July 2, 2000



Starring: Steven Young as Steven Lessey, Sharon Masters as Elizabeth Lessey, and some other stupid people

J-Rock's Review:
of 5 skulls

Ok, this movie is about a horror writer who starts seeing visions of bloody, violent death scenes like the ones in his movies, and then his life falls apart - his daughter gets hanged accidentally by her brothers after seeing it in one of his movies, his neglected wife develops a coke habit, his publisher demands a new book, and on and on. Oh yeah, he shoots himself at the end. (Yay!)

The bad part is that this schlock claims to be a horror flick, but then tries to be a drama. It's not about the bloody death scenes, but about this man's life falling to pieces. So basically, it's boring and overwrought.

As for those death scenes, there is one really sick one where two little kids light their grandmother on fire, and another gross one where a woman in labor and her unborn child both die, and a really dumb one where a mechanic puts his head into the blades of a crop-reaper, and the reaper is started by a goat (???). That's about it, though. Outside of them, there's not much worth watching.

The other thing I hate about this movie: it takes place in Toronto, which, as you may know, is in CANADA!! You even see that stupid CN Tower a couple times! What makes it even worse is that the actors are Americans playing Canadians! Why would they stoop so low as to degrade their own country to pretend to be hosers? I mean, they don't even make an attempt to say "aboot" or "agayn" or even end one sentence with an "eh"!! Heck, I didn't see one person in a Maple Leafs jersey or a Bret Hart t-shirt in the entire movie! What a joke!

To sum up: this movie bites.

For more information from the IMDB: Deadline
For more information from Unknown Movies: Deadline
