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Greek Mythical Names

Greek Female Statue

Amazons - Greek

Alkippe - 1
Antiope - 2
Dioxippa - 1
Eurypyle - 1
Hippodameia - 1
Hippolyte/Hippolyta - 2
Hippothoe - 1
Kleito - 1
Leukippe - 1
Melanippe - 1
Menalippe - 1
Oreithyia - 1
Otrere - Mother of Penthesilea - 2
Penthesilea - - Killed by Achilles - 2
Zarine - 1

Amazons - Libyan

Bedja - 1
Medusa - 1
Myrine - 1


Most centaurs are the children of: Centaurus, son of Apollo, and Stilbe -or- Ixion, a Thessalonian king who ruled the Lapiths, cheated his father-in-law out of his daughter's brideprice, and then tried to seduce Hera. Zeus then created a cloud in the shape of Hera to see if Ixion was honorable. Instead, Ixion and the cloud, named Nephele, created the centaurs. - or- Centaurus, son of Apollo, and mares from Mount Pelion in Thessaly. Chiron has a different parentage and a different nature.

Female Centaurs

Female centaurs tend to marry humans, rather than male centaurs. The Greeks do not seem to have been as quick to see women as centaurs although pictures of female centaurs do sometimes appear in pottery and mosaics. I am treating the immediate family of Chiron as centaurs.

Endeis - Daughter of Chiron. She married Aeacus, a human, and is the mother of Peleus and the grandmother of Achilles. - 2
Hippe - Daughter of Chiron. The name means "mare". - 2
Melanippe - Daughter of Hippe and Aeacus and granddaughter of Chiron. - 2

Male Centaurs

Chiron - He was the wise son of Kronos and Philyra. - 2
Elatus - When he was wounded in battle he took refuge with Chiron - 2
Eurytion - He tried to capture the bride at a wedding and was killed by Herakles - 2
Hylaeus - Killed by Herakles. - 3
Latreus - Killed by Caeneus in battle against the Lapiths. - 2
Nessus - He tried to take Deianira and was killed by Herakles - 2
Oreus - Killed by Herakles - 3
Pholus - He was a friend of Herakles. He sometimes is listed as the son of Silenus and an ash nymph. - 2,3
Rhaecus - 3


Naiads are nymphs of lakes, rivers, etc.

Aegina - Daughter of the River Asopus - 2
Alexirrhoe - Daughter of the River Granicus, loved by Priam - 2
Anchinoe - A river nymph - 2
Batia - 2
Chariclo - Naiad wife of Chiron - 2
Corcyra - Daughter of the River god Asopus - 2
Hesperia - Daughter of the River Cebren, loved by Aesacus - 2
Praxithea - 2
Zeuxippe - 2


1 - Unknown.

2 - Who's Who in Classical Mythology, Michael Grant and John Hazel, New York: Routledge, 1973, 2002.

3 - Greek Myths, Robert Graves, New York: Penguin Books, 1984.

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Updated January 2007