In my other site, which featured the best (in my opinion!) WWW usages of the Lake Applet at December 31st 1999, I displayed an image of a peacock,  here and here. Since then, I have seen a great many peacock images but have applied the applet to none of them. So very often, the bird's colours are so brilliant that the image looks artificial. Images of certain of the parrots, lories in particular, can look similarly contrived even though the colours are, in fact, quite natural. Anyway here is a very fine image of a peacock that does the bird justice and also does look perfectly natural.

The image is the copyrighted work of Austrian photographer Erich Mangl. Erich has his own website available here with a great many images. And through that site you can link to extensive archives of his images on PBase, Shuttercity, and Webshots. Erich's fine original peacock image can be seen in his 'Birds' Pbase archive or by clicking here. It graces this page with Erich's kind permission.

I particularly enjoyed Erich's amazing archive of church interiors, mainly taken in Vienna, Austria, I understand. Drop by and see for yourself.

And here are samples of Erich's fine animations, available through this page ~ these of Erich's daughter Dascha. Not another of Dad's pictures! Oh dear!


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