February 1, 2001


1997, Directed by David DeCoteau

Starring: Tanya Dempsey, Parry Shen, Jamie Gannon, and only eight other people. No joke, only ten people appeared in this entire movie. Everyone else in the world had better things to do.

J-Rock's Review:
of 5 skulls

Yet again, Rob-Dogg and I trekked to Media Wave in Fairfield and decided to sample their fare of horror movies. We didn't realize until it was too late that this was a Full Moon production. Yes, that Full Moon -- the makers of Demonic Toys, Puppet Master, Blooddolls, Dollman, Dolls that Kill, Satan's Toys, Toys of Evil, Miniature Bears with Sharp Claws and countless other stupid movies about killer toys/dolls/figures/puppets/mutants.

While I think their movies suck, apparently they have quite a cult following (how else can you explain the making of 137 Puppet Master movies?). It's just a shame they didn't stick to what they do best, and I use the term best loosely...this movie totally sucks.

Here goes - it's Full Moon's first attempt to make a more traditional scary movie, meaning one with people as the main characters and something called a plot. Unfortunately, this movie has neither. Sure there are some people walking around in front of an expensive movie camera wasting film, but I would hardly call them characters, let alone main. It's about a bunch of college students who squat in an abandoned hospital. And as you and I know, squatting is bad enough -- not to mention in an abandoned building. But you know you're fucking asking for it when you squat in an abandoned HOSPITAL, damn it!

Some new chick named Clark (?) moves in and finds some asshole living in the basement who's into the occult...most of the people get killed by a shrieking monster that we only see when it moves through walls (which is the same exact special-effect shot used about 5 times). They all die except for Clark and her love interest, a professional wrestler named Triple H.

It's really stupid and boring. Skip it.

Sorry if this review kind of rambled or went nowhere, but I was at work until 3 am last night and I have to catch up on sleep. I promise my review of Freddy vs. Jason will be much better!

For more information on this shit movie: Shrieker
