Binghamton Press April 25, 1930

Binghamton's oldest cemetery, a little plot of 27 graves in the rear of Christ Church, Episcopal, soon will be a memory. Workman began to remove the bodies, some of which have rested there for 100 years. The remains will be transferred to Spring Forest Cemetery in Binghamton, Lee Cemetery, Kattelville and Cemetery in Rye, NY. The church graveyard in the heart of Binghamton's downtown district dates from the building of the first church in 1810.

Gen. Jacob Morris
Lieutenant Isaac Tompkins Morris
Charlotte Morris Coerr
James Rutherford Morris
Mrs. Helen Backus
Mrs. William Huse, wife of a rector of Christ Church, stone dated 1829, oldest in date.
Sarah Eldredge( as spelled)
Robert and Charlotte Eldredge(as spelled)
Henry and Robert Eldridge
Whitney Eldridge
Henry Eldridge
Elizabeth Chaffee
Mrs. Betsey Birdsall
Mary and John Birdsall
Thomas Birdsall
Helen and Charlotte Tompkins
Mary Rogers
Sarah Rogers
Sarah Evans
George Evans
Charles T. Ogden
Esther Gibbs
George Bard