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Welcome to my Homepage! Presently I am preparing a thesis in History at the University of Freiburg in Germany which will also bring me to Rome for research-work. In Freiburg I have passed my master's exam before leaving for Poland to teach German in Rzeszow with a scholarship of the Robert-Bosch- Foundation. After my return my friend Marcel in Vienna incited me to open this homepage on November 19th 1996, and meanwhile I also care for the homepage of MitOst, the organization of former scholars of the Bosch-Foundation. I'm sorry, but my time does not suffice to translate all my pages into English.

Deutsche Version Wersja Polska

Something about me

A small autobiography with links to the various stations of my life.


My thesis is to deal with Scipione Borghese, the Cardinal nephew of Pope Paul V. Apart from that I present some links to the city of Rome and to the German Historical Institute, where I used to work.

My time in Rzeszów

In 1995/96 with a scholarship of the Robert-Bosch-Foundation I taught German for one year at the Institute of German Philology at the University of Rzeszów in Poland. My final report, links to Rzeszów and to the Tutors-Programme of Bosch.

Homepage of the Bosch- Tutors

The programme of language-tutors of the Robert-Bosch-Foundation for the countries of Middle an Eastern Europe ("MOE-Staaten" in German) has been running since 1993 and recently got its Homepage here with informations about the programme and links to the universities with tutors. Of the tutors themselves there are for the present only photographs, but hopefully there will be more to learn about them soon.

Homepage of MitOst

MitOst ist an association for cultural and lingual exchange with countries of Middle an Eastern Europe, recently founded by former scholars of the Robert-Bosch-Foundation. Its homepage is run by me. There are informations on the association and links to Web-Ressources in Middle and Eastern Europe.


I am member of GFPS, an association, that bestows scholarships for Polish students in Germany, and of GFPS-Polska, an association, that bestows scholarships for German students in Poland.

Wedding-Homepage Britzke - Ohnegemach

To my friends Christian and Anne I gave this Homepage on the occasion of their wedding on 4th of January 1997, with wedding-sermon, poems and reports etc.


My post-adress:

Kunzenweg 2
D-79117 Freiburg

Email: faber@sun2.ruf.uni-freiburg.de

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