March 8, 2002

Zombie a.k.a. Zombies 2 a.k.a. Zombis 2

Hey, is there something on my face?  
Seriously...I just it broccoli?


Directed by Lucio Fulci
Starring: a bunch of Italians

J-Rock's Review:
of 5 skulls

I was home sick from work one day, and to pass the time, I watched three zombie flicks that were gathering dust on the shelf...and I don't get what it is with Italians and zombie movies. I guess that before the Sopranos was on, the only thing Italians watched were zombie movies. I mean, the Italians have more of a franchise on zombie movies than England (Hammer Studios) did on cheesy Frankenstein/Dracula/Wolfman movies.

Anyway, this one wasn't too bad. It was shot well and actually dubbed pretty nicely. The story is decent - a boat shows up in New York City, with no one on board. The boat belongs to a missing scientist, so his daughter, along with a reporter, head to the mysterious island of Matool to find the scientist. They enlist the help of two friendly boatowners to take them to the island. Once they get there, frivolity ensues, as zombies attack all around.

It turns out that the zombies are the result of experiments by the missing scientist's partner, and they start taking over the island, yadda yadda, you know the rest. So the daughter and the reporter make it back to the boat and set out to return to NYC, and then the twist...but you'll have to see the movie to find out...I won't spoil this movie, since it's actually worth watching.

This movie is also followed by some cool trailers - The House on Sorority Row, The Incubus, Sweet Sixteen, and The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane. I'll have to check these flicks for you when I get a chance!

Zombie is also notable for a few other things: first, a really cool zombie-vs.-shark underwater fight scene, and also, my favorite: BOOBIES!

For more information from the IMDB: Zombie
