A Word About Feedback...

Being a fan fiction author is often times a thankless hobby, one in which many tend to take you and your work for granted. Reading a random fantasy on the internet isn't like going to see a movie or picking up the latest paperback novel in the grocery store line - you're not paying for the pleasure of viewing/reading these works. However, we strongly encourage you to repay the authors for their time and efforts invested in spinning a tale for your entertainment. How can you do that? By sending feedback. We're not talking about those meaningless one liner emails either, the good job, ur such a cool writer, keep it up ones. No, we're talking about god's honest feedback: constructive criticism. Don't be afraid to offer your opinions and critiques, just excercise tact and decency in your comments. No author can improve without some criticism of their work; no author will continue unless you deliver your words kindly.

Site Contact Information

You can reach Jessi at crunkgrl62382@yahoo.com. Please contact her regarding story hosting, technical difficulties, or questions about MANIA.

You can reach co-webmistress Carrie Ann at ROKSGRL20@aol.com.

Contact the Authors

Kim Ann: howiehootchie@hotmail.com, howiehootchie@yahoo.com

Mackenzie Ross: mackenzieross69@hotmail.com

Dani Dorroh: danidorroh@hotmail.com

Mary ("I Don't Care Who You Are"): Nicklovah00@aol.com

Rach: rach@ilovekevin.co.uk

Lisa: lisa@beeb.net

MaryB: bubenzer@multiverse.com

Emma: toolate57@hotmail.com

Ivy: Crimson_Ivy@webtv.net

Johanna: joaniejet@collegeclub.com

Cheryl: cnda67@yahoo.com

Jesse: mafioso@thespark.net

Dawn: dan@elgin.net

Kimberlyn: devilzangels8@hotmail.com

Stacey: VMPR20042@aol.com

Angel: dramaqueen17@yahoo.com

Andie: Karalyeva2@aol.com

Amy: princess_173_2000@yahoo.com

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