Welcome To PC Guru Online

Welcome to the PC Guru online. The PC Guru is doing his GCSEs so he will only doing this website out of interest. There will be improvements made - this is only early stages. The PC Guru is gathering a database where you can search through and find answers to your problems. He now has the help of his also wise sidekick the Games Guru.

The PC Guru is also now clearing out his holy temple which is full of rubbish - he will be selling the stuff on QXL and this webiste has some more in depth pictures of the products I am selling - this basically reduces costs for me. If you are interested in some computer parts please take a look in the QXL stuff where you will find some used and some new items for sale. The PC Guru is wise and will never sell a shoddy product cos he knows that he fears the wrath of his holy PC god.

The PC Guru's sidekick, the Games Guru is now selling various items on QXL. Make sure you check out the links to the QXL products on his website as well. We have both also conducted many reviews on consumer reviews so please check out the Reviews section to comment on each review. The PC Guru and Games Guru need your support so please look at his reviews, see whats hot and whats not and make comments as you see fit.

He provides a sound file of sound advice for you to hear. If you have broadband, click the Broadband option. Many features on this website are best suited to broadband users. Otherwise if your cheap and using a standard connection, click the Standard option. The standard option still allows you to use this website albeit rather slow.

Once you have heard his words of wisdom, select an option on your right.

If you like the PC Guru's flash intro then click the button at the bottom which says See Flash Intro Again. Because the PC Guru sees room for improvement every time, he also wants to hear from the website users. Click the Feedback button and fill out the form giving your opinions on the website.

Before many of you comment that there is nothing there, this website was produced in five minutes (with the exception of the Flash Intro) and it is still incomplete. Can you make a better site in under 5 minutes??????