An Eye for an Eye


Howard Meek in his letter of June 30, 2002 presents a curious definition of the term “eye for an eye”.  He infers that protection of ones’ self and nation as “eye for an eye” retaliation.  The way I understand it, “eye for an eye” refers to retaliation in kind, based upon the act incurred.  Using this logic retaliation for a bombing by a terrorist organization directed at civilians should be directed against civilians on the other side.  The Israelis, as all modern nations do not consider this appropriate, directing their actions toward armed militants and terrorists.  Of course, the twisted sense of morality of the Eastern mind places everyone as a combatant, men, women, children, and the elderly.  Therefore any attack on civilians is the same as an attack on military positions.  It doesn’t take a great philosophic mind to see the flaw in this so-called logic.


Perhaps the only hope for the Middle East will come when the real morality of the West – respect for life, freedom, capitalism, building a better future for our children – replaces the false morality of the East – modesty, subservience to the group, and authoritarianism.