Please Read This...
Recently, part of this web site was deleted by its host. We believe the events that led to the deletion was initiated by someone we may have wronged accidentally. We will call this someone "Mr. X." We can not prove any of this, but this is a matter that needs to be addressed.

It seems that Mr. X did not like the fact that some of his images were on this web site. The images on this site come from various people, via email. Could some of the images be Mr. X's? Sure they could. We do not deny that; it's just that we did not know they were his.

If you see an image that is yours, please do not go running to the authorities. Just tell us there is a problem; we are all grown adults here. We will remove the image, or give you the credit you deserve. Of course, the option is up to you.

Remember this is a non-profit, non-income generating web site. We are not doing this web site for the money. We're doing it because we love our topic. We are not trying to hurt anyone, or their web livelihood.

If you have a problem with this site, just tell us.

Thank you,
Ms Venus

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