Subject: Chap XVI
            Author: marta i (
            Date:   01-11-2000 16:01

            Pedro Noel and Cata are riding a coach to the convent. PN is 
            pesimist that by now that nut (Renato) has reached those unfortunate 
            ones and God knows... they look down to sea, but he cannot spot the 
            ship he is looking for (I guess the Galion). 

            The Luzbel is very close to shore, near Mt. Parnaso. Juan has spent 
            the night wondering about taking the boat closer to shore, anxious 
            to go look for Monica, against anyone and anything. There is a 
            strange serenity in land and sea. The city seems tired and the sky 
            is slowly clearing up. Juan is probably imagining a catastrophe that 
            will never be. But why are the fish dying and the sea birds leaving? 
            He turns around and sees all the men and lives that depend on him 
            for survival and it is like he woke to a cruel reality. He begins to 
            shout orders to his men and tells the fishermen to go to their 
            assigned posts. They will sail toward St. Lucia, it's only 100 miles 
            away. Colibri spots the Galion approaching. Juan immediately orders 
            the fishermen to go down on the lower deck. They will evade them, 
            weather seems to be 
            on their side. He'll take the timon (can't remember the right 
            translation, it's the steering wheel of the ship). Everyone runs 
            around obeying his orders. The Luzbel is squealing at the load and 
            quick evasive maneuvers. 

            Renato spots the Luzbel and orders to move towards it. He's glad 
            they did not get away. Orders one fire of the cannon as a warning to 
            stop. and if they don't stop, another fire to the main ship post 
            Juan is maneuvering the ship in an effort to escape from the Galion. 

            PN and Cata meet with Monica at the convent. PN came to get her 
            because Juan needs her to go with him (PN). It took him a whole day 
            to reach her even though he said to Renato it would be about an 
            hour. And meanwhile the ship sailed. /What ship?? / Renato didn't 
            believe that you were safe. I (PN) tried my best to stop him but 
            failed. The Governor gave him the authority and he left in search of 
            the Luzbel. I asked him to come and see you for himself but he 
            thought I was making it all up to benefit Juan. 
            M: We have to stop Renato. Make him return. Juan won't give himself 
            up! He will give his life in the battle! We must do something!! 
            They hear a cannon shot. It's the Galion! PN peaks out to sea and 
            says It's what I was affraid of! 
            They run to the porch outside to see the Luzbel and the Galion in 
            PN: Renato will not stop until he sinks them! If Juan doesn't give 
            M: Juan won't give up ever!! 

            The ships are besides each other. One armed to the teeth like a 
            shark and the other one just trying to escape like a hunted dolphin. 
            Colibri is scared that they will sink. Juan says not yet,. Those who 
            have guns out on deck!! Juan gets a gun and jumps to the wounded 
            side of the deck, awaiting the enemy. 
            R: Give up! or I will blow you to pieces! 
            J: Fire!! Fire!! 
            Juan shoots first and the front gunman on the Galion falls. The 
            cannon shoots again and the last post on the Luzbel falls, hurting 
            her fatally. Luzbel has nowhere to go and no way to move. She is 
            totally submitted to the coast guard ship, whose soldiers are ready 
            to board her.. 
            J: Everyone who has weapons out! Let's sell our lives hard! Let's 
            die fighting to death!! 
            R: Give up, Juan del Diablo!! 
            J: Come get me!! 
            Juan's last shout is choked by a great explosion followed by several 
            thunder noises. The volcano has errupted.. Cracked totally on the 
            side, Mt. Pelee releases its force, a stream of fire and smoke which 
            travels like lightning over the land, sweeping the city to the sea, 
            destroying everything at once, like leveling the entire area in one 

            Everyone at the convent had fallen to the floor at the force or the 
            eruption. Monica gets up with an unexplained energy, unstopped by 
            the burning sensation on her skin and eyes. She runs to take a 
            closer look, trying to spot the Luzbel, as if wanting to break 
            through the smoke and ashes cloud around her, to no avail. A layer 
            of smoking ashes covers the entire area, the city, the bay are 
            empty. The docks and boats have dissappeared swallowed by the 
            boiling waters. 
            M: Where are they?? WHere is the goleta? the coastguard? Where is 
            Juan's ship?? 
            The air clears up slowly. The Luzbel's shell is swivelled around by 
            the waters. Around her, on the water are 'bultos' floating on the 
            water. Pieces of burned wood, bodies and other things come up as if 
            a macabre return from the sea. Monica steps back, feeling like her 
            heart skips beats. It is a ripping stream of anguish that is 
            released from her throat... 
            Juan! Juan! Why didn't you let me die beside you???

