big the settlement was during this phase. Along the Gulf of Cambay (Khambat-Guajarat: east of the Indus), in an underwater archeological dig there are some wood artifacts that carbon date to the Younger Dryas along the former sunken port. This Cow Clan group evolved into the religion known as Hinduism and still honor their clan animal--cow. However, the Hindu religion has gone through many evolutions since the Younger Dryas. In the Younger Dryas phase, they began their first communities along the now-sunken coastline and began to migrate inland along the rivers which they needed for agriculture.

As the glacial melt progressed, more and more Cow Clan began leaving the Persian Gulf as their coastal lands and farms went underwater. By this phase, when sea levels were at -40 meters below present, Cow Clan traditions had evolved into full-scale Hinduism. Along the coast in the Persian Gulf was a major Hindu city, as well as along the coast of the Indus and Gulf of Cambay. Dwaraka, the underwater city at Khambat/Cambay Gulf, sits at -36 meters and is partially excavated underwater. The coastal villages that sprung up after the Younger Dryas had turned into elaborate cities by c. 3500 B.C.E. when coastlines were at -40 meters. Cities had expanded up each river system well into Pakistan, Afghanistan and India along the Indus-Kabul river systems. The group had more advanced agriculture than before, cotton for clothing, and metal-working. However, these early Hindus did not seem to use their metal-working for weapons, but rather household goods and artisian decorations. Their metal working included bronze, silver and gold. Many Hindu legends that have survived to modern times about sunken cities originate in this time frame. Islam does not exist in this phase. From the Younger Dryas (8000 B.C.E.) to shortly after -35 meters (approx. 3000-2500 B.C.E.) there is ONLY Hinduism in the Persian Gulf and nearly all human beings at the bottom of the Persian Gulf are Cow Clan/Hindu.
"Adam", the exile, who marks the beginning of both Judaism and Islam, apparently doesn't exist until sometime between 2500-2000 B.C.E. and the Exodus from Egypt (2nd book of the Christian Bible), doesn't occur until c. 1450 B.C.E. Adam's father most likely lived in a cow clan/Hindu village in the sunken region of the Persian Gulf. Adam's father exiled him into the Saudi Arabian desert. Eden, the city of Adam's origin, was said to be located at the intersections of the Gihon and Pishon Rivers, which is presumably a sunken region. In Islam, since the two rivers that were previously stated no longer intersected, the Muslims decided to change the location of "Eden" to be at the Tigris/Euphrates. Naturally, thousands of people have gone to the intersection of the Tigris/Euphrates and have never found "Eden", nor any archeological artifacts at that intersection. So the Gihon and Pishon Rivers (the area underwater in the Persian Gulf) would be the appropriate location of Eden. Either way, whether Eden was at the Tigris/Euphrates or Gihon/Pishon intersections, both regions were dominated by Cow Clan Matrilineal Groups. Therefore, it was a Cow Clan/Hindu village which Adam was Exiled from and not until at least a thousand years (2500 B.C.E.) after this phase of the Ice Age melt (3500 B.C.E.), making the region entirely Hindu/Cow Clan with No Adam, No Judaism, No Islam and No Christianity.
In a more famous story of a Hindu sunken city, it stated that when the Hindus left by boat from their flooding city, they passed "the seven little sister islands." (after which they settled in India) However, no one has ever been able to find those seven little sister islands to say where the sunken city was located before one of several Cow Clan/Hindu migrations to India. With the finds in the Gulf of Cambay, some have postulated that maybe the seven little sister islands were along the West India coast. After mapping the coastlines of the Persian Gulf, West Indian Ocean (no 7 little sister islands there), Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Aegean Sea in all phases of the Ice Age and melt, the only sea-region that ever had "seven little sister islands" to pass by boat was the Persian Gulf, specifically during the phase where sea levels were at -40 meters, c. 3700-3500 B.C.E.

Shortly after this city sinks, there were a bunch of invasions into the Tigris/Euphrates region and also across the mountains of southern Iran and Pakistan to the Indus. One of the invading groups coming from the Caspian Sea area was a cattle-eating group (opposite of cattle clan, who did not eat their clan animal). The cattle eating group spreads from east to the west coast and is denoted by the appearance of cattle bones in the food/trash pits of villages throughout the region. By this phase, the glaciers of Iran/Afghanistan had melted enough that it was once again crossable by land. Invading groups are denoted by changes in pottery and household goods in villages/cities along the Indus-Tigris-Euphrates in archeological digs. Previously the villages had elaborately decorated household goods-pottery, which changed to a more plain pottery with a lack of decoration. Invading groups did not destroy the Hindu groups along the Indus. But along the Tigris and Euphrates region, cow clan groups get repeatedly invaded after c. 3000-2500 B.C.E. and seem to change religions dozens of times before the rise of Judaism/Islam. Judaism doesn't rise up until after the Exodus (c. 1450 B.C.E.)/Islam doesn't rise up until the Persian Empire (450 B.C.E.).

Judaism has different ages for the beginnings of Adam. On one extreme of the scale, some Judaist groups age Adam to c. 3500 B.C.E. On that particular extreme scale, women were giving birth at age 90, well past menopause, which we know to be impossible. On the other end of the extreme, if everyone's ages were cut in half, and ages adjusted so that the oldest women giving birth were at age 45, that would place the birth of Adam c. 1800 B.C.E. Genesis, the first book of the Bible, has most of its events naming off Egyptian royalty during the 18th dynasty (1570-1320 B.C.E.). The mummies of the Egyptians who ruled when Moses led the Jews out of Egypt (Exodus) have been carbon dated to c. 1450 B.C.E. So the age/birth of Adam is more likely to have occurred sometime between 2500-2000 B.C.E.

Islam as a religion doesn't really rise up until the Persian Empire, c. 450 B.C.E. (when sea levels were approx. -15 meters below present). After that, Muslims begin crossing the mountains in Iran/Afghanistan killing the Hindus and other religious groups that were living there. In modern times, Afghanistan and Pakistan subsided to extremist Islam groups such as the Taliban. Under Taliban rule, what little Hindus remaining had to wear armbands in the 1970s-1980s in Afghanistan. The Islamist extremists had "religion police" that would publicly flog anyone who was not dressed in a manner according to Islam. Since Hindus originate from matrilineal clans, the women had completely different clothing and many were murdered by Taliban police. Taliban police follow the laws of exiled sex offender-Adam, demanding that women wear clothing to cover their bodies and faces so that no man could see them. There are many different groups that descended from exiled sex offenders as it was customary in matrilineal Cow Clan Groups to exile their sex offenders. Exiling of sex offenders from Cow Clan Matrilineal Groups began during the Glacial Maximum, as exile was the punishment for pedophiles and rapists. During the glacial maximum, it was an effective punishment as most exiled sex offenders did not survive exile. Along the North end of the Tigris/Euphrates, exiled sex offenders were exiled into the mountains of Turkey covered by glaciers, which was a death sentence. On the southern end of the Tigris-Euphrates-Persian Gulf, Cow Clan exiled their sex offenders into the Saudi Arabian desert (twice as harsh during the Ice Age) or the mountains of Iran (covered by glaciers), both of which were also death sentences. But as the Ice Age melt ensued, the melting glaciers in the mountains meant warmer conditions and exiled sex offenders began surviving. More moisture in the Saudi Arabian desert also occured as a result of the Ice Age melt, thus sex offenders could survive if they could make it to the other side of the desert. Adam, a more famous story of an exiled sex offender, survived after kidnapping his pre-puberty sister Eve. (Prior to Eve, Adam had another public sexual offense when he tried to "lay down" with a girl named Lilith, but Lilith ran away.) Adam contended that his father caught him naked with his pre-puberty sister, Eve. Adam contended that "nothing happened", however he was caught NAKED with Eve's breast. The word "apple" in the early Greek versions of the Bible, was synonymous with a woman's "breast". When the Bible was translated into Latin by the Romans, the Romans were aware of the synonymity of apple=breast. However, many priests of the Roman Catholic church who study the early translations seem to believe that Adam's father was a deity, rather than human. Based on Eve's age, such Roman Catholic priests who have studied the first story of the Bible and the word origins and the fact that Eve was pre-puberty, such Roman Catholic priests seem to think that means that they are supposed to be with children, since they believe Adam's story, and god-i-fied/dei-i-ified Adam's human father. Adam contended that the father exiled him, however, the rest of Adam's story doesn't make sense, an illogical lie. No father would tell a son to take his pre-puberty daughter to continue molesting her. Adam contends that he was exiled, but magically ends up with "seeds" that he tries to plant after fleeing. It almost sounds like the human father exiled Adam, kicking him out after catching him naked with breast/apple with his daughter. Then it sounds like Adam came back, stole some seeds, kidnapped his sister and then lied to pre-puberty Eve telling her that the father gave her to him. But we only have Adam's side of the story, not his father's. Adam's son, Cain, also seemed to be aware that Adam kidnapped Eve, because like father, like son, Cain kidnaps his sister, as he learned from his dad, Adam.

Exiled sex offenders treated their women completely different from the matrilineal clans that had exiled them. The most notable difference is clothing. In the matrilineal groups, the women wear brightly colored clothing, flowing/lightweight skirts, they wear jewelry and make-up to attract the opposite gender. But when exiled sex offenders begin surviving in the deserts-mountains, all they simply did was stake out Cow Clan villages and kidnap girls, bringing them into the desert/mountains and keeping them in shakles/cages. Women kidnapped by exiled sex offenders were forced to cover their faces by the men who kidnapped them, to hide their faces from the families looking for them. Those descended from sex offender groups considered a "wife" a woman locked in a cage, or a woman locked in a room. If the woman were to go out in public, she had to be with a man. And most importantly, a woman was forced to cover up her entire body and face so that people looking for the kidnapped victims wouldn't be able to see them and so that other sex offenders could not look at them. Many of the descendants of surving sex offender exile groups may have had different religions to begin with. Exiled sex offenders descendants saw similarities between their customs and the story of Adam-the famous exiled sex offender. Therefore, other sex offender descendant-groups eagerly adopted religions that began with the Adam story.

Since the Taliban rule in Afghanistan, Hindus have been constantly murdered by extremist Islamic groups and they now make up less than .3% of the population in Afghanistan. At one time along the Indus and Kabul rivers (the Kabul being a tributary of the Indus) Hindus used to be nearly 100% of the population, sharing the land with the religions of the Dravidian speaking groups of the Eemian melt migration. Now the regions near the mountains of the exiled sex offenders are hiding extremist-Islamic terrorist training camps and terrorist leaders such as Bin Laden. The problem to finding Bin Laden is a lack of maps of the region.

For more information on the Creation of Afghanistan maps or to look at other maps of sunken cities/sunken coastlines mapped by Mistress Izabol Click Here.

DISCLAIMER: Mistress Izabol (pen name) of Dominant Ladies™ is the first woman to map Afghanistan and
she doesn't give a damn if extremist Islamic groups (descended from sex offenders) are upset or insulted
that a woman has created some of the best maps of their countries in English.
Izabol encourages other women to attempt to de-camoflauge Afghanistan in maps.

Free speech and freedom of religion or to make statements about religion is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as set forth by American forefathers, many of which were "Deists."
(Deism: the belief that the Bible is a collection of distorted tall-tales and not to be taken literally, however, that a supreme deity exists but is most likely not represented in the Bible.)
American Forefathers that were Deists include Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, both of which had the First Amendment drafted to protect groups that wanted to disagree with the Bible or argue against its teachings.