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  Welcome to "MARK MY WORD"

(My Small Corner of the Cyber World)

Caution: This site is likely to bore you to tears.

OK, here's the deal. There are approximately 5 billion people in the world. Lets say, for the sake of argument, that approximately one percent of that 5 billion have access to the internet. That's 50 million people. Of that 50 million people, let's say that 50 percent speak or read the English language. And of that 50 percent, 10 percent of those have SOME time on their hands to look at something unimportant. That's ...... let's see....... carry the 7, round off to the nearest......

Ok, so math isn't my strong suit. The point is that SOMEWHERE, SOMEBODY in this world has both the free time, and the inclination to read this total waste of time that I've created. And at the moment, it seems that somebody is YOU!!!



(My Picture.....Please do not throw

darts at your computer screen)


Links Worth Checking Out:


Lighthouses of Lake Ontario

Bridges of Butler County

Oklahoma City National Memorial

Vermont Daily


Optometry Related Web Sites

American Optometric Association

American Academy of Optometry

Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry

Kansas Optometric Association

Northeastern State University College of Optometry


Humor Sites:

101 Funny Links

Halife Humor Links


Humor Search


Loonie Bin of Jokes

Top Humor Related Sites



Links NOT Worth Checking Out:

My Personal Website