Subject: Book 2, summary #2, part 1
            Author: Nancy (
            Date:   08-10-1999 18:26

            Chapter 5 

            Scene # 1: 
            Renato is in his room with Aimee. He tells her to rest because the 
            next day will be very busy due to the wedding when they both notice 
            the first rays of light coming in through the window. Renato 
            comments on how extraordinarily efficient Don Noel has been 
            arranging all the necessary paperwork for the wedding once he 
            accepted that Juan's life depended on the marriage taking place. 
            Then in commenting on how DN has always had a weakness for his 
            brother Juan, Aimee questions what he has just said. He then tell 
            her that that was the detail she had ignored and that it was only 
            until last night that he himself confirmed it. 

            "Justamente anoche tuve la seguridad de que era mi hermano. Y mira 
            tu lo que somos los imbeciles, los sentimentales, los de corazon 
            blando… Senti una ternura y una alegria infinita, sali a buscarle 
            para estrecharlo entre mis brazos, para ofrecerle lo que, segun mi 
            utopico sentido de la vida, le pertenecia: la mitad de cuanto tengo… 
            Para rogarle rogar a mi madre, con lagrimas en los ojos, que me 
            permitiese darle tambien el nombre de mi padre, para hacerle 
            completamente igual a mi… Que imbecil soy verdad?" 

            Aimee asks Renato why he speaks so bitterly and he questions why she 
            does not understand. He compares his shameless, criminal of a 
            brother with her hipocritical and 'liviana' sister and asks her if 
            it's the truth. Instead of giving him an answer, Aimee just tells 
            him he is being to hard on her sister. Renato walks to the window, 
            sees Juan also observing the sun rise and pulls Aimee up from her 
            seat so that she too can see Juan. 

            Scene # 2: 
            Don Noel walks in on Juan and stops him from drinking down a glass 
            of cognac. There is a great description here of Juan: 

            "Estan en un angulo del amplisimo comedor, junto a los armarios 
            cargados de vajillas de plata, donde Juan, revueltos los cabellos, 
            desabrochada la camisa, toscos los ademanes de marinero, es una 
            figura tan extraña, tan ruda y anácronica, como cuando de niño pisó 
            por primera vez aquella estancia con los pies descalzos, con el 
            traje de terciopelo de Renato como inútil regalo…" 

            DN tells Juan how he spent the whole night looking for him an 
            couldn't find him. He asks Juan if she was warned him about the men 
            guarding Campo Real. Juan questions which 'she' he is referring to. 
            He was warned by a she (Ana) but it was not any of the shes he is 
            imagining. Juan says that either of those 2 shes would have been 
            happy if he had been shot. But that he is being watched over and 
            protected by a devil that only asks that destroy whoever gets in his 
            way. DN then insists about finding out the truth about the 
            "supposed" affair with Monica which he doesn't believe at all. But 
            Juan insists that Monica confessed and that he will marry her and 
            take her with him and that a woman will be useful on Luzbel because 
            she can cook and do the laundry. 

            Then when DN insists that Juan go to her house in Saint Pierre, and 
            that he will follow them there he is interrupted by Renato who 
            questions why he would see two newly weds. Renato then defies Juan 
            by asking him if he and Monica aren't getting married out of love. 
            DN tries to appease the situation by saying that he doesn't doubt 
            Juan can take care of Monica, which Juan retorts that he can take 
            just as good care of her as Renato takes care of Aimee, and then 
            proceeds to question Renato about locking Aimee in her room. Renato 
            gets angry at this point and tells Juan that he has no right to 
            question his actions and let alone bein his house drinking his 
            cognac in his glasses. Don Noel grows alarmed and Juan strikes back 
            at Renato telling him he knows he is 'el amo' and that is why he has 
            armed men to back him up… 

            R: Basta! No voy a tolerar…! 
            J: Soy yo quien dice, basta! No pisaré tu comedor, no beberé en tus 
            malditos vasos… Aguardaré la hora de mi matrimonio y me iré con mi 
            mujer adonde me dé la gana llevarla. Es lo que exigiste, y es lo que 
            hago… Nada más! 

            Juan then storms out of the room and Don Noel tries to question 
            Renato about why he is trying to provoke Juan. Renato looks around 
            the room and his eyes settle upon the portrait of his father, and 
            his anger grows deeper because he sees that Juan resembles his 
            father so much. 

            Scene # 3: 

            Renato walks into his mother's bedroom. Sofía comments on Yanina 
            being sick because Bautista left Campo Real without saying a word to 
            anyone. She says that although Renato doesn't like her she is indeed 
            loyal and grateful servant. Renato makes a bitter remark on the 
            'loyal' part. Sofia asks Renato why he insists that Monica and Juan 
            get married. But he insists that he has to see the whole situation 
            to its end. If everyone agrees that it is so then he doesn't see the 
            reason that everyone would be discontent about the whole wedding. 
            When Sofia insists on the subject Renato cuts her off and Ana 
            arrives. Ana brings the news that the men guarding CR just brought 
            back Bautista, tied up and brimming with fury. She thinks its very 
            funny (as do I). Renato is glad that his orders were followed and no 
            one was allowed to leave CR. Renato then sends Ana to Aimee's room 
            to help her get ready for the wedding but not before Ana reminds him 
            that Aimee is locked in her room and he gives her the keys. Renato 
            then asks his mother that she too get ready and tells her that he 
            will be returning Bautista to his post as administrator of Campo 

            Scene # 4 

            Doña Catalina enters the room Monica has been in praying since she 
            returned from speaking with Juan. A disconcerted Catalina tells her 
            it is time to go to the church. Monica gets up from kneeling and she 
            doesn't look well. 

            "Mónica se ha puesto de pie, abandonando el reclinatorio donde 
            largamente ha rezado, y se mueve como una sonámbula a través de la 
            estancia. En sus ojos hay un brillo extraño, sus manos arden, y 
            están sus labios también resecos y ardientes bajo el vaho de fuego 
            que respira. Tímida y torpe, la madre va tras ella como si no 
            hallase gestos ni palabra... 

            Catalina asks Monica why she hasn't changed out of her black dress 
            and Monica asks for her book of prayers and her rosary when Renato 
            knocks on the door. Catalina opens the door to find a very clean 
            shaven, but solemn Renato holding a small bouquet of white roses. 
            When Renato asks her if she is ready, his question is in earnest and 
            inquisitive as if wondering if she will back out. Monica takes him 
            by the arm and is suddenly tormented by the fact that Renato will be 
            the one to take her to her wedding: 

            "Tenía que ser él, tenía que ser el hombre a quien tanto amó en 
            vano, a quien aun siente junto a sí como una quemadura, quien la 
            llevase del braso al altar, quien pusiera en sus manos el ramo de 
            novia para sus bodas con Juan del Diablo... Tenía que ser aquel 
            Renato D'Autremont a quien amara desde niña con el ingenuo amor de 
            sus nueve años, y tenía que ser su voluntad la que pidiera a su vida 
            el sacrificio enorme, más grande aún que el de la vida misma. Ahora 
            va junto a él, apenas apoyada en su brazo la blanca mano leve, 
            mientras llora su corazón con lágrimas de sangre, porque es aquél 
            con quien soñara, aquél con quien tejiera los jasmines purísimos del 
            amor primero, aquél que viera novio y esposo en sus ensueños de 
            colegiala, el que la lleve ahora como un verdugo camino del cadalso. 
            Nunca fue tanto trecho de su brazo, nunca recibío flores de su mano, 
            nunca le vio, como ahora le ve, inclinarse para mirarla, mientras 
            avanza con una sombra de inquietud en las claras pupilas... 

            Renato asks Monica if she feels well and she says she feels fine and 
            they continue to the church. 

            Scene # 5 

            Juan is waiting at the church. Aimee is trying to get his attention, 
            asking him how far he plans to carry on with this charade. Juan 
            doesn't respond but ignores Aimee's inquiries. In the meantime the 
            church is filling up with allthe poor workers of CR who have come to 
            witness the wedding. Aimee feels like she is in a dream, as if she 
            were at her wedding but instead of Renato it is Juan whom she is 

            Renato and Monica arrive. She looks ill and is dressed all in black. 
            Aimee panics and tells Juan that it cannot be and just when it seems 
            she is about to burst, Renato arrives at the foot of the altar with 
            Monica and grabs Aimee and takes her away. The ceremony proceeds 
            quickly and before she knows what is happening, Monica is being 
            whisked away by an angry Juan. 

            "Como un torbellino de locura, ha cruzado Mónica la iglesia, del 
            brazo de Juan... Sin ver, sin oir, como la rama desgajada de un 
            árbol que el vendaval arrastra, han salvado la distancia del pórtico 
            de la iglesia hasta el centro de aquella plaza abierta en los 
            floridos jardines de los D'Autremont..." 

            Juan calls for Colibrí to bring the horses, while Renato begins to 
            protest that they need to talk first. Juan refuses ans says that 
            Monica is now his wife and he will take her where he chooses. He 
            gets on the horse and violently lifts Monica on as well and is off 
            before anyone portests: 

            "De un salto está Juan sobre el caballo. Con rápido y violento gesto 
            que nadie ha podido prevenir ni impedir, alza a Mónica sobre el 
            arzón del caballo que monta, encabritándolo al golpe brutal de sus 

            Everyone reacts in dismay and confusion but Aimee begins to cry out 
            loud that someone stop them, claiming that Juan will most likely 
            kill her. She begs Renato to stop them but Renato asks her the 
            reason of her lamentation. After all, didn't Mónica marry the man 
            she loved? When Aimee agrees, Renato tells everyone to get out and 
            to go celebrate the wedding. 

            Scene # 6 

            The horse ride through CR and to the awaiting ship is fast and 
            Monica is barely conscious of most of the ride. She is mostly 
            conscious of Juan's arm that holds her in place. When she realizes 
            that they are not going to St. Pierre. When he tells her that they 
            are married and he will take her where she pleases Monica begins to 
            panic. In the distance he point to el Luzbel. Monica begins to 
            protest and asks that he please allow her to return to her convent. 
            But Juan pays her no mind and reminds her of her wedding bows and 
            then tortures her further by telling her that for their wedding 
            night, the Luzbel has a wide wedding bed awaiting them. Monica 
            begins to struggle and Juan warns her to stop if she doesn't want 
            him to hit her. He grows more and more angry with her until his 
            anger towards her finally explodes: 

            "Basta! Ya me mordió también el perro de las súplicas, y sé lo que 
            significan, lo que valen y para lo que sirven. Ya sé lo que cuesta 
            conmoverse por tus súplicas y tus lágrimas... Significa caer en una 
            trampa, pagar con la vida un momento de debilidad. Una vez lo 
            lograste, pero no vas a conmoverme más. No tendré piedad de nadie, y 
            de ti menos que de nadie! Al bote... al barco! Te casaste conmigo, y 
            ni tú ni tu hermana van a seguir burlándose. Te llevaré aunque sea 

            Juan forces her onto the rowing boat and angrily gives order to his 
            men to row back to el Luzbel as fast as they can. The men are caught 
            by surprise by Monica's presence and by the fact that Juan has left 
            Colibrí behind. Once they reach the boat, Juan lifts Monica to the 
            ship. Segundo tries to ask Juan about Monica but Juan cuts him short 
            and then pushes Monica into the only cabin on the whole ship. Monica 
            tries to shout for help but Juan tells her that the men on the ship 
            will not help her, that they only follow orders, and that he would 
            kill anyone if they tried to intervene. He violently pushes her to 
            the platform that is supposedly the bed and she passes out. Juan 
            thinks she is faking but when he shakes her and gets no reaction he 
            unbuttons her top where he stops to look at her pale neck. 

            Segundo then knocks on the door to tell Juan that Colibri is on 
            shore, yelling to have someone pick him up, and also to inform him 
            that a storm is developing to the northeast. Juan orders that they 
            get Colibri and then set sail in the direction of the storm. Juan 
            then closes the door and turns to Monica whos is now tossing and 
            turning with fever. He turns away from her because he is filled with 
            anger and resentment towards her. 

            Chapter 6 

            Scene # 1 

            Renato is in his room with Aimee. He is bitter and drinking. He 
            tells Aimee to sit back down because she is not going anywhere. He 
            is trying to get her to drink to celebrate her sister's wedding. 
            Renato begins to insinuate that drinking is a great way to forget. 
            Aimee is upset by his attitude and they begin to argue about what he 
            means and why he is acting the way he is. Renato is very bitter over 
            what he is beginning to realize is the truth. He feels betrayed by 
            the woman he once so blindly loved and is filled with a strond 
            desire to destroy everything around him, especially her. 

            Renato orders her to drink but Aimee asks him to leave her alone. 
            Aimee begins to reproac him about giving Juan her sister. She says 
            that all she wanted was for Juan to go away but Renato reminds her 
            that Juan is his brother. When Aimee asks her if its true renato 
            makes some remark about whether she is scandalized over the 
            adulterous story behind Juan's origin. The he turns against her and 
            his hands reach for her neck. Renato tells her that he wants her to 
            confess, to tell the truth in order to save Monica, who is an 
            innocent vitim she has sacrifices. Aimee shouts for help and a knock 
            is heard at the door. Sofia comes in and inquires what is happening. 
            Aimee plays the innocent (that bitch!) saying that she doesn't know 
            or undertand what Renato wants from her. Sofia takes Aimee away to 
            her room. 

            Scene # 2 

            Juan is navigating el Luzbel. Colibrí is asking him if he can go see 
            Monica (this is one of the most tender moments in the book when you 
            get a good first glimpse at the Juan we all know and love): 

            "Suplicante, colibri se ha abrazado a la pierna de Juan, y un 
            instante la varonil cabeza se inclina para mirar al muchachuelo, en 
            cuyos grandes ojos brillan las lagrimas. Luego, otra vez contempla 
            el horizonte espeso, oscuro, las nubes bajas, el mar alzandose en 
            montañas, la lluvia que cae furiosamente, todo el barbaro 
            espectaculo de la tempestad que apenas ilumina el livido resplandor 
            de los ahora lejanos relámpagos... La frágil embarcación cruje, 
            estremecida desde su quilla marinera hasta el tope del palo de 
            mesana. Es una voluntad contra la tormenta, un cuchillo que se hunde 
            en la carne salada del mar. Asimismo, siente latir en su pecho su 
            propio corazón Juan del Diablo... Contra los elementos, contra la 
            sociedad, contra la vida... Como la espuma amarga que le azota los 
            labios, es el rezumar de su alma; como el tenso vibrar de la nave en 
            peligro, vibran tensos su pensamiento y su voluntad... Odia y quiere 
            odiar más; le ahoga el rencor, y aun quiere que ese rencor se 
            ahonde, como las aguas del océano... Quiere hacerlo infinito, quiere 
            alzarlo tan alto como el mundo que le rechaza, pero en sus rodillas 
            siente el aliento cálido del niño negro, la voz cándida y suplicante 
            llega hasta él, así como también la imagen de la mujer blanca, 
            tendida como muerta sobre las tablas de su litera, tan indefensa, 
            tan desdichada como aquel muchachuelo de cuya vida puede disponer 
            con una palabra, y mitad compadecido, mitad enojado, dice: 
            --Toma la llave, entra, y déjame en paz! 

            Colibrí goes to see monica and when he tries to ask her questions 
            about how she is feeling all Monica says are her fever-induced 
            protests against Juan touching her. Colibri tells Juan that she has 
            the same illness of the men she used to treat in Campo Real. She has 
            the same symptoms that she needs medicines. Monica is murmurring 
            that Juan get away from her, that she will never belong to him, that 
            he would have to kill her first. Juan gives Segundo the order to 
            head for the next island, Maria Galante. Then he tells Colibri to 
            get the things he saw Monica use to take care of the men in CR. Then 
            he looks at Monica (this is another prime moment!) 

            "Con los brazos cruzados, Juan contempla a Monica, ahora inmovil, 
            callada, el perfil de medalla entre el nimbo dorado de los cabellos 
            sueltos, desnudo el cuello blanco y suave. Largo rato la mira, y la 
            encuentra hermosa, extraordinariamente hermosa... 
            --Juan del Diablo... Juan del Diablo...--susurra monica en voz baja, 
            a impulsos del delirio obsesionante. 
            --Por que no me llamas Juan de Dios, Santa Monica?-- Juan ha tomado 
            las manos de la ex-novicia, que arden; ha buscado el pulso, que late 
            desbocado, y la contempla con una extraña, con una indefinible 
            expresión en los profundos ojos italianos, al murmurar como para sí 
            mismo--: Monica de Molnar... mi esposa..." 

            Scene # 3 

            Aimee wakes up and is suddenly confused because she is not in her 
            room. Then she realizes she is in Doña Sofia's room and recalls the 
            events from the previous night and also remembers Sofia giving her 
            something to make her sleep. When she hears a slight singing she 
            calls out to Ana and begins asking her the whereabout of Sofia and 
            Renato. Ana informs her that Sofia left CR that morning with Yanina, 
            and that Sofia also ordered Don Noel to go somewhere. She tells 
            Aimee that Renato is in the office/library still drinking. Aimee is 
            startled because she realizes she is alone in the house with a drunk 
            and angry Renato. Ana tells her that Sofia can save her against 
            Renato and when Aimee agrees, she begins asking herself what it is 
            she can do to win her mother-in-law over to her side. Ana tells her 
            that the best way is to give Doña Sofia what she has always wanted 
            since Renato left for France, another child all over again, a 
            grandchild. Aimee considers this impossible because she hasn't been 
            with Renato and then Ana mistakenly mentions making it up. Aimee 
            tells Ana to forget ever mentioning anything to her about a child 
            and promises her money and jewelry for her loyal silence. 

            Scene # 4 

            The Luzbel is nearing the island of María Galante. Monica is still 
            tossing with fever and still she murmurs for Juan to stay away. Juan 
            is both worried and frustrated by her side. But despite her words, 
            he still patiently sits by her, placing the vinegar-soaked rags on 
            her forehead. "Sólo en los ojos oscuros y profundos hay una laz 
            extraña, como de compasión, como de angustia, acaso como de 

            Segundo comes in to let him know that they are approaching the 
            island's canal. Juan grows angry with Segundo for coming in. Segundo 
            then voices his concern for Monica, telling Juan that he doesn't 
            agree with him bringing a woman in that way. Juan tells him Monica 
            is his wife, at which point Segundo is very surprised. Juan then 
            bitterly replies: 

            "Si… Yo, casado. No puedo yo casarme como los demás? Te parece muy 
            raro? Sin embargo, te parecería natural casarte tú; te casarías en 
            cualquier momento que te diera la gana, llevarías a tu mujer a tu 
            casa, la dejarías junto a tu madre cuando salieras a navegar, y la 
            llamarías por tu apellido, la marcarías con tu nombre como se marca 
            a una potranca… Sería la esposa de Segundo Duclós… La señora Duclós, 
            verdad? Y en este momento estás pensando que yo no tengo casa, ni 
            madre, ni nombre que darle… Piensas eso verdad? Responde! Responde 
            de que piensas de eso, para aplastarte!" 

            Segundo is startled by Juan reaction and quickly breaks free from 
            Juan's grasp. Then he says what he wanted to say: he thinks that 
            monica is real sick, that Juan should no treater her that way, and 
            if she is his wife then he should treat her better. Juan replies 
            that he will treat Monica however her pleases and then orders 
            Segundo to go to land and bring back the best doctor he can find. 

            An elderly doctor is now in the room with Monica. He observes Monica 
            and then her surroundings and then is startled by the wild and 
            disheveled-looking Juan. He tells Juan that the ship is the worst 
            place for a sick person and tries to convince Juan to allow him to 
            take Monica to the hospital on the island. Juan refuses and he tells 
            the doctor that he can come and go as he pleases but he will not let 
            her off the ship. The doctor makes an inference that he wants to 
            talk to the "patrón" and Juan tells him that he is already speaking 
            to him. Juan tells him that Colibrí thinks that Monica has been 
            struck by the same epidemic she was helping to cure in la Martinica. 
            The doctor considers this and then tells Juan that her ill is made 
            worse by a great fear that seems to invade her. The doctor then 
            muses about why they could be making such a trip and he is silenced 
            by Juan's cold stare. He insists on taking Monica to land and begins 
            to ask questions about how long they have been married, and what her 
            and his name are. The doctor then tells Juan that he will do his 
            best but that Monica is gravely ill and that she has few chances at 
            survival. He tells Juan that she will need exceptional care. When 
            the doctor returns to the cabin with Monica, he is struck by the 
            sight of Colibri next to the bed, his eyes full of tears. 

            Scene # 5 

            A fiery looking Sofia enters the room Aimee is in. Her lips are 
            pursed and her face wears a look of blame and disapproval. She tells 
            Yanina to leave them alone and close the door behind her. Sofia 
            informs Aimee that she has just come back from looking for Juan. She 
            begins to accuse Aimee for sacrificing her sister in order to save 
            her own hide. When Aimee fains not understanding Sofia voices her 
            disbelief at not havin realized that behind all her beauty and 
            sweetness, Aimee is evil and a hypocrite. Then Aimee tells her that 
            its not possible for her to know anything but Sofia backfires, 
            asking her if the same is true for Don Noel. This silences Aimee. 
            Sofia goes on musing, she now understand Catalina's desperation, 
            Juan's insolence, and Monica's actions. Sofia then openly accuses 
            Aimee of being Juan's lover. 

            Aimee contnues to deny everything. Sofia grows angry and tells her 
            to be quiet. She voices her disdain for Juan since the day he was 
            born and can't believe that it is with him that Aimee has betrayed 
            her son. Aimee wants to know of Sofia will tell Renato if she 
            confesses. Sofia tell her that she will not. Aimee then tells her 
            that if Renato kills her he would be killing his own son as well. 
            Sofia is struck back by Aimee's words. Then Aimee confesses to 
            having accepted Monica's sacrifice to save her son (which unlike the 
            novela version doesn't exist). She confesses to having done 
            something stupid but not before blaming Monica for loving Renato and 
            always disputing his love with her. Aimee claims that her jealousy 
            led her to it because Renato is the only one she has ever loved but 
            now he no longer trusts her. Aimee pretends as if she is really 
            going to tell Renato and of course Sofia stops her, but no before 
            telling her that she doesn't believe in her theatrics: 

            "Si! Bien sé que la mitad de tus palabras son falsas; sé que, a 
            pesar de tu desplante, no has de buscar la muerte. Quien ha sido 
            capaz de callar frente a lo que tú has callado, tiene que ser 
            demasiado egoísta para dejarse matar…" 

            Sofia tells Aimee that when she first entered the room she was 
            determined to spare her life, not to save her but her son from 
            committing a crime, but that she was ready to force her out of CR. 
            Now however she will codemn Aimee to live in CR as Renato's slave. 

            Suddenly Renato knocks on the door. Sofia makes Aimee hide in the 
            next room. When Sofia lets Renato in he begins to ask her for Aimee. 
            He wants to talk to her, to make her confess the truth. Renato 
            informs Sofia that they found the dead body of the horse Juan took. 
            It died of exhaustion from the inhumane trip it was forced to do. 
            The horse was found near the beach where an improvised landing 
            platform was set up for a quick escape with Aimee! 

            Sofia asks him if he is sure and Renato says he isn't and that is 
            why he wants to talk to Aimee. Sofia tells him that she has spent 
            hours talking to Aimee, forcing her to tell her the truth and now 
            she knows that Aimee never betrayed him, that she couldn't possibly 
            lie to her, and that his attitude has humiliated and offended Aimee. 
            Then she asks him how much he has been drinking. Renato's reply: 

            "No estoy borracho! Si ella te ha dicho… Pero, es que no comprendes? 
            He estado loca, desesperado; he buscado algo que me ayude a 
            contenerme, a no herir como ciego, a no matar. Qué cuanto he 
            bebido…! Que importa cuánto he bebido? Ni una sola gota de ese 
            alcohol está en mi cerebro! Nada ha logrado calmarme; todo se lo ha 
            tragado esta angustia, esta desesperación, esta rabia, este anhelo 
            furioso de encontrar la verdad. Ella tiene que decírmela!" 

            (Poor thing. I really feel for him here.) Sofia tries to calm him 
            down by reassuring him that Aimee was never unfaithful, but that his 
            violence towards her and his lack of trust has made her want to die. 
            Then Sofia tells him that Aimee is pregnant with his child and 
            Renato is struck down by the news . 

