Fairy Facts         

Some fairies are mischevious by nature

but very seldom mean any real harm

There are a few ways of protecting yourself

against little fairy pranks

         Turn clothes inside out



         A crucifix or cross   (When marked on the top of cakes will prevent faeries from dancing on them)

         Running water



         Red thread or ribbon worn on clothing or in the hair

         Daisy chains


         Shoes placed with toes pointing away from the bed

         A Sock under the bed

         A Knife under the pillow

         A twig of a broom

         The burning of thorns on top of a faerie hill will release captive children


It is said that a four leaf clover can
give a person the ability to see a
fearie even in their invisible state.

With a four leaf clover a person
may be able to break faerie spells
and see through faerie magic.


Signs of fairy presence

         An unexplained trembling or whispering of leaves

         A whirlwind

         The bending of grass blades with no one to be seen

         The feeling of an insect walking through your hair, when there is none

         A rippling of the water when not caused by something tangible

         Silliness and times of uncontrollable laughter

         An unexplained loss of time


Fairy Days

Lady Day ~ 25th of March

Walpurgis Night / May Day Eve ~ 30th of April

May Day ~ 1st of May

Midsummer Eve ~ 23rd of June

Midsummer Day ~ 24th of June

Christmas Eve ~ 24th of December

Christmas Day ~ 25th of December


Best places for fairy approaches

         Where a road intersects

         Lake shores

         Where the streams divide


         Seashores and beaches

         Glades in the woods


         Tidal pools

         Fences and border hedges

         Stairwells, hallways and landings

         opening in sea or land

         Bends in a road


Fairy Hours

Twelve o'clock Noon

Twelve o'clock Midnight


Early Evening


Full Moon

New Moon

Bright Starlit Nights


Fairy Superstitions

        Ancient arrowheads, called elf stones are used as a charm to guard cattle

        People born in the morning cant see spirits or the fairy world

        But those born at night can see the spirits of the dead

        Eggshells are favorite fairy homes, so please dont break them

        In a fairy ring, never eat or drink what is offered to you


If you have any interesting fairy

facts please let me know

and i will gladly add it to my page


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