I'll Be Seeing You.
Disclaimer: I don't own the people here, only Annie.

Darien was browsing through some interesting looking clothes while he waited for Annie to finish having her hair done. Luckily for him, a flea market was opposite the salon, so he always offered to pick her up. He had found a multicoloured shirt that looked like a rainbow, it was his size and he was just toying with the idea of buying it when he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Still dressing in the dark?"

Darien turned round slowly to see Casey, his ex girlfriend standing there.

"Casey? My god, how are you?"

"Good. I've just moved back here, I got a wonderful new job."

"Well, that's great."

They stood in silence for a bit until Casey spoke again.

"So. Anything new?"

"Well, uh, the gland is still here, Hobbes is still insane and I'm married."

"Married?" Casey's eyes went wide. "Wow, for how long?"

"Just over two years.."

Just then Annie bounced across to the couple. She had spotted Darien from the window as she had been paying for her hair. As she neared, she saw a strange woman talking to Darien. She was tall, elegantly blonde and looked intelligent. Annie immediately felt scruffy in her blue sundress, very short and she wished her hair wasn't so curly.

"Hey Stretch, ready to go?"

Darien slipped his arm around Annie's shoulder. Casey observed the tiny woman. Annie shifted, feeling like a bug on a slide. There was an awkward silence before Annie spoke directly to Casey.

"Hi, I'm Annie Fawkes and you are?"

"Casey O'Clare." 

Casey waited for the look of recognition in the other womans eyes. There was none, Casey realised that Darien hadn't shared their relationship with his wife, or if he had she was doing a good job of hiding it. Annie gave a bright smile.

"Nice to meet you, are you an old friend of Darien's?"

"I suppose you could say that, actually, we were pretty seriously involved until I found out what he really did for a living."

"Ahh, You didn't like the thief thing then."

Casey raised an eyebrow," Actually, the life sentence kind of dampened things."

Annie smiled thinly, "No staying power eh? Personally, I think those charges were so thin considering it was obvious Darien was giving CPR. If you loved him, you would have stuck by him. Kind of cold dumping him in his hour of need."

Darien quickly picked up the shirt he had been looking at. He needed to distract Annie and Casey from the impending fight.

"What do you think? Is it me?"

Annie let herself be distracted. She had no more interest in talking to Casey, especially now she knew who she was.

"Very colourful, you can wear it when you're next at sea and the coastguards need to find you."

Darien grinned and paid for the shirt just to annoy her. Annie turned back to Casey.

"Well, it was lovely meeting you, ummm, sorry I've forgotten your name, if you're ever passing our apartment feel free to drop in, just call first."

Casey opened her mouth to reply, but Darien interrupted.

"Okay, we have to go, great seeing you again and good luck with the job."

He took Annie by the hand and dragged her away. Annie had to run to keep up with him. Darien bundled her into the car and got in the other side. Annie gave him a sidelong glance.

"Wow, what an icicle, I bet you could freeze ice on her ass."

Darien started the car. "You could have been nicer, she was being friendly."

"Really? How could you tell? No wonder you decided to marry me." Annie made herself comfortable. Darien smiled inwardly.

"Did you mean it about standing by your man?"

"Of course, It's called love." 

Annie gave Darien a dazzling smile, which was returned. Annie looked out the window.

"Of course, if you don't mention about my hair soon I may have to kill you and don't ever wear that shirt in public."

Darien couldn't hold back his grin, he felt relieved that Annie was taking the situation so well. She was right too, he was glad he married her and not Casey, Casey would never have put up with the shit that Annie had suffered. He pulled up to their apartment and parked the car. Annie was messing with her hair trying to straighten it. He frowned.

"Don't do that, I like it the way it is."


"Yep, it suits you wild and untamed." Darien looked closer. " Did you lighten it?"

Annie gave him an impressed glance. "Yes, just a little, I fancied a change. Like it?"

Darien nodded. "Oh yeah, let's go upstairs and I'll show you how much."

Annie rolled her eyes. "For goodness sake Darien, don't you ever get tired?"

"No." said Darien lustily. He reached out and gave a curl a tug. Annie slapped his hand away and waggled her finger at him. She made a swift exit from the car and ran to the entrance of the building with Darien in hot pursuit.

Monday morning arrived. Darien was wearing his new shirt much to Annie's and everyone elses disgust. Bobby had put his shades on to stop the glare, a fact that Darien found highly amusing.

"Alright everyone." the Official began, " We have finally found our opening into the Bryant company."

"You mean Chrysalis don't you chief?" Bobby moved further away from Darien's shirt.

"Our opening," said the Official ignoring Bobby," Is Casey O'Clare. She is involved on their research side and has just joined the company. Now, I don't have to remind everyone who she is do I?"

Everyone shook their heads. The Official looked at Darien.

"I need you to contact her and persuade the good doctor to help us."

Darien shifted in his seat. "Actually, I've already bumped into her."

Bobby smirked and looked at Annie who was very calm. She was doodling on her notepad. 

"Did Annie meet her?" He couldn't wait to hear the answer. Annie looked up.

"Let me think. Blonde, icy, nose so high in the air it's snowing on her brain?" Annie pursed her lips. "Yes, I met her and she has met me."

Bobby gave a snort of laughter, he would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for that meeting. He had only met Casey briefly, but he was inclined to agree with Annie's assessment of the other woman. Bobby still couldn't get his head round Fawkes wanting to be with Casey, in his opinion Darien needed someone who kept him on his toes, which was why Annie was so right for the job.

In Stark's office, Casey was staring out of the window. She hated herself for what she was about to do, but fifty thousand dollars and a research facility were two things she wasn't about to give up. Casey thought about Darien. He hadn't changed, still dressed badly, still had that hair. She wondered how his wife put up with all the gland business. Casey had tried to make it work with Darien, but she found the whole thing too weird, especially after the first invisible sex session. She had left soon after, claiming job pressure but she knew that Darien had known the real reason. The door opened and Jarod Stark walked in.

"Good morning doctor. Did you manage to make contact?"

Casey nodded. "I didn't realise he was married now."

Stark gave a thin smile. "The lovely Annie, I assume you met her? Just do what I ask and you'll be set for life. Any questions?"

Casey shook her head. Stark studied the woman in front of him. It was true, everyone had their price, even upright citizens like Casey O'Clare. He hoped she would be able to carry out the plan and the ultimate destruction of Darien Fawkes.

                  Chapter Two.

Casey stood outside the Agency building. She chewed her lip, considering again what she was about to do. Did Darien deserve what he was about to get? She didn't know the ins and outs, but she was sure it would end badly. The thought of the research grant and all that money flashed into her head. She made her decision, this would be one afternoon, then she would never have to think about Darien again, just enjoy herself and do her work. Casey took a deep breath and went inside.

She encountered Darien and Bobby before she was halfway down the first corridor. Darien gave a look of suprise when he saw Casey coming towards him.

"Casey? What brings you by?"

"Well, I thought you might like some lunch, remember that place we used to eat at?"

Darien nodded his head and smiled. Bobby raised an eyebrow and gave a pointed look at his friend. Darien ignored the look and moved next to Casey.

"Bobby? Want to join us?"

Bobby shook his head. "Nah, I promised Claire I'd take her and Nicole to lunch. She's still disappointed that she's not pregnant. Want me to tell Annie partner?"

Darien considered the question. Why upset Annie? She would only go off the deep end, what she didn't know wouldn't harm her. He faced Bobby.

"Umm, no Bobby, I'll catch her later. Lets go Case."

Casey smiled at his old nickname for her, she looped her arm through his and grinned up at Darien. They walked off towards the exit. Bobby watched them go, he sensed trouble brewing especially if Annie found out about lunch. Bobby frowned at his partner's attitude. In his opinion, Darien was making a huge mistake.

Casey sat at the table howling with laughter. They had been sharing memories all through lunch and she had enjoyed herself. Darien stopped laughing long enough to pay the bill and find his jacket. They stood up together and made their way outside. Casey turned to Darien.

"Look, as you're here, I wondered if you'd like to check out my lab. It's just around the corner. The Bryant Company, have you heard of it?"

Darien silently thanked Casey for the opening he had been looking for all through lunch.

 "Sure, lead the way."

Annie was sitting at her desk looking angrily at her sandwich. She had tried to track Darien down but had no success. Bobby had been less than helpful when she had asked him. Something was up, that had been two hours ago. Bobby and family were back from lunch but there was no sign of Darien. If she wasn't so angry she'd be worried. Annie stood up, brooding was not helping her, she was going to pay Bobby a visit and pry the information out of him if necessary.

"Bobby? Where did Darien go?" Annie burst into his office without bothering to knock.

"Go? I'm not his keeper sweetheart, ask Claire."

"Stop it Bobby. You know where Darien is twenty four seven, tell me now, or I swear I'll tell Claire about you breaking her mother's vase and blaming Pavlov."

Bobby went pale. Claire had put Pavlov outside all night for that crime, god knows what she'd do to him. He held his hands up.

"Okay, okay, he went to lunch with a friend."

"What friend?"

"Ummm, look, Annie I told him to tell you."

"Casey O'Clare, he's gone with her right?"

Bobby frowned and avoided her gaze. Annie took a deep breath and fought not to smash her fist through the wall. She looked at the clock.

"That was two hours ago. How long does it take to eat lunch? Unless..."

Annie trailed off not wanting to think about the possibility of Darien cheating on her. Bobby caught her train of thought and held her by the shoulders.

"Forget it Annie. Darien would never cheat on you. He'd be too scared for one thing, besides he loves you too much. He's stupid but not that stupid."

"So why didn't he tell me? I wouldn't have minded, they have history together. The one thing I can't stand is being lied to."

Bobby regarded her silently. She looked hurt and very upset, he cursed Fawkes mentally. She did have a point, how long did it take to eat lunch? 

"He'll be back soon halfpint. Go easy on him okay?"

"No." Annie looked grim and stalked out of Bobby's office. Bobby sighed and reached for his cell phone, better warn Fawkes what he was coming back to.

Darien came round and winced. His head felt woolly and he couldn't focus properly. He heard a familiar voice speaking in the room.

"Hi Bobby, Darien's in the shower, can I take a message? " A little laugh then, "Just catching up on old times, I'll tell him you called."

Casey turned the phone off and faced her patient. Darien was half awake and strapped into a chair. She moved in closer and blew on his neck.

"Darien? Are you awake sweetie?"

Darien mumbled something and his head dropped back. Casey picked up her phone.

"It's done, he's ready for anything you want to do."

She listened for a few seconds then hung up. She looked at Darien again, he looked so sweet and helpless. Casey moved nearer and kissed him full on the lips. Darien moaned and kissed her back, she sat in his lap and ran her fingers through his hair. Darien moved his mouth, kissing her neck and nipping at her lightly. 

"Annie, baby you taste good." Darien whispered, he was half asleep and very mellow with the drugs he had been given. He tried to move his arms so he could caress her better but they wouldn't obey his brain commands. Casey stiffened and moved off him. She slapped his face and turned away.

"Annie? Why you mad?" Darien mumbled, "C'mere, wanna feel you."

Casey ignored him and busied herself in arranging instruments. Darien continued to mumble then fell asleep. Stark marched into the room and when he saw Fawkes asleep and at his mercy a cruel smile came across his face.

"Excellent doctor. Now, about your payoff."

Casey turned round. "Cash is good for me..." She froze as she saw a gun in Stark's hand. She took a step back. Stark smiled even wider.

"I'm sorry Miss O'Clare, but you are a loose end I don't need. I can't risk you telling anybody about this."

Casey stepped back even further, shaking her head and holding her hands up in front of her. Stark pointed the gun and fired. Casey flew back and landed just in front of Darien, her blood splattering across his multicoloured shirt.

                   Chapter Three. 

Bobby stared at his phone in disbelief. Casey was lying, she had to be. Fawkes would never, ever, not in a million years. His paranoia kicked in as his brain thought out possible scenarios. The most likely being Darien was in trouble. Bobby swore and walked off towards the exit. Annie ducked out of the shadows and followed him. Bobby got to Golda and opened the passenger door.

"Get in Squirt."

Annie grinned and hopped aboard. Bobby gave her a mock glare and started Golda up. They travelled in silence for most of the way, both of them lost in their own thoughts.

Stark watched as his doctor inserted a tiny camera into the back of Darien's neck. Darien had woken up a bit more by now and was letting out groans and whimpers. Stark looked at the monitor as the surgeon began mapping the gland. Every so often Darien went invisible and everyone was interested to see how the gland changed. Unfortunately, quicksilver flooded the camera and blocked the lens, so it had to be withdrawn and cleaned several times.

"Cheer up Fawkes, you are helping more than you know. Soon, we will have the whole area mapped and we can begin creating our own glands. Of course, you'll be dead, but that's a small price to pay."

Stark smirked and looked out the window. It was a pain that they couldn't just remove the gland, but he had been assured that it would degrade down very quickly once it left Fawkes brain, so mapping was the only answer. Stark suspected that this was an excuse as he sensed none of the doctors wanted to take Fawkes' life. He eyed the drill that was going to take a sample of the chemical properties and almost felt sorry for Darien. Almost.

A familiar van pulled up across the street. Stark swore when he saw Hobbes get out. That man had an annoying habit of arriving at the nick of time. Stark turned to the doctors.

"Do we have enough gentlemen?"

The doctor nodded, "For the mapping yes."

Stark made a decision. "Lets go. The chemical info can wait. You are a lucky man Darien. I'll be seeing you."

Darien groaned, the doctor finished stitching the small area on the back of his neck and stepped away. Stark eyed the dead woman on the floor, Hobbes could clean that up, he had places to be.

Bobby thundered into the reception area, the receptionist looked up.

"Can I help you?"

"Casey O'Clare's office, where is it?"

"I'm sorry sir I can't..."

Annie appeared from behind Bobby, she got right in the other woman's face. " You've got one second before I break your face."

Bobby reached for his badge. "Federal agent. Tell me right now or I'll arrest you for something."

"Third floor. Room 207."

Annie was already at the elevator. Bobby dragged her to the stairs and they ran all the way up. Bursting into the room, they saw Casey on the ground and Darien moaning softly in the chair. Annie flashed to his side stroking his hair and speaking quietly to him. Bobby checked out Casey. She was going cold and her eyes were wide and staring. A huge hole gaped in her chest, Bobby sighed and covered her with his jacket. Annie was trying to untie Darien and Bobby helped her. When it was done, Darien was vaguely aware of being cradled in someones arms. Bobby got on his phone and called in requesting back up and a clean up crew.

Darien awoke two days later with a hangover the size of King Kong. His neck felt stiff and his tongue had enough fur on it to carpet his apartment. Annie was curled up in a chair next to his bed, she was wearing the same clothes that he remembered from a couple of days ago. Bobby was lurking in the opposite corner of the room as if standing guard on his two friends. Darien tried to sit up, Bobby was at his side instantly.

"Hey, partner. Feeling better?"

"Better than what?" Darien attempted a smile, Bobby looked at Annie.

"You're in big trouble pal, she found out about your lunch date."

"Hobbes, I can't believe you ratted me out. How mad is she? Will Casey survive her wrath?"

Bobby frowned and rubbed his head. "Stark got her my friend, I'm sorry, the funeral's in a couple of days." Bobby squeezed Darien's shoulder in sympathy. There was a noise as Annie got out of her seat and stood up. Her hand flashed across Darien's cheek.

"That's for going out with your ex girlfriend and not telling me and this is because I love you."

Annie bent over and kissed Darien passionately on the lips. Bobby stood awkwardly for a second before chuckling and leaving the room. The couple finally parted for breath. Annie stroked Darien's hair.

"I'm sorry about Casey, really I am."

"Yeah, me too. Well, another one bites the dust. Who does that leave?"

Annie bit her lip. "Do you want to go to the funeral? I don't mind if you do."

Darien nodded. "Yeah, you'll come with me right?" He grasped her hand tightly. Annie smiled and squeezed it back.

"Sure Stretch, whatever you want. Just clean your teeth there's a good boy."

Darien grinned, he settled back down and let Annie fuss with his pillows. He felt his cheek, it was hot and stinging, a reminder of what a good thing he had with Annie. He felt the stitches at the back of his neck, a reminder that he had a debt to settle with Stark.

The End.

    Source: geocities.com/mardel33