A Little About Megan, The Web Designer
     I am a sophomore at the
University of Georgia majoring in Agricultural Communications. I plan to specialize in Public Relations/Journalism and Animal Science. I am a member of the UGA Equestrian Team(IHSA) and of Sigma Alpha, a professional/social sorority. My "hometown" is Augusta Georgia and I have lived there for apx. 3.5 years. I got involved with Marscot because I have always loved horses and Arabians especially. I hope you've enjoyed this page and I'd just like to put a plug in here for Mary and Scott Wooten. They are great people who do resistance free training on their horses. All of their horses are sweet, well kept and happy. Their babies go on to do great things, their stallions sire great babies, and their mares also have an equal hand in that arena. I can personally vouch for at least one of their current yearlings, Galal. Thank you very much for visiting this site, I hope it's been useful and I hope that you enjoyed it. I appreciate any questions or comments you may have!

Thank you,

Megan Richard
May 6, 2001