No. 1!! First half hour of the novela... 
DF/DN at the very beginning, walking toward the party.
F: I never rushed for anything or for anyone.. (and later)... I don’t like to stand in line (wait)... (later on...) When people take important jobs/roles, they change (from the tone he meant for the worse).
Young Juan meets Fran and Noel...
F: No, no, no, no! I don’t know no Sr. Carmona! And if he is dying, go find a priest, not me! 
(juan leaves)
DN: If memory doesn’t fail me...
F: Yes, I know! I don’t want to hear about that bum!

(J gets back to Carmona's Shack)
J: But Dad!
C: Don’t call me that! How many times do I have to tell you that you are not my son!! Want to know who is your father? HIM!! HE is your father! Francisco Alcazar! HE is the one to blame for your disgrace.. for your misery... for your hunger!! You owe HIM being the son of a H___... and now… when I call the wretch because I am dying!! .. because you are going to end up alone!! ... he says he doesn’t know me and he goes to a party instead!... To a party, ja ja! .. D___ him!! ... to a party!... jaja!

(DN goes to the beach the next day, breaks a fight that Juan had got into)
DN: I came on my own choice, because... I thought this was going to be something important.
C: Do you know who I am?
DN: Well….. I know years ago you spilled out some gossip….
C: Gossip??!!! Juan del Diablo!!! (Juan comes in) There’s the gossip!

(DN goes to see Francisco and catches him in his SP house as he is leaving for CR)
DN: I went to see that man... Carmona.
F: Why? (surprised, somewhat uncomfortable)
DN: Sr. ALcazar, I can understand you don’t want to remember about the issue... because that man spoke trash about you, but...
F: Look, since you started, go on and finish telling me, don’t go around the bush so much... (invites DN to sit down, he's listening)
DN: (pulls out the letter) He gave he a letter.
F: For me?
DN: Yes. I believe you should read it.
F: What could it be so important that such a bitter drunk guy wants to tell me. I am not guilty if his wife was...
DN: Want me to read it to you? (DN is opening the letter not waiting for a response, begins to read. )

"With my last few breaths of strength I write to you, Francisco Alcazar. It is too late to collect in blood all the wrong you have done to me ... and the wrong you did to her. You are rich and happy.. beloved and respected. Meanwhile I, burried in my misery, await death as the only possible liberation. I won’t repeat how much I hate you. You know that well. I would have wanted to kill you, but the one who is dying is me and.. not for the alcohol, but for the resentment that has eaten up my soul. However, ..."
(Francisco interrupts, like not wanting to hear anymore, but changes his mind)..Noel, please... (DN continues...)
"However, there is something I never told you before, and I believe by now you should know. There is a young man. He is 14 years old. Noone took care of even christening him. I call him Juan, but the fishermen call him something else: Juan del Diablo. Because that is what he is... a true devil. Has little of human in him. He is a wild beast... I raised him with hatred, allowing his worst instincts to grow in him. And do you know why.. Because he is your son!..."

(Francisco has a very marked up reactive same stare change)

F: It’s a LIE!!!!! .. THAT is a lie!! LIAR!! COWARD!! If it were true he would not have kept quiet until now!! ... Lets see if he dares repeat it in my face!!
(F heads our very mad, DN follows him) 
DN: I would advice you to take it easy.
F: (walking out the door very enraged) Heck no! I am not going to take it easy!! (isn't this a typical JDD reaction phrase?? LOL!!!)

No 2:Fran/Carm encounter;Carm dies sending Juan off in murder mission; Sof/Cat arrange Monica/Andres
(F and DN on their way to the beach, Fran and DN)
DN: I don’t get shook up easily, but if you had an affair with that lady, there is always the chance that there were consequences.
F: Consequences??.. But she never said anything!!! And Carmona, When he was baffling my name all over town... If he had had a weapon like that, don’t you think he would have shouted to the world that I had a bastard son??
DN: I don’t know! Maybe he was embarrassed to bring that out in the open.
F: Embarrassed!.. What embarrassed?!!! He never thought twice to shout out that his wife was my lover??!
DN: However, the dates match up. It has been a little over 15 years that you had that affair and… I don’t know… there is a chance…
F: There is a chance?.. I knew nothing about it!..

F/DN get to shack... DN comes in first, followed by F ...Carmona/Francisco/Noel:
C: Ah.. wow... Don Francisco Alcazar y Valle in person.. Cover your nose if you can’t stand the stinch of misery.
F: What are those lies that you wrote in that letter?? 
C: They are not lies… and You know it well. Just take a look at the boy. Look at his face and you will realize he is exactly like YOU.
F: If it were true, you would have told me long ago! But you didn’t, right?? And now you come up with this story??!! Why should I believe you??!!
C: Want me to tell you why I kept it quiet?? To raise him my way!. To make of HIM a potential killer (Boy this man is really full of hate and disgust at FAV) And I accomplished it!! Juan del Diablo has his soul rotten! He is a ‘sinverguenza’ (shameless scoundrel), violent and a thief! If you take him with you he will be your worst punishment... and if you abandon him, he will be a murderer.. a rat that will end up hanged!!
(Francisco looks away very mad and indignant)
C: I don’t care which way you decide to handle him.. Anyway he is yours… YOUR SON!!! Your own blood... what do you think??!! 
(Francisco jumps to tacke Carmona's neck, starts to choke him... )
F: You’re lying!! .. It’s a lie!! .. a LIE!!!
(DN comes from behind, hardly can take F away from Carmona by the time Juan comes in answering the desperate gagged screams from Carmona) 
DN: Senor!! Control yourself, please!! (Juan comes in. Francisco stares at him very deeply, trying to find a similarity with him, I guess)
F: (to Juan) You were there?? Hiding?
J: I was outside!
F: But you were listening??!
J: No! I was out there!
F: Yes, but you were listening to what we were talking!
DN: Please, calm down, Senor! I think we should leave now!
F: Yes, it is better if we leave this pigsty.(F goes out, DN stays and talks to Juan)
DN: Son.. if you need money to burry him in christian custom, find me. I live close to San Pedro. Just ask for the house of Licenciado Mancera. Goodbye, son. (puts his hand on Juan's shoulder to show support for the grief)

Fran/Don Noel back at the house:
F: Its not true! That kid is son of Carmona. The issue is the illness and the alcohol have turned him crazy. He would have told me long ago...
DN: And what are you going to do?
F: Huh?
DN: With the boy. I don’t think Carmona will last long.
F: (after thinking about it for a moment) Take him to Campo Real. Just that… please, not a word to anyone about those crazy things Carmona said.
DN: You don’t even have to say that.

(Upon his arrival to CR, Francisco gives Andres a watch he had promised to bring back for him. Fran is very charming with his son, more so than with Sofia. He and Sofia share forced kisses on the cheek.)

C: My sister in law, Amalia, offered to give a good schooling to my daughters, but for that I would have to send the girls to Ciudad de Mexico and... I would not like to separate from them.
S: I have been thinking and... you see God has been so generous with us that we have a comfortable social and financial status. So when Andres marries, he won’t need a ‘dote’ (money given to the groom by the bride’s parents) but it would be important if the wife brought in a recognized title like the one you have. Both your daughters are pretty and I am certain that both will grow to beautiful women… but for Andres I would like to chose Monica. What do you say?
C: Cousin... (sighing hard).. I would like nothing more and You have no idea how thankful I am of you
S: So when the girls grow up you can send Aimee with your sister in law in Mexico, and I will take care of making sure the nuns at the San Pedro convent turn Monica into a worthy bride for my son.

Juan/Carmona.. Carmona looks very bad...
C: Juan!
J: Here I am! (leaning over Carmona in his cot)
C: Never forget what I said. Francisco Alcazar dishonored your mother, took advantage of her! (nothing like twisting the knife till the final moment) When you grow up,… you have to kill him!... Kill him!... For her… for your mother.. (Liar!!!)
(Carmona dies)
J: (shaking Carmona's body, trying desperately to make him react) Senor!!! .. Papa!... Papa!!! Answer me!! ... Speak!!... Papa!!! 
(I couldn't help but feel real sad for Juan here..., he's so helpless and lonely, Carmona was a thorn, but at least he was company.. now what??)

Number 3... Don Noel begins to prepare Juan to go to CR/ Fran not happy with Sofia/Cata arrangement
Cata and girls leave. 
Andres comes to receiving room, Fran and DN are there. Andres wants to go riding. 
A: But I already finished, mother!... and I want to go riding!!
S: That horse is too wild, son!!! 
F: Let him, Sofia! Let him go...
A: Yes, father? I can go?
F: yes, yes go ahead, go!
S: But not alone! … Let Bautista go with you! .. (turns to F) That new horse you gave him...
F: THAT HORSE... is a good stallion, pure breed; and if my son can’t handle him, much less will he be able to handle this hacienda when he grows up.
S: But... he is a child and you can’t expect of him so much...
F: (starts to head up the stairs to his studio, pretty much ignoring the fact that she's not done talking to him..) There are young boys out there, barely older than him and they already can … defend themselves… and don’t have fear for anything (was he referring to Juan here? Hmmm!)...
S: Dear God, Francisco...
F: What YOU are making of our son… is a sissy, a weakling!!
S: The only thing I aim for is that he has a good education. That he has good values, customs, like corresponds to a man of his (social/financial) status..
F: Alright!! Alright!!! Give him the education and values/etiquette… but also allow him to build valour… courage. Don’t castrate him!!
(Sofia thinks 'My son will be a SENOR, not a SCOUNDREL dressed in caballero clothes like you!' with a devilish face)

Don Noel/Juan
DN: With el Senor Alcazar you will never lack food… warmth… clothing. You will learn a skill to earn your living with in a decent manner.
J: I don’t want to!
DN: I can’t believe it! Others would jump at the chance of getting such opportunity...
J: I said No!!
DN: Don’t be so stubborn!! You are going to a huge house with plenty of comfort, where you will live like a normal human being. El Senor Alcazar is a good man and wants to help you.
J: That’s not true!! I don’t want to go with him!
DN: (DN suspects that Carmona brainwashed Juan against Don F) Did Mr. Carmona tell you anything before he died? Did he bias you against Don Francisco? 
(Juan is quiet) (Don Noel looses his cool at the silence...)
DN: Regardless! You will have to go!! The easy way or the hard way!! So it is better that you accept it or they will drag you there by force wrapped in a bundle like a wild monkey!!
J: If you all drag me there I will escape!
DN: And the guards will just go hunt you down and bring you back!.. (calms down again) Come.. Let’s do something. I will stay 2 or 3 days at Campo Real. If you don’t want to live there, when I return to San Pedro, I will bring you back with me.
J: Why don’t you give me a job here at your house instead? I can clean, wash dishes, do errands!.
DN: You will do all that when we get back. But for now I have to please Senor Alcazar. Look... You are wrong in thinking that Mr. A is not good. He is good! … and generous! He has a beautiful house. His wife is a beautiful, distinguished lady… they have a son, a little younger than you. Maybe el Senor Alcazar wants you to be with HIM (the son), to accompany him in the games… you will have a good time, Juan, you will see..

Francisco and Sofia are sitting down, he reads the paper, she is doing some crochet work...
F: Is THAT what you did?
S: Yes.
F: (sigh..) My God, Sofia, how silly!!
S: What is wrong with that? Surely Monica will be a very beautiful lady...
F: Un-huh!... She might be the most beautiful lady in the world… but who will say that Andres will like her??... Besides, the arranged marriages do not work.
S: There are many ways to get two young people to like each other.. And I believe that for Andres having a ‘condesa’ for wife will be important. 
F: Please!! .. The important thing nowadays… is the momey, not an empty and rot title!
S: My son will have money. And a noble title in the family won’t be overlooked.
F: (sigh..) I only hope that when Andres grows up, he will have the good smart of not following your advice/decisions. (sigh, gets up and starts to leave) I am going out.
S: To la Venta?
F: Yes, to la Venta. I want to have a good time for a while... what? I can’t? (leaves)
(Sofia thinks 'Yes, enjoy yourself with cheap h__rs… but my son will never be a shameless brat like YOU!!')

later, Francisco gets the debriefing from Bautista as to how the Hacienda is going... Bautista tells him that there are some workers that are giving him a hard time to discipline them...
F: Don’t overdo it physically. You know well I do not like excessive violence. In any case I will ask the authorities to send a group of convicts. Even if they are revolting, they withstand the hard work better.

Number 4.. Juan/Don Noel arrive at CR. Francisco realizes J is his son. Juan/Andres' 1st chat...
Don Noel and Juan arrive at Campo Real.
(Juan does not greet Don Francisco when he arrives. Don Noel reprimends Juan for his attitude)
F: Let him, Let him!! He will learn eventually... (to Juan) This is my son Andres. I would like it for you two to be come friends
(Sofia comes in)
F: Andres, take Juan with you. Get him bathed and get them to find him some clothes.
A: I have an outfit that is big on me!! 
F: Yeh?
A: The blue one that my aunt sent me from Spain!!
S: A brand new outfit??! What silliness are you saying??
F: Don’t prevent your son… from having some moments of generosity/charity.
S: But Francisco, you are not ...
F: Andres has plenty of clothes! I think it is really good for him to give that outfit to Juan. Take him to your room, go on!! Go, Juan. Go with him.
(Juan, Andres and Don Noel leave)
S: Who is that boy??
F: His name is Juan… and he is an orphan.
S: Where did you get him from and why did you bring him here??
F: I told you already, he is an orphan and poor.
S: I admire your generosity for this stranger. But why didn’t you give him to Bautista? Why did you tell Andres to take him to his room and why do you allow him to dress in Andres’ clothes? Can’t he use the clothes of the hacienda farmers??
F: Where did your christian charity go?
S: I do not lack charity for the unfortunate, but this case is different. There are hundreds of orphans and poor kids out there and you never before touched your heart to bring any of them here, much less offer him to your son as a friend. Isn’t it more like you have a very special interest in this boy?
F: (losing his cool) Alright! I will tell you the truth! Juan is the son of a man whom I did something real bad to! He ended up ruind for my fault. And I believe I have the duty to shelter his son… don’t you think so??
S: You have ruined many others in your life and you never brought their children here to this house. It would make more sense to view things in another way. Isn’t it really that this child is the son of one of your previous ‘h___’s? A Bastard son of yours!??!!
F: (gets more enraged) ENOUGH, Sofia!! Juan came here because I wanted him to!! And here is where he will stay!! Whether you like it or not!! (F leaves mad)

Don Noel/Francisco at living room in CR:
DN: He’s a strange boy. But very intelligent! Very intelligent. Very proud.. but reserved. With a natural dignity. Heh! His breed/lineage shows!!(meaning to refer to sharing blood with Don F)
F: What breed? I hope you did not believe in the lies of Carmona. If I chose to take charge of him was because… (trying to believe what he is saying himself.. but doubting himself) I knew his mother. Nothing else. 
(Andres and Juan come down, Juan is dressed with the navy suit, pants down to the knees (looks pretty funny, like Raggedy Andy) )
A: Doesn’t my outfit fit him good, Father?? Looks totally different!!
(Francisco can't believe his eyes, stares at Juan like staring at a ghost... stands and stays there speechless)
DN: Why don’t you go show him your young horse??
A: Are you mad, Papa??
F: (snaps out of his surprise) No, go ahead and listen to DN, go on... (A and J leave)
F: I can’t believe it.. Before when he was all dirty and raggedy, I hadn’t noticed but now…...
DN: NO, no... neither did I notice it either… and yes, he looks very much like you.
F: (sits) My God! Could he really be my son? .. Do I have another son and not know until now… ... But why didn’t she tell me?? Why did she keep it quiet?? ... (looks up again, like something just came to his mind) Does he know I am his father??
DN: Well... he hasn’t commented about it, but… I think.. yes..
F: I can’t believe it… that boy so strong, so robust!.. so different from Andres… What can I do, Noel?? Sofia will never allow me to recognize him legally. And I cannot leave him out there… like the son of nobody… when he is MINE!

Juan/Andres walking outside by the creek...
J: What can you do??
A: Well... I study with el Maestro Escobar, I can ride horses, I play the mandoline, and I can fly a kite ...
J: A KITE??!!.. Can you fight?? (pushes Andres to make him react) To steal without getting caught?? I bet you have never seen a naked woman.
A: A naked woman?? But it is a sin!!
J: A sin is to be hungry and not to have something to eat.
A: There is always something to eat.
J: For you!!
A: But if you stay, you will never lack food.
J: I am not staying! I don’t like it for anyone to tell me what to do! Besides! Your mother can’t stand me, she almost died of disgust when she saw me, I don’t have to withstand that. When someone doesn’t like me I leave. I leave!!
A: No, Juan, Stay!! I want you to stay!!

Number 5: Sofia hears Juan is Fr's son..Fr suggests school to Juan, Sof/Fr fight re:Juan, Fr dies
(DN and DF are back at the office in CR. DN pulls Car's letter out of his jacket, gives it to DF)
F: What is it?
DN: Carmona’s letter. I kept it but… I don’t know if you want to destroy it or keep it. 
(Sofia is overhearing from the stairs outside the office)
DN: In a way I feel responsible for what happened. If I hadn’t gone to see Carmona, You would have never found out about Juan.
F: No, no, no my friend Noel. I am not reprieving you for this. I will see in what way I settle the situation of the boy. And even if that scoundrel of Carmona raised him to be a delinquent, I will fight to make of him a good man. (gets up, they start to exit the office. Sofia hides away downstairs) No son of mine will ever be prison bound.
DN: (they exit the office, now are coming down the stairs) What worries me is Dona Sofia. I don’t think she will take Juan’s presence in stride.
F: No, no! Sofia will do what I tell her!
(they go outside, meet Andres and Juan coming back from playing around in the yard)
A: Papa! Juan says he doesn’t want to stay!
F: No? (shows a very tender and nice demeanor ) Why don’t you want to stay?
J: (still showing a lot of apathy at being at CR) Because I like the sea more!
F: (still very tender) I think that is good. .. Do you know how to read and write??
J: You don’t need that to go sail the seas!
F: To be a REAL sailor you need education. (pauses, thinks a moment) .. Here is what I propose to you. You stay in Campo Real until Maestro Escobar teaches you to read and numbers. Then you will go to the Naval Academy to come out of there a REAL CAPITAN!
J: (unable to hide his surprise and excitement at the idea) ME a Capitan???!
F: Yes.
A: (very excited at the idea of Juan staying and studying alongside him) Yes, Juan!! Say yes!!!!
F: What do you say?

(Few days/weeks go by. Fran and Bautista are working around the hacienda, Juan and Andres are getting along great running around and playing around the yard)
(Don Francisco writes a letter...)
"Yes, my dear Noel...
These last few days I have been thinking about it in depth. And I have decided I want you to initiate the steps required for me to recognize Juan as my son. 
I don’t care about the scandal or the rage of Sofia.
I think it is the right thing to do and that is what I want.
(Francisco is beginning to fold the letter when Sofia breaks into the office very mad...)
F: This time your headache has lasted very long.
S: Yes, but it has been the pain and the shame/embarrassment! How dare you bring to this house your BASTARD SON?!! And don’t deny it!! I heard when you and Mancera were talking about him!! That boy is YOUR SON!! Yours and of one of those lost women with whom you have always betrayed me! What pond did you get him from to bring him to my HOME?? How dare you give him to my son as companion???!!
F: (was still folding the letter as she was shouting to him but now looks up to her) Calm down already, please Sofia!
S: I am not going to calm down, nor I will be quiet! I want even the deph people to hear me! I am not going to keep quiet nor will I tolerate it!! I do not want him here! Get him out of this house or I will leave with my son!!!
F: (getting even more loud and irritated) Neither of those things will happen!! (puts the letter in the envelope) Yes! Juan is my son... but he was born way before you and I got married. 
S: We were already engaged!!!
F: I will recognize him!! And I will give him my surname!!
S: You won’t do me such an offense!!
F: That’s all that matters to you, right? Your luxuries, your image of spotless pure lady! What would happen if I announced that you have been denying me my marital rights? … pretexting illnesses and headaches!..
S: We are not talking about that!!! That’s not the point!!
F: Of course THAT is the point!! And EVERYTHING ELSE!!! (now he is very mad, gets up, walks around the desk and to her, showing her the letter) I won’t listen to you, Sofia!! In this letter are the instructions for Don Noel to proceed with the issue of Juan… and I will take it to him myself!!
S: No, Francisco, NO!!!!! (too late.... he's gone in a flash!!)(Andres comes in, asks what's going on, Sofia says 'nothing, son...' or something like that..)

Andres finds Juan around the creek
A: Juan, Juan!! My parents are fighting!
J: Why?
A: I don’t know. I had never seen them so mad.
J: Did he hit her?
A: Of course not!! Men do not hit their women.
J: Ah, no?
A: Of course not! That is not the right behavior of gentlemen!
J: Maybe Gentlemen do not do it, but there are men who hit their women, and women who hit their men
A: Really? Have you seen that??
J: You know nothing about the world, right?? You live here locked in like a bird in cage.
A: Well, because I am too young. But when I grow up, my mother already said she will send me to school in Paris.
J: Paris? Where is that?
A: In France, far away! On the other side of the sea! There I will meet people, and see things!!
J: You do not need to go so far or wait so long. In San Pedro there are cantinas where the sailors come and tell lots of stories. They play cards, drink alcohol, and when they pull out their knives, then the party gets started!.. 
(Juan and Andres notice the workers are carrying someone into the house..) Looks like they are bringing a corpse.
A: (looks for a moment, then reacts) Its my father!!! (starts running) Papaaa!!

(Francisco agonizing in the bed, Andres and Sofia by his side)
F: Andres? ... son... I think... you will be the lord of this house... Take care of your mother... and Juan!... Help Juan... Love him... Love him like a brother... (moves his hand toward his jacket pocket) Here I have a letter... a letter... (Sofia is getting a cloth wet to clean his wounds, but Francisco expires before she can use it)
END OF EP 1!!!

No. 6. Ju/And make plans to run away, Sof kicks Ju out of CR, Aim/And meet, Aim mad about returning to SP
Juan/Andres in Andres' room
A: Now I am an orphan like you. It must be really sad not to have a father. You know what he asked me before he died?
J: What?
A: To take care of you.
J: To take care of ME?? (Very sarcastic tone)
(Sofia comes in)
S: Andres.. (sees Juan, shouts to him:) You have nothing to do here!! GET OUT!! Do you understand??! Get out of my house!! I do not want to ever see you again!! (Juan turns around mad, he's getting the he__ out of there fast. Andres wants to follow Juan to prevent him from leaving, Sofia stops him) You wait here!! 
A: No, Juan! Wait! (to Sofia) What did you do?? My DAD said...
S: Your dad did not realize what he was saying… and your place is not here, but in the big room next to his coffin.

Juan/Andres meet outside, after Andres finishes getting dressed)
A: I am leaving with you! I want to learn to row a boat and to fish. When I grow up... I will also be a sailor. And I will command my own war ship!
J: When you grow up you can do all that, but not now.
A: I can leave and then come back later. We can even buy a ship. I have money. (this gets Juan's attention)
J: You have money?? YOUR money??
A: Of course! Lots of money in my box. (Juan is drooling) We will leave with all my money… if you want for me until the afternoon.
J: They won’t let you leave.
A: I will escape. After the burrial of my father, we will leave together... And I will take care of you like HE asked me to!!
J: Alright... (still undecided)
A: I will see you here after the funerals are over. … Down there, near the creek.
J: Ok.

(Sofia/Cata in Sofia's room after the burial of Francisco)
C: At least Francisco did not leave you in financial ruin/need.
S: You know, Catalina, that in whatever I can help you...
C: I know, cousin… and I am thankful. I am not worried about myself so much. I will see the San Pedro house and will keep the house by the beach. It is more modest, but that means it will be less expensive to maintain. The only thing that worries me is the girls.
S: There, there… we will talk about that later… It will be a big responsibility to raise a boy without his father. (she's right about that..)

(Juan/Andres by the river)
A: Juan, Juan!
J: Did you bring the money??
A: Here it is! Look, for each birthday my father gave me a gold coin… some silver coins… we will have a big boat, with sail, and we will be able to sail all the seas.
(Bautista is nearby calling Andres)
J: They are looking for you. (Andres had already spilled the contents of his box on Juan's shirt, so Juan has the money)
(Juan and Andres get separated, Juan hides. Bautista gets Andres, who calls Juan but Juan doesn't respond)

(15 years later)
(Cata telling Monica about Aimee's letter)
C: She says she is very happy. That she has gone to several parties (tarreadas?), That La Alameda is a populare party center, about the latest fashion trend in Paris is more daring and the hats are now smaller. Your sister has become frivolous. (you say it Cata and you don know it... LOL!!) Sometimes I wonder if I did right in sending her for so long with your aunt Amalia.
M: Of course, Mother! Besides, over there would be easier for her to find a suitable husband.
C: I hope so! But I doubt she will have as much luck as you, child!
M: I don’t think there is any other one like Andres. (Very illusioned about her upcoming marriage to Andres)

(Aimee is at some kind of get-together in a house in Mex City. speaking to Dolores and someone else)
Aimee: You all are such party poopers! Of course you must tease and flirt. A little look here, a raising your skirt there...
(the other girl points to Alberto who just arrived with Andres. Aimee asks who is with him (Alberto), Dolores tells her he's Andres.)
Ai: Andres??
(Andres had noticed her, Alberto introduces them, Andres doesn't remember her, but Aimee tells him she's his cousin, Aimee de Altamira.. Andres is surprised...)
An: Aimee??

Aimee/Dolores later. Aimee tells Dol Monica and Andres are engaged, but have not seen each other in 7 years
A: How can you feel love for someone you have not seen in years?
D: Why not? Love is something that comes from the heart.
A: Yes, but it walks in throught he eyes, grows with words, with stares, … with KISSES!... Hah! And knowing the hypocrite of my sister, I am sure that between them there has not been even a brush/contact (roce).

(Andres talks to Alberto at his house)
An: The last time I saw those girls, they were thin clunky and disarrayed girls. And look what has become of them now… Well, at least this one. (oh, boy.. he's hooked like a stranded fish in the sea...)

Ai: I am not happy to be going back to San Pedro...
An: Why is that?
Ai: It is a boring town. Its people don’t compare to the capital folks. An: Do you like parties?
Ai: Well... They are entertaining.. it is a perfect pretext to see your friends, talk to each other and get aquainted with what is going on...
An: I suppose you also have friends in San Pedro...
Ai: Those are more like friends of my sister, they are too simple/boring…... with them you cannot talk about anything...

Aimee/Dolores, day before she returns to SP:
Ai: I do not want to go back, Dolores. I do not want to burry myself in SP for the rest of my life!.. There is nothing fun to do there! It is a miserable town.. of fishermen and contraband dealers (boy what a premonition she had... hmmmm). If here I have not found a good man, even less will I find him there!!

No. 7.. DN/Cata chat re: MonAndmarriage, AndSofchatinMC 
Da Cata/Don Noel .. Da Cata went to ask him to retire the money for Monica's modest dowry... she's worried whether it will work between Andres & Monica, haven't seen each other in so long... 
DN: If Andres continues being the good young and noble man that I knew, your daughter will be very fortunate, Dona Catalina. 
C: I am certain that with God’s help it will be so. And that is precisely why I came to see you. 
DN: Ah, I am at your service. What can I do for you. 
C: Although my cousin, Dona Sofia, so generous as you know, is going to give Monica her entire wedding attire, I would like to take some of that money that my husband left me so that she has, at least, that small dowry. 
DN: As you wish. Today I will send a telegram to the bank to make the withdrawal. 
C: Thank you so much, DN. That way Monica will not feel so insignificant. 
DN: Between the two of us, allow me to tell you that the virtues that Monica will bring to the marriage are much more valuable than any dowry.. (Cata brings up the subject of Aimee, she was disappointed Aimee didn't find a husband while she was in MexCity) We live in a society where the good ‘breed’ or a good education is not that important anymore. But don’t despair. Here in San Pedro, there are still some single young men of good families that I am certain will know how to appreciate the virtues of your younger daughter... 

Andres tells Sofia he wants to marry Aimee....
And: I did not even remember here when I saw here at Amalia Terreros house. But I was bewitched. Of course we could… 
S: Andres, my GOD! You cannot marry Aimee.. 
(end of ep 2)
And: Why not, mother? She is not engaged. 
S: But you are!!! 
And: Me? 
S: Yes!.. With Monica, her sister!! 
A: Mother, please!! You won’t expect me to acknowledge that childish promise. 
S: It is not childish, it is a formal engagement/arrangement, and Monica is anxiously awaiting your return to be married. I can’t understand how you could think in another woman when you knew.. 
A: I did not know, mother!! 
S: But ever since you were a child I told you you and Monica some day would get married!... 
A: When you are a child, you are told a million things! You are made to believe in fairies, in gnomes, in 7 headed dragons… Why did you never talk to me again about that engagement? 
S: Because I thought there was no need to!. Besides, in my letters I always told you about her. And 7 years ago, when you spent that time in Campo Real, I saw the two of you talking and spending time together so happily, that I thought it was well understood... 
A: Evidently that was not the case!.. And if I once talked about her, it was from courtesy toward her. Because she was a second cousin that was staying at the hacienda. In the first place, mother, you did very wrong in making arrangements of that nature in my name. 
S: Many marriages are done that way. 
A: But not mine!! 
S: But my son!... 
A: I am sorry, mother! But I am in love with another woman… Is Aimee aware of that supposed arrangement I have with her sister??
S: Everyone knows about it. The whole family, all our friends… No, no, Andres. It can’t be. To Monica it would be terrible, she considers herself your fiancee!! Besides, she loves you… she is a beautiful young lady, well educated… she plays the piano, speaks french, does excellent enbroidery… reserved, modest, always willing to help with any charity.

No. 8.. Monica and Teresa chat re: Aimee's return and ways.. Sof keeps trying to convince And in Mex
T: Then Aimee did not find a husband prospect? 
M: No.
 T: And is she going to stay here forever? 
M: Well yes, this is her home. 
T: Your sister is so flirtatious, she will own all the available bachelors in San Pedro! She is not going to leave us anything!! 
M: Please, Teresa. You speak of my sister as if she was barefaced (what a prediction!!)
T: Well, maybe I overstated it a bit. But she is presumptuous for sure! Because since she lives at the capital, she feels the queen bee wrapped in egg! (anyone have a better translation to 'la divina garza envuelta en huevo'? LOL) Remember the last time she came... she did nothing but brag of the parties, the reunions, the cars, the clothes... She looked at all of us from the top down as if we were wild rats (LOL!!). 
M: Well... That is how Aimee is. But deep inside she is good. (how deep, Monica??) And truthfully, I feel pity for her. My mother had so much hope that she would find a suitable husband...
T: Woman, oh how I envy you...

Andres/Sofia later on: 
A: I will be back in a month. But first, mother, I want to leave that issue of Monica settled. 
S: I think you should at least interact with her a little first.
A: NO. 
S: I am sure you will come to like her, and much more than you like Aimee.
A: She can be the most beautiful woman in the world, but I dont love her, mother. Is that so hard to understand?? And since it is a commitment YOU made in my name, I ask you that you find the most convenient way to terminate it.
S: But can you imagine what it will be like for her?? 
A: Yes, I can imagine it. And you dont know how sorry I am. because she is not at fault for anything, but neither am I.  Please understand me. I have seen dozens of (male) friends that for one reason or another end up marrying women whom they dont love. And their life turns into a true hell. They despise being home. Always look for entertainment somewhere else. Adopt all kinds of bad habits and crowds. I dont want that, mother. I wish for a tranquil life. With a tender, loving woman beside me... that loves me as much as I love her. A woman I HAVE SELECTED to be the mother of my children...
S: Does Aimee share the same feelings for you? 
A: I have not spoken to her directly about it... for decency. But I believe so.

No. 9 Aimee arrives, first chats with Monica, Aimee asks Lupe about Juan after she sees him taking b
Aimee arrives, is greeted by an excited Monica outside..
M: Ay, Aimee!! I am so glad to see you!! (hug) When did you arrive?
A: A while ago. (disgusted look on her face) Just that I did not find a car/coche/taxi at the plaza so I had to come here by foot.
M: What's important is that you are here already. Ay, so glad you have come back. We have so much to tell each other about...
(inside the living room now...)
A: (disgusted) It so hot here....
M: We are at the coast. Besides, those clothes you are wearing are very pretty but too thick for San Pedro.
A: Its whats in fashion now.
M: Yes, I suppose so, but here we are behind in that sense. And here in San Pedro  the only thing that dictates fashion is the sun.
(Cata joins them)
M: I am so happy (referring to her upcoming marriage to And)
A: I saw Andres in Mexico (MC).
M: Really?
C: Where?? (with a worried face, kind of previewing trouble around the bend...)
A: In a reunion at my aunt Amalia's house.
M: And what did he tell you?
A: Nothing... he just greeted me and was very cordial/gentle with me.
(Later, Ai and Mon in Aimee's room)
A: Do you love him much?
M: (from this point on Monica has a dreamy look on her face talking about Andres and their upcoming marriage) How wouldn't I love him? He is my fiancee, my future husband.
A: But you two haven't even seen each other much. Dont forget... 'far from the eyes, far from the heart'.
M: Well, maybe you are right, but... but inside I feel a big feeling of love... and if Andres did not feel the same way he would have broken the engagement already.
A: Surely.
M: Ay, I am so happy, Aimee... At nighttime I barely sleep. Just thinking that I soon will see him again, I don't know, ... I feel shivering.
A: Caray!.. I never imagined so much excitement/enthusiasm.
M: Ja, ja.. No, please. Don't think badly. It is a clean and natural feeling for my fiancee, for the future father of my children.
A: Ja, ja.. Modest and pure Monica... (making fun of her words) But you dont trick me. You are dying to feel his kisses, his warm body under the sheets... (M gets up and shows feeling indignant almost instantly at these words...)
M: Please!.. What's wrong with you?! Is that what you have been taught in the institution at MC?? 
A: No, no.. You learn that outside the school. At the parties, at the reunions, talking to your friends.
M: But they are obscene thoughts, embarrassing thoughts.
A: But real.
M: (doesn't want to chat anymore, feels too embarrassed and offended) I will leave you so you can rest. Good night.
A: Sister... Since we are women... we also feel the same with respect to men, just that... I express the feelings... while you hide them...
M: Get some rest.... (leaves)
A: Hypocrit!
(Aimee goes out for her walk, spots Juan taking his bath, then returns home and asks Lupe about him)
A: Lupe, who lives at that house by the sea?
L: What house, nina?
A: The hut/cabin that is there at a cliff.
L: Dont tell me you went all the way there.
A: Yes, and I saw a young man.
L: Ay, nina, Dont even think of going back there.
A: Why?
L: That man is evil, he can hurt you.
A: Hurt me?
L: He is a devil, Senorita. Everyone is afraid of him. No wonder they call him Juan del Diablo.....

No. 10.. Sofia tells Cata there will be no wedding between And and Mon. And is interested in Aimee instead
Cata goes to see Sofia after Sofia returns from MexC:
C: Monica is so nervous...
S: Yes, I can imagine. (Sofia looks very uncomfortable, like the last thing she wants to do is have to tell Cata the wedding is not going to happen...)
C: (notices Sofia's nerves...) Is anything wrong?
S: I dont even know how to tell you, cousin..
C: What happened??
S: Well, it turns out Andres does not want to marry Monica.
C: (gets really worried and upset) Holy Virgin!... But why??!!
S: What can I tell you?? I am more mortified than you because it was my fault. In my mind the engagement was a given. But it turns out he had forgotten it and does not want to go through with it.
C: My GOD!!
S: And I haven't told you the worst part yet...
C: (in disbelief) Je! Is there any worse part??!!
S: Well ... at MC he met a young woman and fell in love. So much that he wants me to ask for her hand in marriage.
C: Really?? (looking away.. like not really wanting to know more but...) Who is it?
S: Ay, hold on/sit down, cousin.... it is Aimee!...

(they switch to 1st half of Juan/Aimee's first meeting, but I will keep the scenes together here for continuity)

C: I have no idea how to tell her!!
S: I can do it if you want me to.
C: NO, no! Are there any chances Andres will change his mind??
S: You have no idea how much I insisted but he is stubborn! I am so sorry, Catalina, but what can we do?? If it is any consolation for Monica, tell her... not to worry, that I am committed to find her a good candidate. With her beauty, it won't be hard at all.
C: Alright... but at least, Sofia... lets not tell her about Aimee yet.. at least until a few days pass...
S: Its just that I promised him to ask for her hand right away.

No. 11 Juan and Aimee's first meeting and first chat...
(meanwhile, at Juan's house... 1st half of Juan/Aimee's 1st meeting)
(Juan had asked Pedro to find out who she was after he noticed she was staring at him while he took a bath... Now Juan is at his desk, Pedro comes...) 
Pedro:  There she is again!...
J: Who?
P: The young girl of the other day.
J: The Condesita?
P: That one. (J smiles... goes down to the beach by the tree and sneaks next to her from behind...)
J: (looks at her from bottom up, then speaks loud intentionally, like wanting to startle her) I THOUGHT I would satisfy your curiosity. (Aimee gets up faking offended) Didn't you want to meet me?
A: How insolent/arrogant!... And why should I be interested in meeting someone like you?
J: I dont know!... That's why I am intrigued... I imagine you know who I am.
A: No.
J: NO? (going along with her game of naive princess) You haven't asked around? Everyone in San Pedro knows me. To some I am the very devil in person (smiles). To some, I am a Para otros a poor/beggar guy who tries to survive/make it...
A: You can be anything but not a poor/beggar guy trying to make it. (turns away from him intentionally).
J: (looks at her from bottom up again, like when he came down) And you are the prettiest lady who has crossed around here. Would you like to have a glass of wine?
A: I dont drink wine.
J: But you would keep me company... or is that too much audacity for a rugged guy like me to invite a... a 'condesa'?.. No, dont' be afraid, I am not the devil they say I am, and I know how to behave with a lady. (Aimee fakes thinking about it).
(2nd part of 1st meeting, chatting at Juan's house)
J: (serving himself a drink, she is sitting at the couch) To tell you the truth, I prefer spirit liquor, or rum... wine is... for delicate, demanding and frenchified palates. (comes to couch and sits at other end, bottle on table, toasts with her, she's drinking a glass of lemonade/juice?) To your health.. 'condesa'. ... SO!... you are one of the daughters of Dona Catalina de Altamira. .. What is your name?
A: (intentionally takes her time, like to provoke his curiosity..) Aimee... And you??
J: Aimee?? .. (smirks) What a strange name!.. . Everyone calls me Juan del Diablo.
A: But what is your real name?
J: Dont have any. (we can tell he is not exactly comfortable talking about the subject)
A: Dont have any?
J: (nods a no) There was no father to give me his surname. I am an ordinary 'Juan'. And well!... the people gave me an alias... that I like!
A: But you must know who were your parents.
J: (wanting to change the subject right away) My origin is not interesting. Lets rather talk about you... So you just arrived from the capital (MC)?
A: Yes. I lived there practically all my life. With an aunt. But I am back for good now.
J: (looks at her hand, looking for a ring) Not married... but I suppose you are engaged.
A: No.
J: Do you like the sea?
A: I am beginning to like it.
J: Whenever you want (gets up to look out to his ship at the bay) I can invite you to go for a ride in my ship.
A: You have a ship?
J: Yes. (points at the 'Satan' for her to notice.) .. Your sister is older... or younger than you?
A: Older. She will soon be married.
J: Yes? Then after the older it will be your turn to do it..
A: That's right (she changes demeanor, like he touched a painful subject for her) ... I should leave.
J: I will walk you back.
A: No, no need to.
J: Dont worry. Just part of the way... thats all. I know full well that it is not 'convenient' for you to be seen with me.
A: No, I was not saying it for that reason.
J: Yes, that is the reason. But I am not as susceptible/sensitive... After you...

(When Aimee arrives home, she comes in through Monica's room window. Monica is there...)
M: I thought you did not like the sea.
A: (with a 'swept off her feet' facial expression) [From some angles it seems] (this might not be exact, it's what I interpreted from reading her lips) FASCINANTING.....

No. 12... Cata gives Monica the blow... Aimee and Juan keep meetings continue... first J/Aimee kiss
Mon after Cata returns from Sofia's house. Cata is reluctant to explain her concerned look but Mon notices she's upset/worried:
M: Did something happen, Mama?
C: Sit down.
M: What's the matter?
C: Well.. it turns out... when your godmother and I talked about an engagement, Andres and you were... only 8 years old. At that time Sofia told him... Later, ... of course, taking it as a given... the subject was not mentioned again. Now that she saw him, when she said to him that it was time to start the arrangements... Andres... was very surprised.
M: And he does not want to? (like in limbo-land, like not really absorbing the full implications of Cata's words...)
C: Its that he did not know about it!!... I mean... he did not remember the engagement... And with things the way they are,... I did not think it correct to continue with the wedding plans.
M: (still not willing to acknowledge the true meaning of Cata's words) Does he want to wait some more time? (by now she leaves the limbo-land face and starts to acknowledge / understand the situation more clearly)
C: Its just that...
M: The truth, mother!! Andres does not recognize the engagement and does not want to marry me.
C: What are we going to do, dear??
M: (turns away from Cata upset, starts to cry quietly) He doesn't want to... Why, mother?? Why??
C: I dont know! I dont know what to tell you, dear! Also your godmother is so heartbroken!
M: All these years you all made me believe that we would marry. You all pushed me to love him... to think that he was going to be my husband. Why were you all so cruel with me, mother??
C: We did not know this, dear!
M: (gets a littler louder, more desperate in her tone) What am I going to do now?? ... They all will mock me!! They will laugh at my back!!
C: No, no dear!! None of this is your fault... neither Andres!! He did not know he was engaged to you and... the townspeople love you too much to mock you!..
M: Then they will pity me, which is worse. It is unfair... You all should not have illussioned me, mother!! All my life I have done nothing but think of him!! Why was everyone so evil to me?? Why, Lord, Why???
(At late night merienda, Aimee and Cata are sitting down...)
Ai: Where's Monica?
C: She's not feeling well.
Ai: The anxiety over Andres' arrival? Mommy... what plans do you have for me? Will I have to resign to be an old maid?... or will I be a nun??
C: Have a little patience. Maybe your luck will change.
Ai: But how will it change?? Am I going to drown in this town without even a decent friend to talk to??
C: Your aunt Sofia told me ... it seems there is someone interested in asking for your hand in marriage.
Ai: And old man?... or an older single man who is too ugly for anyone else?... Because if I need to settle for anything at all because we don't have a dowry to give, I prefer to find myself a sailor, (looks away into dreamy thoughts [ in Palapa-land]) but young and strong!...
C: Please, Aimee! Dont's be silly! I think your comments are inappropriate and... truthfully... I don't feel like eating. Excuse me! (gets up in a hurry and goes away to her room upset)

(Monica in bed thinking, lamenting her fate...)
Why did you do this to me, My god?? It is not fair!! So many years believing myself to be so lucky among women ... thinking of HIM... dreaming of HIM... Aimee is right... I imagined forbidden things too... I have desired them so strongly, My God... and now... what am I going to do??... flee town??... how will I face my friends?? The people who know about the engagement?? What will they think?? That I have been rejected, undermined... (gets up to stare at picture of Virgin on wall) No, my God!! No, Dear Virgin, help me!! Help me to sustain so much embarrassment. Tell me what can I do... Tell me!!

(Aimee tries to get more JDD info out of Lupe)
Ai: Is it true that he has a ship?
L: Yes, el Satan!
Ai: Ja! Satan.. What a name for a ship!! ... Does he have a woman??
L: Ja! Better say 'WOMEN'... All the Mejor diga 'mujeres...'. Every pert / petulant woman in town are running around crazy for him... And it is said around that some higher society ones too.
Ai: Really??...

No. 13.. Monica tells Sof want to be nun. Aimee and J keep meeting and First J/Aimee kiss... it's
(Juan arrives at the cantina... the salsa background music included in the soundtrack is played as he arrives and walks around... they must have speakers ourside the doors, we hear it when he has not reached the doors yet...but the doors are open, so it could be very loud... LOL!!!)
(Juan makes arrangements for his next contraband shipment receipt... Azucena approaches Juan to hug him from behind but he pushes her away, too concentrated in the dealings at the table, just tells her 'I will be up there in a while'.)

(Aimee goes to La Palapa, finds Juan shaving...)
Ai: Anyone home?? (walks around, he peeks out..) Ay!! I am sorry!!
J: Come in.
Ai: NO, but...
J: (notices she's uncomfortable..., not clear if he notices she's faking it...) If your MODESTY... feels offended... it has an easy fix!.. (puts shirt on) Is that better? (does not button shirt up yet...)
Ai: Well... its not that you are well dressed/covered.
J: Je! (making fun of her 'embarrasment') Dont tell me you have never seen a man with little clothing on?...
Ai: Well.. Yes. ... workers, peons, low standing people (she is very quick to put distance/labels between social 'classes')... but... never a gentleman.
J: And who ever told you I am a gentleman? (comes closer to her) I can behave as if I were ... but I am not!... But dont worry... I will never disrespect you... (turns away and then back to her, like to stress his final point)... if you don't want me to...

(Monica goes to visit Sofia at her house...)
S: How's Aimee?
M: Well... I came to talk about the... the decision of Andres to break the engagement.
S: I understand that for you it has been a ... (she meant to say 'hard blow...' or something like that but Monica interrupts her...)
M: A great relief!
S: (cannot hide her surprise) Relief??
M: Yes. You see... of course I was ready to go through with the engagement with HIM but... but the day Andres changed his mind... I was very happy... because I have come to realize my true vocation is not marriage, but to dedicate my life to the service of the Lord.
S: Do you mean you will enter the convent?
M: Yes. I have decided to become a nun. .. I imagine for you this is a surprise... but...
S: Its just that I always thought you loved Andres!
M: Yes, but with the kind of love you feel for any fellow human being. If my destiny were to marry HIM, I would have accepted it and fulfilled my duty as his wife. But if he changed his mind, it is a relief for me.
S: (still surprised) I am glad you feel this way. You don't know how anguished your mother and I have been.
M: I understand. Its just that... if I appeared to be happy with the engagement it was because... because I did not want to hurt anyone... also because I believed the Lord wanted it so. The truth, godmother, is that in my heart I always felt the religious vocation. (Monica is really having a hard time keeping a straight face without breaking into tears, knowing she is lying through her teeth and inside is devastated by Andres' decision...) And now finally I will be able to dedicate myself to serve God.
S: Hija! I am so glad! Does your mother know??
M: No. I wanted you to be the first to find out.
S: For Andres it will be a consolation to know this. You have no idea of how worried he is. Of course that if you had insisted, he was willing to go through with it as he is a gentleman! (what a bunch of cr____!!)
M: But as you see, it was not neccessary. Anyway, tell Andres thank you in my name, and tell him that... that his decision surely was inspired by the Virgin... to whom I begged so much to be able to follow my vocation... (cr___ to answer cr___!! LOL!!)
S: Of course! I will tell him! Not only HIM but all our friends as well.

(Juan and Aimee are walking by the beach...)
J: How was it that you found out so many things about me so quickly?
Ai: I asked my house maid.
J: What else did she tell you?
Ai: That some maids in town said that... every once in a while... you also enjoyed the company... of higher society women. (Juan gets visibly irritated, but limits himself to a smirk and looks away...) Did I say anything that bothered you??...
J: (gets irritated and disappointed about her response... changes tone to insulting inquizition) Is that why you are following me??
Ai: How dare you??!! (faking offended... or maybe she's genuine in the reaction, I can't tell...maybe she's a proud 'condesita' after all).
(Ai turns away, he forces her to turn back, visibly irritated and decisive)(SMOOCH!!!!)... (Aimee is reluctant at first, but then gives in... suddenly pulls away and leaves in a hurry... Juan is left there kind of irritated AND confused...
Later we see Aimee in her room taking some water with her fingers and rubbing her lips with them.. as if to cool them off after the SALVAJE kiss....)

No. 14 Cata Worried about Mon's decisio to enter Convent... Ai and Juan meet at beach, make love, Ju

Cata sees Monica back home...
C: Daughter! Why didn't you tell me you had arrived home? I saw your godmother. It is crazy what you are thinking!! You can't lock yourself in a convent!! Besides!, Sofia promised to find you another husband!! (Alberto??? YUKKKK!!!)
M: That's not the issue! I don't want another man! I don't want ANYONE!!
C: Ok, calm down!
M: How do you want me to face people?? Everyone will laugh in my face or... will look at me with compassion?? I wanted Andres!! I have loved him forever and noone else could substitute him now.
C: You say that because you have not interacted with any other man.
M: Neither do I want to!! Mom, please, don't insist! I don't want to know anything anymore! I am hurt, wounded... embarrassed. I want to die, mother, I want to die right now!
C: What did Fray Domingo say to you?
M: He wants me to think about it more but... but I have already made up my mind. Please, mother... help me!! If Fray Domingo asks you, tell him that you agree, that that is my vocation. Help me get admitted to the convent, because otherwise I won't be able to withstand it, mother! I will die of embarrassment... Aimee already knows it?
C: She found out when your godmother was here. We told her  that you were the one that changed her mind.
M: Did she believe you?
C: I dont know. But she is your sister, dear!
M: No, mom! Noone should know what happened!! Noone! Please, promise me... promise me, mother!!... Promise me!!
C: Yes.. I promise you.

(Aimee and Lupe go to the towns open market the next day and buy a peasant girl outfit. )
(Ai asks Lupe to take the clothing to her room until she asks her for it. Later Ai puts the clothes on and goes to the Palapa. Doesn't find Juan at the house so goes back down to the beach and lays down very provocatively on the sand. Juan is bathing in the ocean, comes out, notices her and goes to her standing in front of her.. she has her eyes closed, or so it seems...)
J: Enjoying the sun?... Dont you want to get in the water?
Ai: The sea makes me afraid.
J: I know of a more private area around here that is more tranquil.
(they are shown bathing, playing around in the water, she comes out running, he follows her out... they make love in the sand... later Juan comes back with an apple and gives it to her... she is dressed up again.)
Ai: Don't you want any? (he nods a yes, she takes a bite)
J: I heard that your sister is engaged with a local hacienda owner... Andres Alcazar.
Ai: She was. She decided to break the engagement to join the convent.
J: Something really unpleasant she must have discovered in Andres to join a convent instead of marrying HIM...
Ai: Don't bet on it. Andres is a good looking man.
J: Where did you see him?? When?? (he gets irritated, like the fact that Aimee thinks And is good looking sets his jealousy in gear...)
Ai: In MC at a party.
J: (grabs her by the neck) Even if you were the one seizing me... now I own you. Don't forget that. (he rubs his fingers on her lips)

(Monica meets her mother returning from the Convent...)
M: Then they accept me?
C: After I spoke with Fray Domingo I asked for an audience with Mother Superior and I convinced her.
M: Really? Mom, thank you! When can I come over?
C: Whenever you want, hija.
M: Tomorrow??
C: Please, I would like you to think about it...
M: It is decided, mother. Besides, I want to be in the convent already when Andres arrives. I don't want to see him, mother.
C: But...
M: Please understand me.
C: Alright. It will be as you wish. I only ask God not to punish us for this.
M: No, mom. The Lord is everyone's refuge and cannot reproach me to look for consolation. Maybe all this happened because he wanted it this way. Maybe this is my destiny.
C: But...
M: Please, mother!... That's how it should be, that's how I want it to be..

No. 15.. Aim is in disbelief of Mon's decision... Juan and Azu have a heart to heart talk.. Aimee finds them there
(Cata and Aimee at merienda?)
Ai: Its that Monica's decision is very strange, mother. She used to walk around extremely in love with Andres. Isn't it more likely that my aunt Sofia returned to the Capital with the news that HE does not want to go through with the engagement?
C: I dont understand where you get that idea from. Andres is a gentleman!
Ai: Its that I find it very hard to believe!
C: Tell me, did you see him several times?
Ai: Who? Andres Alcazar?? Two or three times...
C: And how did he behave with you??
Ai: Well.Why are you looking at me like that?
C: Nothing.
Ai: I am sure you know something, mommy. Why don't you tell me?
C: Because there is nothing more to tell you than what I already told you!
Ai: Then I don't believe you...

(Azucena and Juan at Palapa)
J: Who brought you here?
A: Serafin. He is out there with Pedro.
J: Sit down. ... You cannot stay at the cantina anymore.
A: Do you want me to come live here? with you?
J: No. I am going to find you a job in some family home.
A: But why?? I mean... why with other people?? I can take care of your house... cook for you... wash your clothes..
J: Pedro is already taking care of that.
A: But I could...
J: NO!... No!... If you already left that life you were leading... is so that someday you find a man... to love you and care for you.
A: I don't want another man!... I want you to....
J: No, no... what was between us... was a mistake... something that never should have happened. You are no longer a young girl that sells herself for money. You have changed. And if they see you here, living with me... they will think you have gone back to your old ways.
A: I don't care what the rest of them think!
J: But I do care!! For you... Don't you want to marry someday?... have a family?... children?
A: The only thing I want is to be with you, Juan! I can sleep outside... in a hammock. Take care of you when you are here... wait for you if you are traveling... keep your house clean... Please, Juan. I beg you...
J: I said NO! I cannot marry you or anyone else. I don't have a comfortable life... I am always on the run... bribing justice so I don't get locked up... besides, I don't even have a real surname to give a wife.
A: I don't care about that!
J: But I DO!, and I don't want to argue anymore. (gets up, leans on table right in front of Azu) As soon as I return from this trip I will find you a house where you can begin working... Azucena.. Look at me!... eh? What do you say? Agreed? (right at this moment Aimee is standing a few feet from them, at the entrance to the palapa, with a p___ off look on her face for Juan...)
Ai: Pardon me!.. I did not know you were busy... (turns around and leaves mad quickly...)
J: Wait! (gets up and takes a few steps after Aimee when Azu starts yelling at him... he stops)
Azu: Who is it?? This is why you don't want me to come live here!!.. Because you found another one!... And a young lady from high society (de la Alta), to boot. Because she doesn't deceive me with the clothing she had on!
(Aimee gets back to her room, throws the belt away mad..., has a 'few friends' look on her face...)
Ai: Stupid!.. Rogue!.. Shameless! What does he think?? A dirty mariner of ports, That's what he is!!...

Seg: Come, Juan. This is Licenciado Gordillo (LOL!! What a name!! It could have been Bordillo)
Lic: How are you, mi Capitan?(handshake betw J and Lic)
J: Segundo already explained to you what it's all about?
Lic: Yes.
Seg: Licenciado is the buddy of the military post troop chief and is certain that they will let us slip the merchandise through.
Lic: I was telling your friend that it is best to pass the merchandise during the dawn hours, when there is less giards around.
J: And is your buddy in agreement with the price?
Lic: Well, HIM yes, but my cut, honestly, is small.
J: (thinks about it for a moment) I can give you an extra 5% more, but not until the merchandise has arrived at my ship. (Azucena approaches Juan from behind to greet him, but he lifts up his arm to push her away) I will be up there in a while.
Azu: Alright, Juan. (leaves)
J: Agreed, Licenciado?
Lic: Do you not trust me?
J: Until the merchandise is in my ship's cabins, you will have your payment. If not, there is no deal.
Lic: As you say, Capitan.
J: Alright then. But don't forget, Licenciado Gordillo. There is no forgiveness to whoever betrays me..
Lic: No need to tell me, Capitan. We all know you.

END OF EP 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ep 5 dialogues... Andres arrives at CR, argues with Sofia ; Juan clears Azu issue with Aimee
A: What happened with Aimee and her sister, Monica? Did you settle that issue?
S: Not completely.
A: What do you mean?
S: I have not yet asked for her hand in marriage for you.
A: Why?
S: Its that for Monica it was a terrible blow, son!! So much that...
A: What?
S: She decided to enter the convent. She wants to take her vows to be a nun.
A: Did it affect her so much?
S: You see, she grew up sold on the idea that she would be your wife. And when she learned you had returned, she thought the wedding would be inminent and soon. She went crazy, you don't know.. poor child... of course I did not tell her personally, Your aunt Catalina did it. Later she came to talk with me.
A: Did she reprieve you for anything?
S: Of course not! Monica is a decent girl, with dignity! Not even one complaint came out of her mouth.
A: Did you tell her about Aimee?
S: No, There was no opportunity. Besides, I did not want to humiliate her even more. She accepted the rejection with dignity... I also saw Aimee. Undoubtedly she has turned into a very pretty girl. But Monica is better! Really! Besides pretty, she is good, noble, respectful. At least you should see her..
A: What for? Now it is even more pointless. I am certain that Monica is all that you say. But mother, you can't control your feelings. Ever since I saw Aimee the first time, I don't do anything but think about her. And this is not a temporary thing. I have fallen truly in love. I am very sorry for what happened with Monica, but I do not love her.
S: I am certain that if you go see her...
A: Even if she was the most beautiful woman in the world... I love Aimee. And I have chosen her for myself. So I marry her or I won't marry anyone.
S: Alright, if you have already made up your mind...
A: Of course I am already decided.
S: Ok. I am only going to ask you a favor... When Monica came to see me she asked me to tell you the following. That she was thanking you for having broken the engagement because her true vocation had always been to become a nun. 
A: Is that what she told you?
S: Yes.
A: But is it true? or did she use that as pretext to come out well from the situation?
(Sof makes a 'I guess so' smirk)
A: Then I am glad to have helped her decide on such a compromising issue for her.

(Later on they continue the conversation in his room)
A: Three months? Why such a long time?
S: At least until the gossip quiets down on what happened with Monica.
A: But three months is too long. Why do you think I insisted to Coronel Bustamante to give me leave time?
S: Ah... and I thought you wanted to spend time with me.
A: Of course, but I also am anxious to see Aimee.
S: Ah...
A: Please, mother! At least we have to tell her! I want her to know. The official announcement will be in three months... if you want. But... I need Aimee to know about my feelings for her.
S: Ay. Andres.. why can't I deny you anything?...
A: Because you are my mother...

Juan comes thru Aimee's window when she goes up to go to bed...
J: Still mad at me?
A: What are you doing here?
J: My ship goes in a few hours. I will be out about a week.
A: What do I care?? I hope you sink out at sea!
J: Did you get jealous because of Azucena's visit?
A: (gets up and walks around him mad) Me jealous??
J: (grabs her by the arm, turns her around and holds her by the waist) 
A: If you don't let go of me I will scream...
J: (touches her face with his fingers, caresses her lips) Scream!. ... I don't have anything to do with Azucena... and I want to explain it to you. But I don't think it is prudent to talk about it here. Want to go for a walk??
A: Alright... as long as you get out of here.(she goes out the window, he follows with assertive JDD walk steps)

Repost of first J/M meeting and Monica/Lupe conversation afterwards.
(Juan returned from his week-long trip, Aimee has left Monica cleaning/tidying up her room/closet while Aimee/Cata visit Andres and Sofia. Juan comes into the dark room when Monica is bending over to put something in Aimee's dresser drawer. She has her habit on but not the hat. So he can see her blonde hair)
J: Aimee!...
M: (Monica jumps scared as if she saw a ghost) Who are you? What are you doing here??
J: Don't get so scared. You are not in front of the devil.
M: What do you want?
J: With you..nothing! .. where is Aimee?
M: Aimee? You are looking for my sister??
J: She's not here?
M: I don't have to tell you and I beg you to leave now.
J: Did she go out with her mom?
M: That is none of your business.
J: (puts a mocking smirk to respond to Monica's threatening attitude) Ah... I did not know that nuns could be so angry... 
M: I won't tollerate your stupid jokes... and if you don't leave ...
J: Besides! I never saw one so pretty...
M: I am going to call the house help...
J: Do that!... (he goes to grab her by the arm, just as he is able to touch her, she shakes him off, backs up a bit, he backs up a bit too) In this house there is only one maid. Is that why you went into the convent? you can't stand the touch of a man?...
M: GO AWAY!...
J: Alright, I am going. Tell Aimee I came by. May God guard you... Santa Monica.
(he goes away with a devilish smile in his face. She breathes with difficult, still not totally recovered from the moment... or from the attraction/chemistry?? LOL)

(Monica runs down the stairs calling Lupe's name)
M: Lupe! Lupe! I just saw a man in the bedr... in the garden!
L: Ah! A burglar??
M: He was tall, dark long hair! Was wearing boots and a thread shirt. Do you know him?
L: Young and good looking??
M: Yes.
L: Holly Virgin!! Really?
M: Do you know who that is??
L: Well, if he was good looking and tall/large... maybe he was Juan del Diablo!!
M: Juan del Diablo the smuggler??!!

No. 18 Andres' proposal, Juan and DN talk about Andres return and Azu
Here's the scene of Andres' proposal to Aimee:
Ai: (at the site of the ring opens her eyes wide like shown a giant lollipop.) It is SOO beautiful!!... (nods a 'no' after a moment) .. Its just that...
(Andres asks if she is thinking about his previous engagement to Monica and then explains to her his side of the story)
Ai: Then... you were the one that broke the engagement.
An: Its just that for me it never existed!
Ai: Yes, I understand.
An: And when I saw you in MC, I fell in love. I love you, Aimee! Really! I want to marry you. (she smiles at first, then gets sad and we see that she is remembering Juan's smirk)
An: Why don't you answer me? Don't you feel anything for me?
Ai: (snaps out of her thoughts.. flies back from Juan's place to face Andres again in her mind) No! Its just that I still can't believe it. (big smile)
An: Do you want to think about it for a few days?
Ai: No! (LOL!! she won't let this fish go just like that...) .... I mean... I can't deny I like you very much.
An: So?
Ai: I am concerned about Monica's reaction.
An: I am feeling a little uncomfortable too, but it is not your fault. Besides, she told you the decision to break the engagement was hers. So you don't have to tell you you know the truth.
Ai: That's true.
An: Please, Aimee! At least give me some hope. (gets up, turns his back to her like he is desperate) Say something!
Ai: Alright... (closes her eyes and stretches out her hand to him) I accept... (he turns back toward her elated, puts the ring on her finger)
An: Thank you.

Juan visits DN late at night.
J: I just arrived from my trip. It went pretty well.
DN: Smuggling again?
J: What choice do I have?
DN: We have discussed that issue at length, Juan.
J: We never agreed on it.
DN: One of these days you will get caught, Juan. You should change your lifestyle!
J: Go to work as a house aid? Because that would be the only job someone like me could aim for.
DN: I already told you I would give you my surname.
J: And I will thank you again for the offer, DN. But the day I accept a surname it will be the one that I truly should have.
DN: You know that will never happen.
J: Never is a word that does not exist in my vocabulary.
DN: You are too stubborn and proud, Juan.
J: Its the pride of the Alcazars. Something I must have inherited from that dog who was my father.
DN: Look, Juan...
J: Don't try to defend him, Don Noel!. ... I heard around that Andres returned.
DN: It seems that way.
J: He must not care much about his hacienda if he abandoned it for so many years.
DN: he has been studying in Europa, traveling. And I understand that Campo Real is moving along well. Dona Sofia has turned out to be a great administrator.
J: You mean a slave farmer(negrera). Everyone knows that she fertilizes her crops with the blood of the farmer workers.
DN: Maybe now with Andres arrival things will change there.
J: Andres?! (smiles a devilish smile, then laughs it off mocking Andres's name) If he continues to be the scared boy I knew as a kid, I seriously doubt he has the guts to impose his will on his HOLY mother... But I did not come here to talk about that, I came to ask you a favor... There is a young orphan girl that lives at Tuertos cantina. Her name is Azucena. I want to get her out of there. Maybe place her as a maid in a family home. Can you help me?

No. 19 Aim and Cata chat after proposal. Mon confronts Ai re: Juan's visit
Aimee and Cata return home from the Alcazar house dinner/engagement.
Ai: I cannot believe it...
Cat: You are so lucky, my child. But please!!.. do not tell anything to your sister yet. 
Ai: I think that is all silly. Besides, she is the one that broke the engagement, right?.
Cat: Anyways, it was a decision that your aunt and myself made. And Andres agreed with it.. I do not want to keep arguing! I am too tired. I will go to bed. Good night..

Monica confronts Aimee about Juan's visit last night.
M: You are meeting with that felon they all call Juan del Diablo?
Ai: Juan was here?
M: Yes. He came in as if this was his home (como Pedro por su casa) and calling you by your firstname.
Ai: He is a man who is kind of nutsy. A sailor who sells fish.
M: I have lived around here much longer than you. And Juan del Diablo is not exactly a sailor who sells fish. He is a horrible man! A murderer! A smuggler! (well.... is this the Monica that gets to marry him?? Sounds like she has made up her mind about him from here-say....)
Ai: Really??
M: Are you [naive] or are you faking it? (Eres o te haces?? LOL!!!!)
Ai: (cuts her off) Look, sister!! I will not stand around for your reprimends and your harassments. I met that poor man at the beach and crossed a few words with him. Or what?? I can't even talk to people around anymore?
M: Do you think I am stupid?? There must have been much more than a few words crossed between you two for that insolent guy to dare come in your bedroom at nighttime and leave you a message 'Tell Aimee I came to see her'.
Ai: What did I tell you? He is crazy!
M: Crazy or not, I warn you one thing. At the city you were used to flaunt around even with the stones... Here you will not be allowed that. You are not going to give our mother reason to get upset! And even less stain the good name of our family. (M leaves irritated)
A: Stain? ... The good family name! Hypocrit! Silly stup..... (remembers that Juan is back and off she goes to meet him.! Did anyone say On your marks... get set... GOOOOO!!!!'??)

No. 19 Aimee tells Mon Andres wants to marry her, Aim gets pearls from Juan
Aimee and Juan chat in bed after he gives her the pearl necklace...
A: Thank you... They are beautiful!... But I must reprimend you.
J: Why?
A: You shouldn't have gone to my house.
J: You mean about your sister?
A: yes, she was mad....
J: (laughs)
A: I had to tell her that you are a sailor fisherman whom I have crossed a few words here and there.
J: (laughs again)
A: Don't laugh!
J: And she believed you?
A: I don't know. But you messed up. My sister can be a very dangerous enemy.
J: What would she do? (don't Monica and Juan have this same conversation after their wedding after hosting Aimee/Andres for a little while? LOL!!) Does she have influences up there (meaning in heaven)? Or is she going to pray so that my ship gets stuck at sea?
A: (I could not understood exactly the first two words but I think she said...) Alright. Take it that way!...
J: (gets more serious, changes the subject to him and Aimee) What about you?? How are you taking our relationship? I warn you that I am falling for you.
A: I love you too. I love you very much. Its just that... it hurts... (here comes the BOMB!!)... but you and I are so different... (with a faked sad face)
J: (trying to fake a joke) Of course! You are a woman and I am a man... (laughs).. (when he sees she's serious Juan changes to get irritated instantly but responds with sarcasm ) If you mean that you are a 'Condesa' and I am a nobody... let me remind you that you were the one that seized me. And you got what you wanted, right?? But like I told you one day... I own you now... and I don't like anyone taking what is mine from me. (pulls her to lay down by him again)

(outside Aimee's room going up the stairs...)
A: Go now!...
J: Come here! First, promise me we will see each other tomorrow..
A: But tomorrow I have some things to do!(Monica is opening the curtain and peeking out her window about this time)
J: Things?.... WHAT THINGS??
A: Well... alright. I will look for you in the afternoon. But go already, please!..
J: Ah!.. One more thing.. say hi to Santa Monica for me (laughs)
A: Huy!... You are crazy! (laughs too slightly)

(Monica confronts Aimee as soon as she reaches Aimee's door)
M: Have you gone crazy? 
A: What is it with you??
M: I saw you out there with that man! But have you lost your reasoning? your decency?
A: Enough! You don't just deceive everyone but also the church! Is your vocation really sincere? It was the only thing you could think of to hide Andres' rejection?
M: (surprised that Ai knows) Who told you that? Besides, it is not true!
A: Ok, Enough, Monica, please!! I know everything! And I know because Andres told me he wants to marry me!... (M is devastated)
A: Listen to me, Monica! I am so sorry for all this (really???). But Andres had forgotten his engagement with you. He did not know he was your fiancee. When we saw each other in the city, he liked me and fell in love with me. I swear I did not do anything to lead him on. I did not even suspect it until today he told me about it. Look, here is the engagement ring. Maybe if he had seen you first, things would have been different. Please understand me. Andres is a good suitor. He loves me. Please, do not spoil my life.  (how selfish can she get????) And I tell you again that between Juan and I there is nothing going on!! I won't see him again!! (let's count the times Aimee promises to M that she and Juan are over... I believe this is second time! there will be more!! LOL!!)

No. 21 And asks DN re: Ju, Ju wants no part of And, Ai asks Mon 4 more sacrifice
Andr goes to see DN to ask about Juan.
DN: Excuse me... were you waiting for me?
A: Don Noel, don't you recognize me? I am Andres... Andres Alcazar.
DN: Andres?.... but is it really you??
A: In the flesh!..
DN: Dear boy, let me give you a hug!... I am so glad to see you! You have changed. You are a real attractive man, gosh! You look much like your mother but with all the 'air' and 'stride' of the Alcazars. Sit down! We have to celebrate this. Can I offer you a drink?
A: Whatever you chose, DN.
DN: Brandy? Conac? ... Ah! .. I got it! Tequila?... o don't you like our local drink?
A: Of course I do!
DN: Tell me! how have you been?
DN: .. Information about what??
A: I am certain you have not forgotten that boy, Juan. You took him personally to the hacienda. My mother says he is known around as Juan del Diablo. And that he is a felon.
DN: (very concerned at the interview, reluctant to provide info re: Juan right off the bat) Why do you want to know about HIM?
A: Maybe you dont know this, but my father before he died asked me to take care of him. To never abandon him. Unfortunately I was very young. My mother sent me to a school, then sent me overseas... but now that I have returned, I want to comply with his wish.
DN: Huh!... What does Dona Sofia say about it?
A: Well, she does not agree with this, but I am old enough to make my own decisions.
DN: You see, Juan is not precisely the type of man who needs protection. He can handle himself.
A: But if he is in the wrong path... I can help him change into a good decent being... (notices DN is still reluctant to talk about Juan) What is wrong?
DN: Bah! .. It is not easy to explain, Andres, and least for you to understand. You are a well to do family man, you are rich. Have enjoyed an easy life, whereas Juan has grown alone, in the alleys. Having to defend himself with his own tooth and nail.
A: But is it true what my mother says?
DN: That he is a rude, rough around the edges man who engages in dirty business?... (gets louder, shouting like a great defense lawyer) Yes! But it is also true that he is noble, generous, and very well loved by the poor folks in town. He defends them, protects them! Gives them food!!
A: Well... that speaks well of HIM! Maybe he has not had anyone who lends him a hand. But I could offer him... for example, the job of administrator in Campo Real!
DN: Bah!... I doubt very much that he would take that position, you don't know him! Juan owns his own life. He is used to order around, not to obey/follow orders.
A: Anyway, I want to try. 
DN: I would advice you not to!
A: Why?
DN: Because Juan is a rebel, an anti-rule!. He does not have a good opinion of your social groups. 
A: But we were friends! He could not have forgotten that! Where can I find him?. What places does he hang around in?... I warn you, Don Noel. that I am very stubborn... and if YOu will not tell me, I will find out somewhere else.
DN: (gives up on trying to change his mind) When he is in San Pedro, he usually hangs out at the Taberna del Tuerto.

(Juan goes to visit DN)
DN: Andres was here. He asked about you.
J: Me? Dont tell me he remembers me!
DN: Yes. And very fondly.
J: You're kiddin! Does he know?
DN: That you are his half brother? No.
J: Then why did he ask about me?
DN: He says his father asked him to not abandon you before he died.
J: And he wants to help me out now?? After all this time?? Its a little late, don't you think??
DN: I would like to ask you, Juan, to listen to him. Andres is a good man. Well intentioned. He wants to help you.
J: That he could have said 15 years ago. At that time I might have accepted and appreciated help from anyone! But instead, his dear mother ran me out as if I was a sick dog.
DN: Dona Sofia has her character. Andres is different. He is very interested in you, really!
J: But I am not!! I don't need his friendship, nor his help. (calms down a bit) And if you see him again, better tell him to not cross paths with me. Please.

(When Monica wakes up from her feverish night)
A: Monica, I am truly sorry.
M: Alright. Don't worry so much. Better just forget it.
A: I was thinking... Tomorrow Andres will come visit me. And if you show yourself natural and calm and congratulate us, he will think your vocation is sincere. And my mother will believe this all has not affected you so much. Trust me, sister, it is best this way... really... for you and for everyone else! (nothing better than twisting the knife right after the big BOMB and using her sisterly and mother-daughter love to obtain her sacrifice.... what a selfish little sister Monica has!!! LOL!!!)

END OF EP 6!!!!

No. 22 Ju/And at Cantina, Ai makes Mon agree re:Ju/And; And and Sofia argue re: Juan
J: What do you want?
A: Is it really you, Juan? Its me, Andres Alcazar. Don't tell me you don't even remember my name.
J: The Alcazar surname is well known around here.
A: We were friends. Licenciado Mancera took you to my hacienda. We even planned to flee together!... We were going to buy a ship!.
J: Ah! You came for your money?... (drops a bag of money on the table with an exagerated gesture and lots of noise) There it is!... And with interest. .. (looks around) Don't people usually get something to eat here?... I better go. 
A:( reaches out and grabs Juan by the arm, preventing his quick exit.) No, Juan! Wait!
J: (shakes Andres off) I don't like to be touched!... (runs up the stairs and out very irritated)
A: Irritable the guy, no?... (to Serafin who was standing around there with Tuerto) Young boy!... (gives him the money) Here, It's a gift.

Ai: (in Monica's room after Cata leaves Monica feeling better in bed but still ill) Then you agree with what I told you? It is best, Monica, Really! That way Andres won't feel pity for you.
M: Alright, I accept. First of all to prevent Andres from feeling uncomfortable. But I want to make it clear that my vocation is not a lie/farse. I always felt the wish to become a nun. And if my godmother and mother never had told me about that engagement, I assure you that I would have entered the convent long ago.
Ai: I believe you!... But another thing is if everyone else will believe you.
M: Noone has reason to question my word. 
Ai: No, Of course not! But it is not worthless to add in a word or two to avoid any doubts, no?
M: Do you love Andres?
Ai: As I told you, it has been a surprise to me. I barely know him! But since he is so in love, I am sure that I will end up loving him back.
M: I don't care if you fall in love or not, but since you have accepted the engagement, from now on  you will have to behave like as expected. So the whims and exceptions (to proper behavior)... like hanging out with lower class people... are over for you... and you know exactly who I mean.
Ai: Yes, of course. I told you already that my friendship with Juan...
M: whatever... a guy with such a daring and indecent stare (LOL!!!!) is not precisely looking for friendship in a lady.
Ai: Don't tell me he dared to... (I bet this reaction was purely for jealousy rather than to keep the theater going for Monica)
M: Noone dares to do anything with me because I do not give them the chance. (LOL!!!) 
Ai: Of course... don't worry... I promise... I swear to you!!... that I will not see him again! (is this the third or fourth time she promises never to see Juan again??? LOL!!!)

(Monica to Cata regarding men after Aimee spilled the beans in front of Cata, Andres and Monica to justify Monica knowing about the engagement and making Monica fake that it was not that important to her. Cata reminds her that Sofia offered to find someone else for her)
M: I despise men! They are vain, unsteady! I gag at their animal instinct! (careful what you say girl!) I can't stand them!!

(Alberto after Andres tells him the story of the broken engagement with Monica)
Alb: And she went back to the convent for deception? That's ridiculous! what a waste! Well, waste as long as she is indeed pretty.
And: She is.
Alb: And there is no way to get her to change her mind?... Well, because there is an attractive man available here. (YIKESS!!!! FUCHI!!!!! SACUDE!!!!)

(And to Sofia telling her about his meeting with Juan:)
And: He has a good appearance. But he is arrogant, haughty.
S: You mean Rebel/Vain!
A: Well, yeah, he did not appear very friendly. I couldn't even explain to him what I wanted to talk to him about. He even left me at mid sentence.
S: That way you will learn not to mingle with people like that. Son, when your father asked him that, he did not know what he was saying. He was very badly wounded, dying! (most people say the truest things when they are dying) Promise me that you won't look for him again. Promise me! Its just that I don't like for you to interact with that kind of criminals. It scares me.
A: I won't look for him again, mother. But if Juan, for whatever reason, changes his mind and accepts my friendship, I won't back down on my offer.

No. 23 Aim visits Ju at Palapa (Soy un bruto...) ; And/Alb discuss Juan; And/Alb gets Juan out of jail
(After his argument encounter with Andres, Juan went for a swim at the beach to release some anger... when he gets back home to the palapa, Aimee is waiting for him, she is visibly mad because they had agreed to meet after lunch and he went for a swim instead):
A: Where do you come from dressed like that? Or should I say, Undressed.
J: I was swimming.
A: Swimming?... Knowing I am here waiting for you? Or did you go meet some h___ woman out there?
J: I went alone! I wanted to release some anger...
A: Who were you angry with??
J: Some guy.
A: And because you are mad with someone else you have me waiting for you for hours... after all the difficulties I go through to come see you...
(Juan begins to take down his wet pants ...)
A: What are you doing?
J: Changing.
A: But not in front of me!!
J: I did not ask you to come in my room!!
(Aimee begins to leave in a huff, faking indignance or offended.)
J: Wait.. Wait!... I am sorry... (scratches his head like a monkey) I am clumsy/rude.
A: Of course you are clumsy (smiles and a KISS-OTE!!! ... and everything else they would do behind camera ...)
(After the 'everything else', Aimee tells Juan that Monica fell ill the night before)
J: And what did the Saint lady fall ill from?
A: Hysteria... And by the way, she told me some strange things about you.
J: Really? Don't tell me I made an impression on her?? (That would be an understatement, right?)
A: She says you were insolent... and mean..
J: Huy!....
A: What did you tell her, eh? What did you do to her?
J: Nothing!..
A: Ay, What nothing?
J: Nothing!!
A: I know you and your fame well.
J: But with your sister? .. Please!... She is pretty, agreed!, but... colder than ice. I like women with blood in their veins.
A: Women?..
J: (smiles at her, brings shows her his index finger pointing up ) One... one woman.
A: Are you sure?
J: You do not believe me?
A: I warn you, Juan. I am not willing to be a toy... one more conquer in your life.
J: And what am I to you? An adventure? A pasttime while your family finds you a suiting fiancee?
A: I don't think that will happen anytime soon.
J: Why not?
A: Because my mother has no money for my dowry.
J: If your sister rejected Andres Alcazar to become a nun, now you haev hers, No?
A: No. Andres was going to marry Monica without a dowry.
J: Really? He must have loved her much then.
A: Surely. (she is brushing her hair by the oval wall mirror in his room)
J: (laughs sarcastically ...) What customs you all have... A woman has to pay to get a husband.
(approaches her and embraces her from behind tenderly) I, on the other hand, would give a fortune... to have you forever.
A: But you don't have it.
J: If I had lots of money, ... and an honorable surname... would you marry me?.. ah? .. Ah? ... Answer me...
A: Well, if that were the case... why not?
J: (smiles, like he got what he wanted..) .. You said it.

(Back at the Cantina, Juan and Segundo are sitting at table)
S: You never told me you knew Andres Alcazar.
J: It is not something that I feel proud of. That family is to blame for me being what I am.

(Alberto and Andres arrive back at the house after going to a 'place of women')
Alb: Well, what do you care about that guy? Or are you going to fulfill the wishes of your father?
And: A promise is a promise. But it is not about that, I like Juan. As children I even got to feel envy of him.
Alb: Envy for a hungry wretch?
And: I was attracted by his free life, full of adventure, with noone to answer to. Whereas I had to submit to rules, orders and expectations and my mother. And at that age, Juan already had experience. He even spoke of naked women.
Alb: Well, when you are 14 years old, that is normal. Anyway, if he does not want your help, why do you insist?
And: No, I won't insist anymore. But I do have to admit that even with his few-friends attitude, I did like him. There is a strength in him, something! Despite everything everyone says about him, I admire him.
Alb: Caray! You were indeed impressed. But I get bored with conversations about men. Why don't we talk about women instead? I would like to meet your former fiancee and future nun.
And: Questionable curiosity, no?
Alb: Why questionable??

(and the brilliant play that Alberto performed in front of Capt. Espindola to get him sacred and get him to release Juan without need for bail... Juan stabbed a knife in Cajiga's hand when he tried to trick Juan at a cards game. Juan got locked up. DN went to speak to Capt Espindola and he wanted bail money in order to release Juan)
DN: May we come in?.(Espindola is laying on his chair with his feet up in the desk, looks like he just woke up drunk at a bar and came to work as is)
Capt: Ah!.. It is you? Did you bring the money?
DN: Not precisely. These men want to speak to you.
Alb: We would like to speak to the head of the prison.
Capt: (gets up, gives his best nose-up stare to Alberto) I am the chief!.
Alb: (gives Espindola an up down two second scan) YOU????
Capt: Do you mind that??!!
Alb: How low have the institutions fallen to!
Capt: Hey, Listen to me!!
Alb: No, You listen..... TO ME!!! First... The military disciplinary law states that its members must be clean and respectful. You look like you just came out of a mudpit. Furthermore we find out there are critical irregularities with respect to a prisoner here, Juan del Diablo.
Capt: Then you have got wrong information. The individual Juan del Diablo refused to ... pay a gambling debt. And not only that, but he stole money from his competitor and stabbed him!
Alb: There are witnesses that the competitor cheated in the game. (I saw it!! I saw it!! Cajiga pulled all the cards off the top of the deck... but the king card he pulled out of the bottom of the deck!!!! ) 
Capt: That is a lie, let me tell you!
Alb: Well... then we have on one side of the scale... (turns to DN) what is the cheater's name?? (LOL!!!)
DN: Lupe Cajiga.
Alb: We have Lupe Cajiga with his version of the facts. And on the other side we have Juan del Diablo. Of course that you being the close friend of Cajiga, the balance leans in his favor. But if the gentleman and I get on Juan del Diablo's side...
Capt: The issue here is to respect the law!!
Alb: Agreed. Then, let there be a trial and all the witnesses will be speaking for and against. Of course that to speed up the issue, we could arrive at an agreement...
Capt: (laughs thinking they are trying to bribe him) Ah.. ja, ja, ja!(clears the sweat out of his face with a handkerchief, feels relieved maybe?...) Are you offering me a bribe??
Alb: Oh, no, absolutely not. I am not going to level up with that Cajiga guy who surely already bribed you.
Capt: Hey, I will not allow you to...!!
Alb: I am not asking your permission to do anything!! But I want you to know you will come out losing either way. If Juan del Diablo comes out innocent, you will have wasted your time, and if he comes out guilty, it will cost you your post/rank. You have the honor of speaking with the nephew of General Bustamante, that's me, and with Mr. Andres Alcazar y Valle....
Capt: (totally confused, now scared again... speaks shakily) .. Alcazar???

No. 24.. DN tells Ju he's free... Ju tells Seg going on another contraband trip.. Ju/Azu talk about her 
(DN goes to get Juan at jail cell)
DN: You are free, Juan.
J: Free? What about the bail money?
DN: There was no need for it. They took away the charges. (so far Juan has just a confused, how come? glance) 
J: And how come that miracle?
DN: No miracle, the good will of someone who has not stopped at any inconveniences to get you out of the hole. (pauses intentionally) Andres Alcazar.
J: (face changes to surprised/disbelief) Andres????
DN: Himself.
J: (by now he is irritated and turns to a sarcastic tone in his voice) You mean to tell me that he bribed the authorities for me? Well!.. It must have cost him a bundle! At least the blood of ten slaves!
DN: Don't be unfair! There was no bribe, just his presence and 'his surname' (pauses knowing Juan won't like that) were enough.
J: (gets more irritated, louder) WHO told him to get involved??
J: (changes to dissappointed) Then you did wrong. I would have preferred to rot in jail rather than owe anything to those people. (leaves the cell, DN follows. After a few steps Juan turns back to him and puts his arm around DN's back, they walk away hugging)

Juan talks to Segundo as he gets back to La Palapa
J: Tomorrow I want you to start stocking up El Satan. This time we will go on a long trip, Either we return rich or we leave the skin out there.
(later they continue the conversation)
S: But if Mr. Alcazar did that, it means he cares about you. It is always good to have an influential friend.
J: Andres Alcazar is not my friend!
S: Well, then why did he help you?
J: It is gestures by high society folks to feel superior and to humble others with their 'generosity'. (Azu arrives after she slipped out of DN's house)
A: (she's really excited to see Juan, stands in front of him) I could not believe it when Licenciado told me. I am so happy, Juan!
J: (stands up) And why are you crying?
A: For happiness. I was so afraid they would lock you in there forever.
J: It wasn't that bad.
A: That smuck Capitan Espindola! How I hate him, Juan! If I could I would rip his eyes out with my bare hands.
J: And how come Don Noel let you come here? (since she keeps quiet, he lowers his face and gives her his penetrating questioning stare) Or did you get out in hiding?... and alone?
A: I told Dona Pachita, but...
J: No, no, no, no.... You did wrong. (walks away from her thinking before continuing to speak) Look, Azucena, I placed you at that house nder the responsibility of Don Noel. And you cannot just do whatever you want.
A: I wanted to see you.
J: (gets somewhat irritated but controlled, speaks like an older brother would use to reprimend his teen sister) Ok, you saw me, now get back there. Go! Let it be the last time yo do this.
A: You are nothing of mine to order me around!
J: Alright, then return to the cantina, and continue entertaining drunks.
A: I only wanted to congratulate you.
J: (kneels down by her) I know! But you also must understand that now you are at the house of a good man who promised to look after you, and you need to obey him and behave like a young lady (I am not sure what he meant by that.. any guesses?). 
A: I did nothing wrong. It is that Dona Pachita is a whinny old lady.
J: Pachita is an older woman, and you must respect her. Eh? And I do not want to argue anymore! Segundo, take her back, ok? Ah!. And tell Licenciado that I will go over there to talk to him later.
S: Lets go, kid!
A: You are mean! You are ungrateful! I wish you had stayed in jail!! (if that is not the reaction of an immature teen, what is???)

No. 25 Ju/Mon cliff scene... 
Monica is alone at the edge of the cliff, dressed full nun outfit, looking at the rocks below...thinking:
My God, You do not care about me. Everyday you make me suffer more. Why did Andres have to choose HER? What does Aimee have that I do not? It has been enough suffering with his rejection and now this huge humiliation! And she knows it... enjoys it... mocks me...
(Juan approaches Monica from behind quietly...)
J: What's wrong, Santa Monica?? 
(Monica gets startled and is about to fall down the cliff, he has to grab her arm and change his weight to his back foot to pull her back to prevent her from falling down) 
J: Were you lost?
M: You are evil ... (offended) How dare you??!
J: Dare to prevent you from killing yourself?... Honestly, I don't really know that answer myself.
M: You are a bumpkin (patan = coarse rough guy)!!..
J: I have heard it is a sin to be angry, sister. Instead of reprimending me, you should be thankful.
M: I have nothing to thank you for. And go away! Your presence disgusts me!
J: Disgusts you?? Why?? Because I am poor?? Ill dressed? Is that the christian charity you have learned, sister??
M: Let me go through!.
J: No.
M: Look, if you dare...!
J: To con with you?? (Juan laughs mockingly... ) Please, Santa Monica!! You would not tempt even a monk! ... (she looks down embarrassed, Juan notices the change in her and changes his tone of voice) Forgive me... I did not mean to say that. Besides... I do not understand how a pretty girl like you wants to be a nun... (moves over and lets her go away...)

Aimee visits Juan at La Palapa, she keeps on feeding lies about Mon to Juan... 
Ai: Do you think you can mock me?
J: Calm down!
Ai: With all the work I have to do to be able to come here.
J: I saw two men come in your house.
Ai: When?
J: Couple hours ago. I don't think you could have forgotten that so quickly. One of them was Andres Alcazar, right?
Ai: Do you know him?
J: What did he come to your house for?
Ai: To visit us. We are related. His mother and mine are related. They're cousins!
J: When a single man visits a house where single women live it is for something, right? Could it be that since your sister rejected him, he is now focusing his aim on you?
Ai: Me? how can you even think that?
J: Then what the heck did he go there for?
Ai: Alright, I will tell you. It's all Monica's fault. It turns out she and Andres were engaged since they were children. The last time they saw each other was when he was 15. And as time passed, she lost interest in it. She broke the engagement allegedly because ... she wanted to become a nun. He didn't mind either. But now they saw each other again, I don't know what is going on with her, but she fell in love again. She has even invited him to come to our house. Surely with the intent of conquering him again.
J: (not quite understanding everything) And she plans on seducing him dressed as a nun??
Ai: It shows you do not know her. Monica is terribly proud and calculating. If her plan works out, then she will say that she was wrong about entering the convent. And if not, she will remain the immaculate with the aura of a saint.
J: To tell you the truth, the whole story sounds silly to me. What does your mother say?
A: Nothing. My mother doesn't even notice anything. The poor woman lives in the moon. I know the truth because Monica herself told me. She even forbade me to even look at Andres. She was hysterical! I am afraid of her... but it wasn't even neccessary.. (approaches Juan to end up in his arms) How can I even look at another man... when I have you??
J: Don't you dare betray me, Aimee... Never!
A: (whispers ) My love, It is not a lie...
J: Because if Alcazar dares to set his eyes on you... (deadly stare) I will kill him!

No. 26 Monica confronts AImee regarding the pearl necklace..
(Monica goes in Aimee's room, finds the ring, tries it on, caresses it on her face, then sees the pearl necklace and bites on the pearls to find out if they are real. They sure are!.. at that moment Aimee arrives, starts ranting at Monica for being in her room 'scanning/peeking'.)
M: Where did you get this necklace?
Ai: That?.. It is just a fake cheap thing.
M: No, no this is not fake cheap. This is real pearls. Who gave it to you?
Ai: Andres.
M: (don't bite that one for a second) Alright. Next time I see him I will ask him about it.
Ai: Wait. Its just that you are making me nervous. You stare me with those eyes as if I were the biggest s___/b___ in the world. (LOL!!!).. Look, Monica. The necklace is a gift from my cousin Dolores. She gave it to me when I turned 18.
M: And why did you not tell us anything about it before?
Ai: Because... Look. The truth is that she got it from a boyfriend... she accepted it and then regretted doing so. And she was afraid that my aunt would find it, she gave it to me.
M: I do not believe you one bit. (Good for you MONICA!!)
Ai: Of course, you never believe me! Besides, I don't have to explain anything to you.And you do not have to mind my business.
M: I have to.
Ai: Why? Because you are my sister? Or for Andres' sake? Or what? You are a hypocrit... you want to annoy me because... because you are jealous of me. Because you can't stand... that HE CHOSE ME over you.
Ai: Of course! He was courting me since the first time he saw me. That is why he broke the engagement with you.
M: And you agreed that he court you knowing he was my fiancee?? (what a conversation to hold while dressed as a novice!! LOL!!!)
Ai: I did not do anything, sister, I swear to you!... Really, why do we keep beating around the bush on the issue?
M: I do not doubt that!! Alright. I am glad you clarified the story. And since you conquered Andres faking what you are not, and want to keep him, from now on you will do exactly whatever he wants. No more lies, no more gifts from who knows whom, no more strolls down the beach.
Ai: What does all that have to do with anything? I cannot even go out for some fresh air?
M: Its that you don't go out PRECISELY to get some fresh air, Aimee. Do you think I am that naive? You don't think I have seen that man rounding our house? What has come into you? the devil??
Ai: Please, do not be a hypocrit.
M: And you indecent! Do you really need to flirt so badly that you need to do it with that blatant man? or do you enjoy his rude jokes?
Ai: Enough!
M: That's what I say, Enough!! No more embarrassing us in front of Andres or our my godmother (Sofia). This is the last time I warn you. Because otherwise, you can forget about marrying Andres Alcazar. I will take care of cancelling it. (Monica leaves)
Ai: Agrida!.. Hypocrit!... (clinches her teeth in rage)

No. 27 Juan visits DN and they talk about Andres ... again... Juan is still arrogant/amargado
J: I want to appologize... I behaved really bad when you came to get me out of jail.
DN: Well! Finally I hear some reasonable words out of you. You don't know how glad I am. Andres is willing to...
J: No, no, no, no! I don't mean about Andres, just you. You are the only person that I have anything to be thankful to. You fed me when I was hungry. You taught me to read... and write. Even gave me an education!
DN: Well... It was not useful when you chose to dedicate your life to this (felony, contraband, violence)... Juan... please... wake up. It is time to forget that hatred... that rencor that has poisoned your soul. Andres has returned, he has good memories of you, and is willing to help you.
J: Ja! Offering me a house help job... when I am his older brother?!... Or is it that he already knows and that is why he has no choice but to get me out of jail?
DN: Of course he doesn't know yet! .. And I think it is very ungrateful of you.
J: Well, what have I to thank those folks for?? That the old guy seduced my mother???! That he is responsible for Carmona to deny me even his surname??... Do I have to thank him for stealing love... family... surname.. from me?
DN: None of that is Andres' fault!
J: No, Neither is mine!! (his eyes get teary talking about this issue .. calms down for a moment) Please... don't talk to me about him again. Neither give him news about me.
DN: You are too stubborn, Juan.
J: Thank God. Because it is this stubbornness that has allowed me to survive... (pats DN's shoulder/chest as a 'carino' gesture)... 

 No. 28  Juan and Don Noel talk on Juan's ship before Juan sails out the next day..
J: This is going to be a long trip.. If I am lucky... the last one.
DN: Je! You always say the same thing.
J: I will have to stop someday, right?
DN: I hope! I came about the Azucena issue. what I suggested to you is the best alternative. I can't watch her all the time and Dona Pachita does not have enough force/authority to control her and what if she escapes again and something happens to her?
J: I feel bad to have to lock her up.
DN: She won't be so miserable. The nuns have the gardens, patios... Besides, there are other young girls in her same conditions there... She will make friends, she will be entertained, I am sure.
J: Well... Alright, I care about her a lot, Don Noel. You know where I met her and what she used to do then.
DN: Yes, I know. It was a very noble gesture of yours to rescue her from that life. I have told you, Juan. You are noble but too stubborn.
J: The donkey was not stubborn, it was made to be by the physical beating. (how true. especially as a representation of Juan).
DN: Yes, but with reasoning, will and heart... you can overcome many obstacles.
J: For the first time I have a goal/interest, Don Noel, that drives me to change my lifestyle.
DN: An interest?
J: A woman.
DN: Ja, ja (looks very happy for Juan) caray!, Juan.. congratulations!
J: She is not just anybody, she is a well placed girl. She says she loves me. I sometimes question that... but I like her a lot... I think... I think I am in love.
DN: Congratulations. But... why are you doubting it? You are a grown man... and if this girl has come to know you and appreciate you... it is normal she loves you, no??
J: That is why I want to change my lifestyle. I will do everything possible so that... so that this trip is a success. I want to settle down... buy some land... a pretty house... And then... then I will indeed ask you, Don Noel, to fulfill what you have offered me many times... to give me your surname.
DN: Ah!... of course, boy, of course. You know well that... I love you as a son... and my son you will be.
J: And as such I will respond to you, Don Noel. (arm shake, they both look very fond of one another...)

(Next morning Juan goes to Don Noel's, sits down with Azucena alone in DN's office.)
J:Don Noel and I have made a decision about you. Soon you will be old enough to marry.
Azu: But I don't want to get married!
J: Until that happens, I want you to get education. To learn to write. To learn to use numbers. Some manners. And I have decided that you receive that education with the nuns. So you will go live at the convent.
Azu: You are going to lock me up with the nuns?? No!! Never, you hear me??!! I will kill myself first!!
J: (gives her this 'have it your way' smirk) Ok, go for it (kill yourself)..... 

END OF EP 8!!!!

No. 29. Aimee gets mad at Cata for worrying at Monica and goes to Juan to steam off...
Cata: Your manners, daughter, leave room for improvement at times. And as far as Andres... if he feels uncomfortable, too bad! Don't think I have jumped for joy at what he did to your sister.
Ai: You mean you would prefer that he had married her, and that I would stay an old maid?
C: I have not said that... Look, I do not want to argue. Both of you are my daughters. I am glad you are getting married, Aimee. But I also want your sister to find a good man, decent, and for her to build her own family.
Ai:(visibly mad at her mother's apparent preference for her sister) I am goind to bed. Excuse me.
(Aimee goes up to her room.. and takes off towards La Palapa...)
(Juan gets startled when he hears noise and grabs his gun. As Aimee is approaching he aims at her...)
Ai:... That was a few-friends reception, no? what are you so afraid of? Why do you take your gun with you even to bed?
J: Because there are many people out there who would be happy if I was shot between the eyes!
Ai: Why?
J: Because that is life. .. It is a surprise... I am glad you came...
Ai: I had to distract myself.
J: And I am the distraction?
Ai: I can't stand my sister. She has turned unpleasant.
J: Why?
Ai: She annoys me all the time. She feels Ms. Perfect. Andres got away from a nightmare! I cannot imagine him married to that saint-miss.
J: (gets a little ticked off at her mentioning Andres) You mention Andres quite a bit.
Ai: Well, because of that situation with Monica.
J: Isn't it more that you are becoming interested in him?
Ai: No way!
J: He is a good option!... young... rich!... With a good surname, famous and respected... doesn't that seem desirable?
Ai: Of course not! First of all, he is not interested in me. Second... since I met you, I doubt any other man would attract me so much as you. (does anyone else notice how hard it is for her to say I love you?? She said 'Yo te quiero' several times.. but I don't recall her saying 'te amo'...) 
J: Aimee.. I am leaving on a trip on Sunday.
Ai: Again?
J: Yes. But this time it is different. I will come back wealthy. You will be able to buy jewels, clothing, ... And a bigger house than the Alcazars. If you want we can live here, or in Europe... or wherever you want. (she has come close to lay down beside him and is savouring what he is promising her...) It is just that to accomplish all that I will need more time... Two months. Will you wait for me? 
Ai: Yes. But now kiss me... love me... make love to me like only you know how... (and they make love....)

(another time Aimee fights again with Cata regarding her worries about Monica.)
Ai: Monica!... Always Monica!... What about me? Don't I matter for anything?? Am I not your daughter too?? 
Cat: Why are you so unbearable? So inconsistent??

(later Monica arrives home from the convent after Fray Domingo ordered her to go with Cata and Aimee to CR)
Lupe: Did she come to stay? Is she not going to be a nun anymore?
Ai: Who knows what that silly woman has in her head now!

(Teresa comes to visit Monica at home, finds her in the garden crying very sad)
M: Is he going to marry Aimee.
Tere: That harpy??! That witch... flirt and petulant?!!

(Juan and Aimee's last night of love together before his trip.. would be their last night of love together for good)
J: Promise me that no matter what happens you will wait for me.
Ai: Yes, Juan. I will wait for you.
J: Swear it!
Ai: I swear it.
(I still have not heard the word 'love' from her lips...)

(this was a funny coincidence. DN finds out from Cata that Aimee is engaged to Andres. The next day when Juan comes in to say goodbye DN asks him kind of teasing what is the name of the fortunate young girl and Juan says he will save it for later, that way it will be a surprise... - for whom?????LOL!!!!)

(as Cata, AImee and Monica arrive at CR, Sofia is chatting with them at the 'salon'.)
S: The main thing is that Aimee loves my son very much. That she respects him, cares for him, and bear him many children. Don't you agree, girl?? (did Aimee fulfill even ONE of Sofia's requirements??? LOL!!!)
(later on this same conversation when Andres and Alberto arrive, Aimee makes a comment that sounded like '... after all this work in convincing her to leave the convent, look at her, she looks just as pale/degraded...'. Monica later confronts her and warns her not to undermine her like that in front of anyone...)
(In another scene, Aimee ORDERS Juanita to iron a dress for her 'because I will soon be the owner/lady of this hacienda.. and if you do not obey me, I will kick you out... [boy did Aimee see a big gap between 'lords' y 'servants', she's even taking over roles she does not even have yet...].. this goes along with her comment later to Pedro about hanging around Juan's house doing nothing while Juan is on his trip...)

No. 30. Andres the intellectual social hero... and Aimee and Mon argue about Andres'happiness
Andres at the dinner table... everyone at CR is there... (Sof, ALb, Mon, Cat, AImee, Juanita...etc)
Man created the social differences from his prejudice and racial separation ideas. We all are equal. The blood is the same color, red for all. It is just that some are more fortunate than others. Some of us are born on silk sheets. We have opportunities for education. Good food... health. While others do not have the basics, from the moment of birth.

(later, after the machete scene where Monica lifts a machete to Bautista and to Andres so they will free the old guy Andres takes Monica to his study and serves her a drink... LOL!!!)
And: You are too ignorant/innocent, Monica. You know very little about life and how unfair it could be... I agree on a punishment, but not one so violent... I never thought you would have so strong a character.
M: I must have looked like a barn girl.
An: Absolutely not. You seemed more like a Joan of Arc with her sword.
M: Jaja! But it was not a sword. It was a machete!
An: Well, Joan of Arc mexican style..JAJA!
(Aimee walks in on them and later goes to reprimend Monica for trying to steal Andres from her)
Monica/Aimee argue in the bedroom, Monica is washing her stockings...
Ai: I am not at fault for Andres having fallen in love with me.
M: The sad point is you do not love him.
Ai: Of course I do love him. In my own way, of course.
M: And what is YOUR way?
Ai: Look, I do not feel like getting into arguments with you now. I am going to marry him, will give him children. Isn't that enough?
M: And you do not plan on making him happy? Andres deserves it.
Ai: Of course I will make him happy. I will make him madly happy. In bed, dear. In bed.
M: You are so rude/unpolished!
Ai: Because I speak the truth. That is all that men care about, a good bed companion. And I assure you, sister, that Andres will feel more than satisfied with me.

(I think this conversation puts their priorities in perspective right out of their own mouths, doesn't it?)

Aimee and Monica have another 'chat' at bedtime...
Ai: Andres is crazy if he thinks that after we get married we will stay here.
M: This is his home.
Ai: But he also has the San Pedro house. At least there you/I can go out to the street, see people. (yeah! at La Palapa and with initials JDD!!! LOL!!!)
M: I don't believe Andres would agree with that. Supposedly he came home from Europe to take charge of the hacienda and to be with his mother.
Ai: THAT... is the problem. His mother. I want to be the owner of my house!! Living here the one that will rule will still be HER.
M: Did you speak to Andres about this yet?
Ai: Yes, I will tell him, but after we get married.
M: I think you should do it before that.
Ai: I think you would like it, right? You would like it if I had a bad argument/problem with Andres? If he were to get mad at me and broke the engagement to throw yourself back on him like a hawk? No, Don't give me that face. Be honest at least once in your life!
M: If I wanted that, I would already have told him about your friendship with Juan del Diablo.
Ai: And why haven't you told him yet about that?
M: Because I do not want to give our mother another reason to be upset.
Ai: Liar! You did not do it because you know well that Andres would not believe you. You can't deny it is because you still feel deceived, jealous! It will be useless for you to keep strolling yourself in front of him. To play the good girl. You better lose your hopes, dear, because you will never be able to compete with me. There is not one man who would still look at you after having known me.
(Monica thinks: 'How would I want you to eat your words some day!!)

END OF EP 10!!!!
