September 3, 2003

Cat People

Cat People - 100% rub material


Directed by: Paul Schrader
Starring: Nastassja Kinky-I mean Kinski, Malcolm McDowell, John Heard, and Annette O'Toole

J-Rock's Review:
Boobies! Boobies! Boobies! (and bush!)

This movie was ponderously slow and very boring, but it had lots of
Parus caeruleus, also known as the blue titParus caeruleus, also known as the blue tit, not to mention some Not the President.

When I was 14 this was the kind of movie I'd tape off Cinemax and watch again and again and again and again until the tape (or my arm) wore out.

As for the story, Nastassja Kinski and Malcolm McDowell are a brother and sister who turn into panthers after they have sex, because their ancestors sacrificed women to the felines, and the two races somehow interbred. There's even one creepy scene where McDowell tries to convince his sister to have sex with him, because that's the only way they can do it without changing into murderous panthers. Oh yeah, there are a few killings in the movie, including a hilarious scene where the McDowell-panther rips a zookeeper's arm off at the shoulder.

Wait there's more! Not only do you see Nastassja's
and in this movie, but you can also see Annette O'Toole's
- that's right, Clark Kent's mom on Smallville shows off her nice
in this flick. That alone is worth the price of admission.

Other than the Sula dactylatra - boobies and
Nothing like European bush Cat People is pretty pointless

IMDB link: Cat People
