Shaun of the Dead

October 16, 2004

Shaun of the Dead

I love English humor, it's so dead-pan - get it?  DEAD-pan??


Co-written & directed by Edgar Wright

Starring: Simon Pegg (also co-writer) as Shaun, Kate Ashfield as Liz, Nick Frost as Ed, Lucy Davis as Dianne, Dylan Moran as David, plus a cast of THOUSANDS!!! as the living dead.

J-Rock's Review: I haven't laughed so hard at dismembered corpses since I took a machete and...well, never mind...

Plain and simple, Shaun of the Dead is the funniest zombie massacre movie ever.

It's very clever and fast-paced...and the characters are really well done, too (not well done as in "cooked until well done" - I mean well written/acted). Instead of the usual cardboard cutouts you'd expect to see in a zombie flick, you actually give a shit about these people as they struggle to survive a bunch of violent, cannibalistic Brits (sort of like you'd see at a soccer game).

Our main character is Shaun (ob-fucking-viously), a 27-year-old TV and appliance salesman whose girlfriend breaks up with him because his idea of a romantic night out consists of drinking at the local pub, the Winchester, with his disgusting friend/roommate/mooch Ed.

Shaun is so bored by his mind-numbing daily routine, as well as upset over the breakup with Liz (who's pretty hot for an English broad), that he doesn't even notice that there are suddenly lots of dead people walking around on his street. He and Ed try to hole up in their house, but Shaun wants to head out to rescue his mom and Liz.

So they put together a plan - oh yeah, part of the plan is to kill Shaun's stepfather, who they think has already become a zombie - but they pick up Shaun's mom and stepfather, then they grab Liz, her roommate, and her roommate's annoying boyfriend.

The whole jolly crew then flees in a Jag, and then on foot, looking for a safe place to hide and wait for this zombie mess to blow over. Shaun has the great idea of going to the Winchester - they manage to get there and get in, but their sanctuary doesn't last long, since the zombies are just fucking wall-to-wall outside.

I don't want to ruin the ending for you, but stuff happens, people die, zombies get shot, bars are set on fire, and the day is saved (eventually).

Definitely go see this flick - I laughed my ass off. In fact, I think I left it in the theater.

Boob factor - none. Not even zombie boobs. If you're into that type of thing. Gross.

Oh - it's also good learning material for the impending zombie catastrophe of '08. Just saying.

More fun-lovin' dead info from IMDB: Shaun of the Dead

The Shaun of the Dead official site:
