Filipino Legends and Stories
          Legends and tales tell the how and why of things-how mountain lake came into being, why monkeys have tails, or why rice is white. Here is a charming tale about a naughty young man in love, a girl who forgot, and crocodiles that sleep in the moonlight.
Retold by: Abdullah T. Madale
(Lanao Del Norte, Central Mindanao)
(Scripted for a Radio Play)

Rajah Indarapatra
Rajah Solaiman
Omaca-an, a powerful giant of Lanao
` Ba-i a Salendagao, an evil spirit

          Long, long ago Lanao was inhabited by a powerful giant  called Omaca-an. He was so big that he easily stepped from  one hilltop to another when he walked. His legs were like two  pillars that reached almost to the clouds. It was said that the  sea came up only to his knees and that he could break the  tops of mountains and hurl them as weapons. He was so cruel  and greed that all living things in Lanao trembled for their lives  as soon as they heard the earth shake under his feet.
          One day Rajah Indarapatra and his brother Rajah Solaiman  were having a serious talk. They were very strong men and  their fame as fighters was known far and wide. They were very  brave too. Nothing on earth scared either of them.

Solaiman: Lanao is a very beautiful region, but it is neglected  because people are afraid to go and live there. They are  afraid of the
              giant Omaca-an. Lanao will remain uninhabited   as long as the great monster is alive. 
Indarapatra: This cannot go on forever. Brother Solaiman, let us do  something about it. We have to go and fight the giant.   
              Once  he is slain, people will be living to go back to Lanao.
Solaiman:  Let us go around the lake. I go one way, and you go by  another.  We shall meet at Cape Timbalangan.
Lola Sepa: The brothers bade goodbye to each other on the shore  of Lake Lanao. Rajah Indarapatra held his brother by the  shoulder.
Indarapatra: Goodbye, my brother. I am sad because I have a  feeling that we may never see each other again. Maybe it is I  who shall                die. Maybe it is you, my brave brother. But whoever  is left will avenge the other’s death. Take good care of yourself  and                guard your magic sword and ring.
Solaiman: Goodbye, my brother. I know that Omaca-an is the most  deadly of foes. There is death in his very breath. His grip is as  
              the grip of a hundred men and his strides are so long that no  man can run away from him. So be careful for your own dear                self, O my brother Indarapatra.
Lola Sepa: After the brothers had exchanged words of affection,  they parted. It happened that on the way Rajah Indarapatra  had to
               stop to marry a beautiful nymph. So he was delayed.  When he arrived at Cape Timbalangan, he knew that he was  too
               late for the meeting with his brother. He could see in the  torn hillsides and the rocks scattered on the shore that there  had                been a great fight.
Indarapatra: Alas! My brother is dead. I know that he was torn to  pieces by the claws of Omaca-an. but before I go and fight  him, I
               must find the magic sword and ring that belonged to my  brother Solaiman. I have more chances of winning if I have 
               them  with me.
Lola Sepa: To find the sword, Indarapatra thought of a trick. He  stooped near a balete tree and placed two stones near each  other.
              With the stones and his own knee, he made a stove in  which he built a fire. The sight of a man making a stove out of  his                knee was so funny that the evil spirit who lived in the in the  balete tree laughed aloud.
Ba-i a Salendagao: You silly man, why do you do that? Can you not  put a  third stone to complete the stove? He-he-he!
Lola Sepa: As soon as Rajah Indarapatra heard the laughter of Ba-i  a  Salendagao, he stood up and climbed the balete tree. He  made
               such noise and shook the tree so strongly that the evil  spirit begged him to stop.
Ba-i a Salendagao: Pleads, great rajah, please go down. You are  shaking me off the tree!
Indarapatra: I shall go down only when you tell me what happened  to my brother, Rajah Solaiman.
Ba-i a Salendagao: I will tell, I will tell! But you must go down at once.
Lola Sepa: Rajah Indarapatra went down and Ba-i a Salendagao  told her story.
Ba-i a Salendagao: The good Rajah Solaiman arrived at Cape  Timbalangan and waited for you while you married the  nymph. As he               waited, he rested on a rock on the shore. It was  there that Omaca-an found him. They fought a terrific battle.  The earth
              thundered with their struggles, and lightning flashed  from the sparks of their weapons. The giant said to your  brother:
            “Since you must strike me with your sword, why don’t  you strike hard enough to cut me in half? In that way you will 
              kill me at once.” Upon hearing this, Rajah Solaiman struck at  the giant with all his might.
Indarapatra: What happened then?
Ba-i a Salendagao: The two halves of the giant fell to the ground.
              Immediately, upon touching the ground, these halves  became two giants as big as the original. Solaiman struck at  these
              and split them into two halves each, and immediately  the four parts became four giants. From four, they became  eight. 
              This was too much even for brave Solaiman. He fell  under the combined might of the eight giants. They tore his  body
              apart. They got his sword and his ring and threw then  into Lake Lanao.
Lola Sepa: Immediately, upon hearing the story, Rajah Indarapatra  went to the water, scooped the mud from the bottom of the  lake,
              and dumped it on the hills. After working like this for a  day, he found the sword and the ring.
               It was then that the monster Omaca-an came upon Rajah  Indarapatra (sounds of heavy footsteps).
Omaca-an: Who is this man that dares to come and disturb the  sleep of Omaca-an with his scooping of the mud from the  lake?
Indarapatra: I am Indarapatra. I have come to avenge the death of  my brother.
Omaca-an: You are going to kill me? What can a little man like you  do?
Lola Sepa: The giant stretched a finger at Rajah Indarapatra with  the intention of picking him up and making him dance on his  huge                  palm. The brave rajah struck at him with his mighty  sword.
Omaca-an: How dare you strike me, you little man! I’m going to kill  you for that.
Lola Sepa: With one blow, the giant struck at Rajah Indarapatra, but  the rajah quickly jumped to one side and stuck the giant on 
               the breast. The blow was so strong and the sword was so sharp  that the giant was almost cut in two.
Omaca-an: If you have to strike me, why don’t you cut me into two?  That is  the surest way to kill me.
Indarapatra: Oh, no, you clever giant. I will strike at you, and wound  you, but I’ll never cut you into two.
Lola Sepa: The fight lasted all morning and all afternoon. By jumping  from place to place, Rajah Indarapatra kept the giant from  l
               laying a blow on him, for the giant had a big club made from  the trunk of the biggest tree in the forest.
                       Late in the afternoon, as the sun was sinking, the giant’s strength was completely spent. He was bleeding from
                hundreds of wounds. He was almost cut in two in several places. One more stroke from the brave raja’s sword and the
               giant Omaca-an was dead.
Indarapatra: At last Lanao is freed from that terrible monster. Lanao  will be inhabited by happy people once more.
Lola Sepa: The Maranaos still tell stories of this great fight. When they  go to the hilltops and see the shells, they say, “Look!
               Those are  the shells that the great Rajah Indarapatra scooped from the  bottom of Lake Lanao when he was looking for the                 magic  sword and the ring of his brother, Rajah Solaiman.” When they  see the hills, they say, “Look! Those are the  
                rocks Thrown by  Rajah Indarapatra and Omaca-an when they tried to kill each  other long, long ago.”

Note:  My deepest apologies for the very small font used.. the storyline wont fit on a regular 10 font so you'll just have to increase the font after you copied it to your harddrive.
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