

Exotic Contents

TT Brown Saucers

Starship Design

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Sectored PFT Motor Experiment


Four-legged Robot

X-Plane Stuff
NRL Monterey Satellite Photos

eXotic - Planes Collection
X-Plane Website

X-49 and fireships.com
Live Weather

Successful Flight Simulation of X-49 in X-Plane V7

Dear fellow researchers, I'm Mark A. Tecson and welcome to my website.  The website covers some of my works during many years of private research and development on exotic aircraft and spacecraft propulsion systems and high performance airplane designs. 

The primary goal of the private R&D is to discover aerospace power plants and aircraft designs that absolutely doesn't harm the environment,  works silently, works in harmony with nature, and the best of all, bring down the costs of air and space transportation many times.    If these technologies were put to widespread use, they can be of great help to the energy industry as well.  To know more about the new ways of harnessing this limitless amount of energy, have a tour of these great websites at the Featured Links section of this website.  

Please feel free to look around, and don't leave until you learn something new.  


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About Myself 


Email: marktecson@yahoo.com 

Web Design by Mark A. Tecson

Sectored PFT Motor