Subject: Book 3 Chapter 4.. a tear jerker
            Author: marta I (
            Date:   10-09-1999 22:21

            Juan is leaving walking rapidly. PN tries to catch up with him but 
            he cannot so he complains that Juan wants to 'kill' him. 
            -Eres como el mendigo ciego, lo bastante loco para echar a palos al 
            perro que le sirve de lazarillo. 
            -No soy ningun mendigo! 
            -Ni yo ningun perro! 
            -..No me atormente mas. 
            -Me dijiste que tenias que hacerle una pregunta, de la que dependia 
            tu vida futura... Llegaste a hacerla? 
            -No, Noel. Para que? Todo me dio la respuesta. Queria invitarla a un 
            viaje, llevarmela esta misma noche, arrancarla de aqui, sacarla de 
            esa tumba 
            donde agoniza por un amor que es imposible para ella, mirar sus ojos 
            bajo otra luz, bajo otros cielos, arrancarle como a un idolo las mil 
            tunicas falsas en que su alma se envuelve, y volver a sentir su 
            corazon entre mis manos... Escuchar el latido de su sangre bajo las 
            estrellas, y entonces, solo entonces, preguntarle si el amor de Juan 
            del Diablo es algo para ella... De otro modo, no lo hare, no lo hare 
            aunque me muera...' 

            Colibri is still hanging out at the convent. Monica spots him and is 
            moved by the fact that he is still there. 'Y con el muchachuelo de 
            ojos ingenuos, aparece llegar de nuevo hasta Monica una oleada de 
            aquel mundo distinto, extrano, con el que inutilmente se ha 
            propuesto romper.' 
            Monica tells Colibri that it was maybe God that made him wait for 
            her. Colibri asks her if she will always receive him and she says 
            that she is glad he is there now. She will write a letter for Juan 
            but Colibri must wait until Juan is alone, maybe even far away, 
            before he gets the letter. She writes it and gives it to Colibri. 
            M: 'No quiso escucharme. Supongo que fue culpa mia, pues lo 
            exaspere, lo enfureci, le hice perder la paciencia. En realidad, no 
            tengo derecho a forzar 
            sus confidencias, a asomarme al fondo de su corazon. El nunca dijo 
            que su corazon era mio... Hablo tonterias. No pretendo que 
            entiendas, Colibri, 
            pero tengo que decirlo, porque los sentimientos aqui dentro, llegan 
            a podrirse cuando se calla y se calla.' 

            Colibri takes the letter to Juan, but he cannot wait very long. Juan 
            is still at a cafetin by the dock drinking. Juan is angry that 
            Colibri goes there to look for him, since he has told Colibri not to 
            go there. But Colibri explains that he had to wait until Juan was 
            alone to give him the letter. Juan virtually rips it off Colibri's 
            hands as soon as Colibri tells him about it. Then he reads, getting 
            gradually more and more angry and indignant as he reads. 
            The letter (and Juan's comments): 
            Al Senor Juan del Diablo, a bordo del Luzbel (Menos mal que ya no 
            soy Juan de Dios para ella!) Mi apreciado Juan.. (Menos mal que me 
            aprecia...) Cuando esta llegue a tu poder, ya estaras lejos...(Pues 
            no, Senorita Molnar, estoy cerca, demasiado cerca..) Confio en tu 
            promesa de que te alejaras, de que seguramente no volveremos a 
            vernos... (Es gracioso como arregla todo a su gusto) ... y te doy 
            las gracias por la generosidad que ese alejamiento representa... 
            (Estas oyendo, Colibri? Me da las gracias por el favor de no 
            volverme a ver. El tribunal me absolvio 
            pero ella me condena al eterno destierro. C:El ama estaba llorando 
            cuando me dio esa carta, patron. Y me abrazo, y me beso muchas 
            veces, y hablo bien de usted, patron.. Dijo que Usted era generoso y 
            bueno.) Perdoname si ayer no supe hablarte con la serenidad que 
            hubiera querido, y decirte que solo gratitud guardo para ti, 
            (Gratitud! Que palabra mas socorrida es esa!!) Adios, Juan... Que 
            seas feliz como yo te lo deseo .. Que en otras tierras encuentres la 
            felicidad que mereces, y qaue la triste sombra que pude ser en tu 
            vida se borre totalmente, ya que pronto van a romperse las cadenas 
            con que otros nos ataron. Nunca olvidare la bondad que te debo, 
            aunque yo si te suplico que la olvides totalmente, evitandote hasta 
            el esfuerzo de compadecerme... (Lindas palabras para despacharme 
            'Ha ido hacia la puerta del cafetin, congestionado el rostro, 
            turbios los ojos, estrujando en su puno cerrado aquella carta, cuya 
            helada cortesia le hiere, 
            y le punza como la peor de las ofensas...' 
            Juan leaves very angry pacing very fast. Colibri tries to follow 
            him.. Then they hear the bells of the convent. Juan doesn't know 
            what the noise is, but Colibri tells him it's the bells announcing 
            the early mass. Juan thinks it's the mass that the most faithful, 
            like Santa Monica, would attend. I'll see her there!! 

            He was right. As Monica is leaving with the nuns, Juan spots her. He 
            does not even need to call her, she can 'feel' his presence and 
            turns and spots him herself. 
            Juan needs to speak to her, she is uncomfortable but lets him. He 
            says that people like him would be nuts to try to see her there, but 
            he is not crazy. In 
            Juan's world, those rights are exercised naturally. And he still has 
            the right to force her to see him and to listen to him. Juan says 
            it's about the letter, but 
            for her to not get scared. She concludes Colibri gave him the letter 
            in a bad moment, maybe when he was back from a 'juerga' , after 
            gambling, drinking, maybe while in the arms of a s____. Juan reacts 
            in disbelief 'Que estas diciendo?' 
            He is upset because her letter made him very bitter. She is upset 
            because he had already promised her he would leave. She thought he 
            was leaving to put some 
            distance between him and Renato so they could avoid an encounter 
            that caused her horror to think about. He says that she is afraid 
            for HIM, Renato. She still cannot think but to protect HIM, to help 
            HIM. Now Juan won't leave. He has as much right to stay as HIM. What 
            do you want?? she says. Only one thing, he responds. To show that I 
            am the stronger one, that I do not depend on the charity of one of 
            your smiles or on your gratitude, that I take and give as I wish, 
            with these hands. Right now I could drag you back to the ship 
            against your will, make you mine completely and now I would not feel 
            pity for your pain or your fever. I would make you MINE completely, 
            by force, submitting you like a slave... 
            Monica finally puts 2 and 2 together.. 'Quieres decir que...' 
            'Te respete como un imbecil!! Ahora seria diferente! Pero no lo 
            hare.. Y sabes porque? Porque no me importas, porque no me 
            interesas, porque hay cien mujeres en el puerto aguardando por Juan 
            del Diablo... 
            M: Cien mujerzuelas! Vete con ellas! 
            J: Podria llevarte a ti, aunque no quisieras. 
            M: Tendrias que matarme antes!! .. Comete esa infamia aqui mismo, a 
            las puertas de la casa de Dios... 
            J: Seria muy facil. Podria hacerlo sin que se cayeran las torres de 
            la iglesia. Pero ya te lo dije antes.. No quiero nada que se consiga 
            de esa forma.. De ti no quiero nada... .. me quedare para pelear, 
            para luchar contra ese protegido de la suerte que me lo usurpo todo 
            al nacer, para arrancarle uno a uno los dones que le dieron. Dile 
            que se cuide, que se defienda, que se apreste, porque juan sin 
            nombre esta en pie de guerra.... 
            M: Pero porque? 
            J: Porque tu le quieres! No vayas a decir que no le quieres, para 
            alejar de mi ese odio... 
            M: Le odiarias tu por eso? 
            J: Le odio desde que tengo consciencia! Solo una cosa quiero 
            decirte.. No salgas de ese convento, que no te vea jamas junto a 
            el... Esta es la ultima vez que hablamos... siempre que al romperse 
            esa cadena, de la que tanto deseas librarte, no sea para burlarte 
            otra vez de mi otra vez. Vuelve a tu convento, Santa Monica. El 
            salvaje que soy, no te llevara por la fuerza... 
            M: Y si yo quisiera seguirte? 
            J: Ya veo que sigues siendo capaz de todo. Tienes el mismo temple de 
            esos cristianos, que, segun cuentan, iban cantando hacia las fieras. 
            No es necesario tanto... Si algun dia quieres venir a mi, que no sea 
            bajo la presion de una amenaza, como seria en este momento... Asi no 
            me interesa... 
            Le ha vuelto la espalda bruscamente, ha echado a andar calle abajo, 
            como arrepentido de haber hablado mas de la cuenta, creyendo haber 
            desnudado hasta el fondo de su alma tormentosa. Tal vez se aleja 
            esperando una palabra, un gesto de ella, su nombre dicho en otro 
            tono por aquellos labios enflor.. pero la voz no llega, y Juan se 
            pierde entre las callejuelas que van al muelle. 

            Renato, Sofia and Aimee return to Campo Real. Bautista is riding a 
            horse that Sofia had given to Aimee as a wedding present. Aimee has 
            a tantrum about that, even though she is not a good rider. Renato 
            says that horse is too rough for her and that Bautista is doing her 
            a favor by riding it. You should not ride in it. Aimee is still in 
            the tantrum and tells Bautista to not ride it again. 
            Sofia comes out in defense of Aimee. It IS HERS horse. Renato is 
            angry at Aimee's tantrum. Sofia says they should be a little more 
            tolerating with her. 
            Sofia tells Bautista: 'En Campo Real nacera mi nieto, y en Campo 
            Real lo educare a mi modo y manera. No se ira lejos, para volver 
            distinto. Ese si sera mio totalmente!! 

            Yanina notices the opportunity and tries to make a pass at Renato, 
            who only shows a lot of discomfort and indignation at the scene. 
            Yanina says he is living tormented. He denies it. She tells him that 
            most of the hacienda owners had a 'place' where they felt more 
            comfortable.. Renato is infuriated at the idea... 
            Renato notices a noise. Yanina says it's the feasts of the workers. 
            IT's a great big party for all the farm people. 
            Ana and Aimee notice that Yanina and Renato are heading for the 
            celebration, but Aimee tells Ana that they have something to do that 
            cannot wait and that she needs to do as soon as possible, even 
            better now that Renato is around. They are going to see the witch, 
            the herb lady. According to Aimee she is the one that can get her 
            out of the spot, the one that can liberate her from the situation 
            (about the faked pregnancy). Ana shows a lot of supersticious 
            beliefs and tells Aimee that when one goes to see the witch on a 
            night like this, someone dies and there is blood all over. Aimee 
            says that tomorrow there will be tears from Sofia, 'Se acabo el 
            heredero D'Autremont!! We'll get away from the farse, easily and 
            happily, and I will be the one that laughs at the end, laughs at 
            everyone else and the hardest... ' they go toward's the witch's 
            house... Everyone else is at the big pawaw.... 

