A Happy Event.
Rating:PG13 for language
Disclaimer:I don't own them yadda yadda.As I've said before, Annie is mine.

Claire looked in the mirror. She turned sideways and grimaced. She only had one more week to go thank god. Her ankles were swollen, she was tired and if Bobby called her "cuddly" once more she'd kill him.

"How's my cuddly Claire?"

"Bobby, take this hairbrush and shove it....."

"Something wrong baby?"

Claire glared at him. He was so obtuse sometimes she could scream.

" Not unless you count being the size of a small house as something wrong."

"You look beautiful."

"Bobby, people are committing suicide by jumping off my stomach."

Bobby laughed and patted her bottom. Claire sighed again, She hadn't told Bobby that she had had twinges all night, he would insist on rushing her to the ER or something equally hideous. She gingerly made her way down the stairs trying not to trip over Pavlov.

Darien was waiting for her in his usual chair. He got up when he saw her and motioned for Claire to sit down. Claire smiled at Darien and gratefully accepted the seat.

"Wow, Claire you get bigger every day."

Claire's smile snapped off. "Thank you." Darien grinned and brought out a box from his pocket. Claire looked curious.

"What's that? Something for the baby?"

"No. I think junior there has more than enough. It's mine and Annie's first wedding anniversary in a couple of days and I need a chick's opinion."

"Let's see then."

Darien flipped the box open to reveal a diamond and sapphire engagement ring. It was in white gold and the setting was antique. Claire gasped.

"Darien, it's beautiful. Annie will love it."

"You think? I spent ages trying to find a sapphire that matched her eyes."

Claire scanned the ring again. Darien was right, the sapphire was the exact shade of blue that Annie's eyes were. She blinked back tears, he was so thoughtful. Darien saw the tears and seemed horrified.

"Claire? What's wrong? Is it the baby?"

"No, no. It's just me being silly, the hormones and all that."

Claire winced as she got another twinge. Darien gave her a concerned look but knew better than to say anything.

Two days later, Darien strolled into work three hours late. He had a big smile on his face and he looked like he had been dragged through a hedge backwards. Bobby smirked when he saw him.

"So, Annie liked her present eh?"

Darien flashed him a goofy grin and nodded. He showed Bobby his new watch that Annie had given him. Bobby gave a low whistle and admired the time piece.

"Happy anniversary my friend."

In the keep, Claire was timing her contractions. Four minutes apart now. The door hissed open and Darien bounced into the room.

" Hey, Claire? Want to see what my adoring wife got me?"

Claire opened her mouth to reply, but instead she froze on the spot as she felt a rush between her legs.

" Umm, Darien? I think my water just broke."

Darien started to laugh. " Good one Keepy, now, back to my present, it's really....."

"I'm not kidding you Moron. Oh, God."

Claire clutched her tummy and started to walk up and down. Darien jumped to her side, doing his best "deer in the headlights" impression.

"What do you need? Ummm, hot water, towels?"

"Oh for God's sake, I'm not a cow Darien. Get me to Bobby NOW!!"

Claire squeezed his arm to emphasize her point. Darien yelped with pain and helped her out of the keep. They got two feet outside when Claire felt the urge to push. Darien hauled her into Lab 2 and helped her lie down. Eberts had seen them enter the lab and had come to be nosey. His face paled when he saw the scene. 

"Oh dear. Doctor, I believe we are not covered for this on our insurance."

Claire panted, then spat her reply.


Darien and Eberts shared a concerned look. Darien turned to him.

"Eberts, stay here I'm going to get Bobby." 

He gave Eberts no time to answer as he raced through the halls to find Bobby. Bobby was outside talking to Annie. She was flashing her engagement ring in the light and saying how much she loved it. Sometimes Annie cracked Bobby up, it was so much fun watching her wind up Eberts and the Official. Darien flew through the doors knocking Bobby over.

"Bobby!! Quick, Claire's in labour. Hi Titch."

Annie's eyes went wide at Darien's announcement. She pulled Bobby to his feet and brushed him down. Both Darien and Annie dragged Bobby inside as he seemed to have gone into shock. As they approached the lab Claire could clearly be heard telling Eberts exactly what she thought of the agency, the Official and her lack of equipment. Claire glared at all three people as they came into the room.

"Great. More spectators. Bobby Hobbes, don't ever come near me again. OOO God that hurts."

Annie went to her side and tried to calm Claire down. Bobby flipped his phone open and dialed the hospital, he was told that the emergency midwife was on her way and to keep Claire as comfortable as possible. Claire was trying to get her skirt and panties off so she could push properly, Eberts made his excuses and fled the room, Darien suddenly was very interested in his nails, Annie smoothed Claire's hair from her forehead and Bobby tried to take charge.

"Okay. Claire what do you want to do?"


"Fine. Push. Annie? Help her will you?"

Annie grinned and went back to talking quietly to Claire. Darien shuffled nearer the door examining the frame for dust.

"Oh, I so wanted drugs." said Claire softly.

 Annie tried not to laugh at that remark and busied herself in arranging Claire's pillows. Bobby looked at his wife.

"Are you sure this is it? I mean, the baby's not due for another week."

"Bobby, let me assure you that this is real, now stop asking stupid questions and get over her and help me." Annie answered for Claire as she had had another contraction. Bobby went round the bed and held Claire's hand as Annie moved lower down the bed.

"Claire? I need a hint here honey. What do I do?"

"How do I know? OH GOD!"

Claire pushed hard and squeezed Bobby's hand until it went blue. The midwife entered the room at that point with Eberts hovering behind her.

"Okay everyone, anybody who is not the husband leave now."

Darien and Eberts collided with their eagerness to leave the room, Annie winked at Bobby and skipped out. Bobby was shaking and blowing on his crushed hand. The midwife chuckled and turned to Claire.

"Right honey, when you feel the urge, push."

Claire nodded, she was calm now the professionals were here.

The other three waited outside the room hearing Claire wail and curse Bobby's name. Annie was grinning ear to ear. The Official came round the corner to find the group.

"How's she doing?"

"Well, from what we hear Bobby is never going to have sex with Claire again."

Annie twinkled at the Official who started laughing. He shook his head, and patted Annie on the arm.

"Excellent, excellent. Inform me when it's over. Come Eberts."

Eberts looked like he was about to protest, but trotted after his boss anyway. Darien leaned against the wall. Claire? A mother? What about Bobby being a father? It was just too weird. He thought back over the year and the various events. Annie studied her husband, she to was thinking about the past year. The only constant thing in her life had been Darien and her two friends. Just then a shout of "Alright Claire!" echoed around the hall, followed by the sound of a crying baby.

Bobby burst out of the room. "It's a girl!!" then he shot back in again. Darien started to laugh, Annie peeped through the doors to see Claire holding a tiny bundle with Bobby coochee cooing the baby. Claire saw her and beckoned her in.

"Annie, meet Nicole Emma Hobbes."

Annie saw a tiny hand waving out of the blanket. She clasped the hand and shook it gently.

"Nice to meet you shortstuff."

Darien was right behind her and joined Bobby in gazing at the little girl. The mood was broken by the midwife.

"People? I hate to break this up but Mom here needs some attention so SCRAM!"

Claire's voice called after Annie. " See? It's easy, your turn next."

Darien stopped Annie as they got outside.

"Something you need to tell me?"

Annie shook her head. Darien looked disappointed, then cheered up as they heard Bobby being bossed around by the midwife. Annie considered his question. Maybe it was the right time to consider a baby. She smiled. Well, it was something she could think about.

The End.


    Source: geocities.com/mardel33