Has Anyone Seen the Real United Nations?


Will the real United Nations please stand up?  Wasn’t the United Nations set up to be a body of serious deliberation for the purpose of resolving world problems?  Wasn’t its purpose to provide a means of allowing world leaders to discuss and compromise to prevent conflicts?  Why has it become an organization committed to bashing the West and Israel?


How did the United Nations become the “lap dog” of the third world and the Arab League?  Why does the United Nations pass on stopping oppression of people in the Arab world, genocide in Africa, and allowing ethnic cleansing in Europe, while criticizing defensive actions in Israel?  Why are half of the U.N. resolutions against Israel that comprises less than 1/10 of a percent of the world’s population?  Why is Israel the only country in the world that cannot serve on the Security Council?


Has anyone seen the real United Nations?  And, if you have, has anyone seen the real Europe?