the next big thing...
P l a y l i s t s - If you aren't already registered with Yahoo Groups you'll have to do that before getting to the Playlist(s) at the demoradio group.

Once there you can click on Database (on the left side) and then pick the playlist you want to view... change to printable report to see the whole playlist


I've got a one-hour show on KALX-FM (U.C. Berkeley)
called "The Next Big Thing." The original purpose of the show
was to feature demo tapes and cassette-only releases instead of
the usual vinyl & CDs... cassettes only!

I started the show (back in 1984) because a lot of good music
was being sent to KALX on cassette but not getting played
due to the format... now, a Lot of bands release their demos and
even their actual albums on CD-R. Or online... These days,
The Next Big Thing is a CD-R show.

If you have an as-yet-unreleased, home-burned demo CD,
or a CD-R album release, go ahead and send it in.
(See below about vinyl and regular, mass-produced CDs.)

I want punk, hardcore, emocore, homocore, popcore, surfcore, tikicore(!)...
anything with an edge, passion or purpose. If you're making some kind of
commercial or mainstream type music, please save your postage...

After I play each recording, I give out the band's or artist's
contact number / e-mail address so listeners can make their own contacts.
The playlist section has any website link that I have on the band or artist.

Please send CD-Rs, cassettes, with band info, stickers, contact numbers, etc to:

The Next Big Thing
26 Barrows Hall # 5650
Berkeley, CA 94720-5650

NOTE: My show is for stuff ONLY available on CD-R or on
cassette... if you have manufactured CDs or vinyl releases,
please send them directly to:

Music Department
26 Barrows Hall # 5650
Berkeley, CA 94720-5650

Please allow a few weeks for your music to get here...
it has to get through both the U.S. and U.C. mail systems!

Locals can hear the show Mondays, 6-7pm on 90.7 fm.
Non-locals can use the current Real Audio player to listen online...
The KALX studio call-in number is: (510) 642-5259.

My MySpace Page

Subscribe to demoradio
: an online group for this & similar shows.

Next Big Thing Playlists

Here's an old BAM Magazine article (archived here) about the show.

You're always welcome at the KALX Web site!

Marshall Stax

ps: here's the best cross-referenced weblist of NorCal shows..

Links to demos and other getting-started type stuff:

GUIDE TO LOCAL MUSIC on BAY AREA RADIO - and a lot more on SilentWay.Comthis cool site!!

Four Front music publicity - (old logo) - Seattle, WA
Interesting site with articles and info for bands getting started...
such as this item by Chris Knab, called: 10 Reasons Why Demos Are Rejected

Details on how to get the best results when dubbing from a cassette - from a great website

Here's another "Next Big Thing" show...
The Next Big Thing (WNYC) - New York (no longer airing...)

Here's yet another "Next Big Thing" show...
The NextBigThing (Music Tourism) - South Africa ... a website & podcasts!

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