Subject: RE: XVII part 2. Gosh! This is so emotional. sniff
            Author: marta i (
            Date:   01-14-2000 13:41

            Monica is still looking out of the convent balcony, semi-dazed, 
            where she was watching Juan and Renato battle for her sake moments 
            ago. Her skin and hair are burned, chapped, but her eyes are 
            beginning to see clearly now. 
            -There! There in the water, next to the Luzbel!! There's people.. 
            and they are alive, moving! 
            -Yes, it's true.. someone there is alive!! (responds Cata) 
            -Let's run there!! Let's go!! 
            The Mount Parnaso villagers have come out to rescue the survivors in 
            the bay, most of the passengers of the Luzbel among them. Those who 
            were in the lower deck, mostly women and children, survived. Also 
            some of Juan's men and fishermen. Injured, burned, exhausted, they 
            all form a long line of injured at the (convent's?) plaza. There are 
            also some injured survivors from Mt. Parnaso and surroundings. 
            Monica walks by them, too dazed to really be able to help any of 
            -He's not here.. Juan is not here! Juan is not among the survivors! 
            He pushed me away! Did not let me die beside him!.. Why??! Why??! 
            -Daughter, you need to calm down or you will loose your mind. 
            PN says she's not the only one. It's a miracle that we have survived 
            without going crazy ourselves after seeing all this. Maybe we're not 
            out of the woods yet, the volcano is still rumbling. PN has seen 
            some of the survivors from the Galion. Monica asks him if they said 
            whether they saw or know anything about Juan. PN says they say they 
            saw Juan take a boat and row towards the beach, but he does not 
            believe them. They are dazed, terrified. They think they saw that 
            but...How could Juan have taken a boat? The Galion sank and the 
            Luzbel is devastated. It is as if God wanted to punish the crime of 
            that battle to death between two brothers sharing the same blood. 
            Despite their mistakes, their violence, their cruelty, it's also the 
            same heart and the same nobility.. Noone can deny it. Monica keeps 
            wondering about their story about Juan as if holding on to a 
            desperate hope. PN insists that they couldn't really see it, they 
            are lying... Juan is gone from this world. Monica cries calling 
            Juan's name. PN asks Monica if she's grieving for Juan. She is 
            surprised he hadn't noticed her feelings... Juan was her whole life! 
            And if he's gone, she has no reason left to live... but he is not 
            dead! HE can't be dead! The sea was his friend and couldn't hurt 
            him. It will bring him back!! She runs to the beach spot where she 
            last saw him. Just like then, she opens her arms wide and in her 
            tearful eyes, she imagines a boat taking Juan away.. 
            -Juan! Don't leave me! Don't go! Take me with you! Come back for me, 


            Colibri notices Renato is still alive, although bleeding heavily on 
            the chest. Juan quickly rips off his clothes and pulls out the piece 
            of beam that was stabbed on his chest. Then Juan fills the wound 
            hole with his own shirt, stopping the bleeding. He cares for the 
            wound and keeps him alive. Renato is thirsty but this land doesn't 
            have even a drop of water to give him anymore, says Juan. Juan 
            notices Renato's papers laying around in the bottom of the boat. 
            (the annulment papers signed by the Pope and the legal orders sealed 
            by the Governor) Juan picks them up. What's that?, asks Colibri. 
            I guess the right to kill me, responds Juan. Juan wrinkles the 
            papers, symbol of the now useless powers on earth. It's all 
            pointless and worthless in his eyes now, just like that land and 
            that city which are now turned to ashes. HE notices a village called 
            Mount Rouge, which apparently escaped the worst of the devastation. 
            Its inhabitants are alive and are coming to help us. Let's go!! HE 
            takes Renato over his shoulders. 
            -Get those papers and come with me! 
            -The papers with the permission to hunt us?? 
            - Yes, and the others too, Colibri. They could mean more to Renato 
            than life itself. 

            Everyone has been moved from Mount Parnaso to another city in the 
            island since the volcano kept threatening their safety. Every city 
            in the world has heard with anguish the details about the cataclysm. 
            Fort de France's inhabitants lived in terror for weeks and only 
            wished to be able to escape. PN manages to save three seats on the 
            next sailing ship toward Jamaica. There's not many people left in 
            Martinique. Catalina is trying to convince Monica to go, to accept a 
            spot in it, to accept the fact that Juan is gone. 
            -I can't go, mother! My heart keeps shouting to me, supporting me, 
            keeping my hope alive! 
            Ana is very nervous about dying and repeatedly cries that PN and 
            Cata want to leave but Monica doesn't. The injured keep arriving 
            from all over and Monica cares for them all, talks to them all 
            (asking if they know anything about Juan). PN arrives and notices 
            that Monica is not willing to go yet. She wants to stay behind and 
            for him to take Catalina and Ana with him. PN responds that they 
            won't go without her. He won't go without her, he has lived long 
            enough. He feels bad enough for being alive, breathing still, when 
            there are so many young men who have lost their life. But we have to 
            accept the truth. 
            -I can't accept it!! My instinct tells me to keep denying that it's 
            all over. I would loose my mind again like those first few days (on 
            the ship). Why did Juan tell me about his love at the last minute?? 
            Why did he hammer it in my heart like a poisonous dagger?? 
            -He loved you so much!! Everything he did was for his love for you, 
            since he returned from that trip. 
            -Why didn't he tell me then? 
            -Who could guess that you cared about his love?? You both sinned of 
            pride, Monica, and now it is... 
            -I'll keep searching!! 
            -Useless search it is. If he were alive, he would be with you. Both 
            brothers died together out at sea. It couldn't have been any other 
            -What if it's true that he reached the beach on a boat?? 
            -He would have looked for you, Monica. Don't you doubt it. 
            -What if he couldn't? What if he got stalled by another catastrophe? 
            How many times haven't we had to move out and come back because of 
            the volcano? I have spent fifteen or eighteen hours every day going 
            from one refuge to another, caring for the helpless with these 
            hands.. And all because of HIM!! FOR HIM!! 
            -Don't undermine your efforts, your extraordinary deed. Your charity 
            and dedication are not only in search of him, Monica.. 
            -No, of course. It's not just a search for his body, it's also a 
            search for his soul. Everytime I hold a child, everytime I give 
            water to thirsty lips, everytime I share my food with someone, I 
            think... This is what he would have done.. this is what he always 
            did.. Noone was more generous with unfortunate souls, nobody was 
            more noble than he who they called Juan del Diablo... 
            (Another rumble from the volcano makes them all fall to the floor.. 
            PN begs Monica again to take a seat on that ship.) 
            - Sooner or later you will have to go, if we don't die first. They 
            are already talking about total evacuation of the island. I have 
            seen the crowds readying themselves to leave. Why not leave now? It 
            would be less trouble for those who leave first... 
            -I will be the last to leave!! - insists Monica with decisiveness. 

            (everybody now... siggghhhhhh!!) 

