Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder.
Rating: NC-17 PWP D/Annie.
Disclaimer: I don't own them and I'm making no money.Annie is mine though.

Darien was driving everyone crazy. He and Annie had booked a vacation, but at the last minute Darien had a top secret, do it now mission. Annie had decided to go anyway. She had decreed that they needed breathing space after her whole stage five experience. After the first few days of being on his own, Darien had been fine, his usual cheerful self. After a week, Darien was in full blown misery mode. Trouble was, he was making everyone else miserable with him. Bobby was called in for an emergency meeting with the Official.

"For God's sake Hobbes. Do something with your partner. He's depressing Eberts. He had a shipment of paperclips yesterday and didn't even crack a smile."

Bobby grinned. "He's missing Annie sir."

"Ahh, still not back eh?"

"Not until Friday sir."

"Well, find him something to do to take his mind off it. This place is becoming like a morgue."

Bobby gave a mock salute and went in search of said partner. Said partner was driving Claire to distraction. He followed her round the keep, asking questions and messing with her equipment. Finally, she snapped.


Darien took a step back in suprise. Claire glared at him.

"Darien. Just because Annie has gone on holiday without you, does not mean that you can bother me. Frankly, I'll be glad when she gets back, so you can get laid and we can get some peace!!"

"You think I'm miserable because I'm horny?"

Claire nodded her head almost violently. Darien turned on his heel and walked out. Claire breathed a sigh of relief. Roll on Friday.

"Bobby? Claire thinks I'm miserable because I'm horny. Do you think she's right?"

Bobby pretended to consider the question, then answered. "Yep."

"Well, thanks very much." Bobby started to laugh. Darien glared at the smaller man. "I miss her."

"I know. Never mind, I can shoot you if that makes you feel better."

Darien arrived home later than usual that evening. He hated being in their apartment alone. He thought about what his friends had said and he knew they were right. He was horny. He and Annie hadn't had sex since her miscarriage, not that he minded, he understood she needed time to recover. He opened the door and was pulled inside by the front of his shirt. One small, very passionate person attached herself to him. Darien dropped his keys and his beer in an attempt to steady himself. He slammed against the opposite wall as he was propelled backwards. His shirt was ripped off him and small hands roamed about his chest. Darien felt himself being pulled down onto the floor. His wits returned. Annie was back. Early. He took charge of the situation.

Annie's dress was torn from her body. Darien's body strained against hers as they pawed at each other. He rained kisses on her face, then nipped at her neck, round her jaw, settling finally at her mouth. Annie pushed at Darien making him flip over. She tugged at his pants, removing them easily taking the boxers with them. She licked and sucked his cock making him shout her name. Quicksilver coated both of them as over they rolled. A rip was heard as Annie's panties went the same way as her dress. Darien paused, then took her right there by the front door. Annie moaned in ecstacy. It had been to long without his touch. Gasps and groans filled the room, getting louder by the second.

"Darien, yes, like that, oh that's so good. More, God, more."

"You feel so good, so tight for me, so hot."

Groans turned to all out screams as both their climaxes built. Darien and Annie shimmered in and out of view as Darien lost total control of the gland.

"YES!!! OH, God, I missed you, I love you."

"Annie, Annie, never leave me again."

"Never, OH GOD!!! DARIEN!!!!" 

Her scream echoed around the apartment, closely followed by Darien yelling out his undying love. Then silence. There was a tap on the door.

"Is everything alright in there?" an elderly voice came through the heavy breathing. The quicksilver flaked off showing a mass of limbs and two red faces.

"Yes Mrs Hersh, umm, Darien stubbed his toe."

"Tell him to put ice on it."

"Okay then. Thanks!"

They looked at each other and broke out into giggles. Annie kissed Darien's chin.

"Wow, she probably thought you were murdering me."

"You were screaming honey."

"What about you? Yell boy."

Darien sniggered. He moved off Annie and sat up. He surveyed the damage. Ripped clothes, dented beer, who knew where his keys went. He smiled. Annie was home.

The End.

    Source: geocities.com/mardel33