Your source for all sorts of info on good games, games to come and all sorts of biased opinions by me that must be true if they are on the internet. Also included on the site is information on good computer hardware and also the Games Workshop(r) game, Warhammer Fantasy. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Something you should know...
News -- Updates               Last Update: 8 / 3 /2004
6 / 6 / 2004 -- 12:29am -- Site update
Ok, so new today we have 2 reviews added to the PC Game Reviews section. They are on 2 games that are a bit older now. Well, actaully one is a lot older, but give it a look, it's something you should try out. The Freedom Fighters review was added yesterday, but I didn't want to make a new update for one addition to the site, so now you get two--aren't you happy?
What's it about?
Mark Recommends:

Freespace 2--10.0
Freedom Fighters--9.0
6 / 4 / 2004 -- 10:53am -- Site Founded
    Today is the website's founding date and hopefully over the course of it's life it will be updated regularly. Soon I'll put up some reviews (by me) of some great games (PC Games) that are extremely lowed priced. So all that good stuff is to come. Also I have plans to create a computer hardware sections and also a Warhammer section. I play High Elves so you'll get to read some articles about that topic and also get to see some of my high precision painting.
PC Game Reviews
PC Hardware
Warhammer Fantasy
6 / 4 / 2004 -- 12:55pm -- ATI Making new video card: X800
   Of course if your a hardcore hardware guy you knew already, but ATI is coming out with a new VPU (Video Processing Unit) and video card. It's going to have 16 pipelines (double of 9800's) and much faster clock speeds. The X800 is going to have clock speeds from about 450-500 MHz (Thats Non-pro through XT) core clock that is quite an improvement on the 9800 pro's 378 MHz core clock. It's also got some nice new features and boasts a 6 gigapixel per second fill rate. It also has finally upgraded from .15 micron technology to .13 micron (lower is better). ATI has made sure that the speeds and rates of their new card will be a slight nudge higher than Nvidia's upcoming card, the GeFroce 6800 Ultra.
8 / 3 / 2004 -- 11:55pm -- Site Update / News
    Today added is a review for the PC RPG game Sacred, give it a look. Also today Doom 3 hits stores. It is a game with better graphics than any other game ever created to this date. Will it be any good? Maybe it'll just have all looks and no brains. Stop by the site and maybe I'll have a review for it in a few weeks.