Brief history of Robert Pannell
Born:                            7 February, 1795, Ireland

Travel to South Africa:   30 March, 1812,  (17 years old), signed up as an Ensign in the
                                   10th (Royal American) Regiment of Foot, without purchase

                                    This was probably the First Battalion, which had a history of
                                    service in South Africa from 1811 to 1819

                                    2 September, 1813 he was appointed Lieutenant

                                    He served at Cape Town

                                    In 1818 he was put on half pay in reduction. This may have been
                                    due to the escape of 7 convicts and a number of soldiers aboard
                                    a ship called the "Elizabeth"

                                    When did he go back to Ireland, and why?

Married:                        5 May, 1823, (28 years old) to Alicia Hunt at St Mais(?) Church,
                                   Anglesea Road, Dublin


Died:                            29 January, 1879, Uitenhage, Eastern Cape, South Africa
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