Making the Adjustment and Some Helpful Links

To change to a healthier way of life does tend to be fairly disruptive, especially as most doctors are unwilling to believe that they have been wrong. The low carbohydrate way of life is as different in its way as macrobiotics or vegetarianism.


Dedication to your new lifestyle is important. It not only means weight loss for many of us, but a means to return to health. Many are adversely affected by carbohydrates such as diabetics, epileptics, people with various connective tissue disorders and those with an actual physical addiction to carbohydrates. There are a number of different types of low carbohydrate lifestyles, ranging in style from Atkins to Neanderthin to Protein Power. I personally prefer Atkins, but you are free to make your own choice.


Dedication means that you do everything you can to make sure that you stay on track. This can be very simple if you live alone or with another low carber. All you need to do is remove anything not on your diet from your house, and make sure that you have low carbohydrate snacks for work or school. If you are married and your family don’t low carb, simply menu plan that they have their meal, and you have enough to satisfy yourself. This would be changing the traditional meat, 2 veggies and starch meal by only making enough of the potatoes, pasta or rice for the others and choosing lower carb vegetables. Many people live hectic lives now, and use this as an excuse for not eating correctly-both low fat and low carbers alike. To prevent this from letting you eat in a healthy manner, take advantage of the new vacuum meal sealers, and freezer containers and spend one or two days a month cooking and portioning out meals and entrees for the freezer. Lunch becomes a lot healthier if all you need to do in the morning is pull out your own frozen meal. If you have no access to a microwave at lunch, then find a meal that will please you that needs no reheating such as cheese, pepperoni and a salad.

On the internet are a number of websites, and email lists that are a great source of information and support.