Previously On… Survivor

The Plaag tribe fought back claiming the next two challenges in a row. With the 5 minute head start they won at the reward challenge, they pulled off their second victory at the Immunity Challenge.

The 5 members of the Riusau alliance weren't bothered by their loss at all. Mike V even claimed to throw the challenge.

Riusau sent their most annoying member home, can they get it back together? Or will things only crumble without Nick's comic relief…?

Night 6


The tribe was obviously not feeling sorry about the vote they just cast. Many of the Riusau's couldn't wait to get rid of him. Actually - all of them couldn't wait.

MIKE: What did I say? Ya cross me, you're screwed. Ciao Nick!

COLLEEN: He had a ton of spirit, but he annoyed the living hell out of everyone!!!

KELLEY: I'm really, really glad Nick is gone. He was really annoying everyone alot. He was a good competitor, but what are you going to do?

Once the tribe got back to their camp, they were so exhausted that they just dropped everything and tried to go to sleep. This was not an easy task for Rebecca and Mike R, they knew that they were somewhat excluded from the group and didn't know what to do.

About 15 minutes later, everyone was sound asleep.

Day 7

Once everyone woke up, people started attending to their daily routines. Some would go out and catch fish, or atleast they tried. Others would go looking for something to hunt on land. And the rest would laze around camp, build the shelter or go to the water hole and chat up some more strategy.

Rebecca layed in the shelter, watching Devon and Mike work on the shelter, while Kelley was keeping the fire going. Becca offered no help at all. Colleen looked towards Kelley and rolled her eyes. Devon and Mike glared at her. The Riusau tribe was not impressed with her.

COLLEEN: Could you get any more lazy?? She doesn't do anything!!

KELLEY: I know!

COLLEEN: And Mike R is trying to make an alliance with her…. Hah!

KELLEY: Really?

COLLEEN: Yeah, and he tried to include MikeV.

KELLEY: Ah, we'll have to watch him.

Mike R went out fishing by himself, he figured that he would go out and get away from everyone and just think about his position in the game, and what his next best move would be. He immediately thought of Mike V as his alliance partner.

I really think MikeV. would be an awesome alliance partner.

Little did Mike R know that Mike V was happily settled with his other 4 chums and was in no way about to abandon them. But Mike V didn't show one sign of weakness, he lied through his teeth, and accepted Mike's suggestion

MIKE V: Mike R offered me an alliance…I agreed, but it's not going anywhere.


Zola squeezed out of the small Plaag shelter, to find herself in a barren campsite. Clothes were strewn everywhere, and the fire was out.

She sighed, and rubbing her eyes, began to tidy up the campsite. Vanessa joined her as soon as she woke.

Zola: Things are so dull around here lately, this tribe is so … blugh!

Vanessa: I hear yah'! We're stuck here with a bunch of lazy slobs. We actually need to get SOME work done or we won't survive.

"Yeah, too bad I'm stuck with all of you" Zola murmured under her breath so Vanessa wouldn't hear her.

JANICE: Zola and Vanessa work so much more then necessary.

VANESSA: We seriously need to win this RC… It could potentially help us out at the Immunity Challenge and we really need to keep on winning!

ZOLA: I have been noticing two good looking boys on the other tribe, they both go by the name of Mike. I really wish that I had been with them instead of stuck here. I mean there is no eye candy over here! Don't get me wrong, Imran and Mike D are great guys, but I need another Mike!

Your still together, in your tribes
                                                             But today is something else
                                                         Your tribe will compete together
                                                               But you'll win it by yourself

                                                                         Mix them around
                                                                        From Left to Right
                                                                      Winning this reward
                                                               Won't be easy without a fight.


Both tribes gathered onto challenge beach. They saw Sean and Ryan standing their with colossal smiles on their faces. They knew something interesting was about to happen!

"Hey Guys" Sean said to the tribes. "Today your reward challenge will be a little different." He continued.

"That's right" Ryan said. "Today the challenge will be INDIVIDUAL, but you are still working with your tribe, so you can work together if you guys want to."

"Today's challenge will involve one thing and one thing alone. Smarts. Some of you may be cursing yourself for not being too bright." Sean told them

Zola looked at JT and laughed to herself.

"You will be given 9 numbers, these numbers will be in a box. Beside each of the boxes are 4 buttons. They rotate 4 different numbers depending on which one you press. Top Left changes the 4 in the top left, Top Right changes the four in the top right, same with the Bottom ones." Sean continued.

"Anyone wanna know what the reward will be today?" Ryan asked.

All the castaways shook their head in anticipation.

"Haha, that's funny because you aren't going to find out until AFTER the challenge. Good luck guys!" Ryan went on.

"Since you both have 7 people each, no one needs to sit out. Does everyone understand the rules? Good!" Sean said.

"Survivors Ready?! GO!!!" Ryan yelled.

All 14 castaways ran to their separate puzzles.

Devon from Riusau and Imran from Plaag were both way out in the lead knowing exactly what to do, and which button to press. After a mere 10 minutes, Devon some how got the answer when everyone else was still trying to figure out the buttons.

"DEVON FROM RIUSAU WINS REWARD!!!" Sean yelled so everyone could hear.

"Now Devon, do you want to know what you just won for your tribe?" Ryan asked.

"I guess so" Devon said hesitantly not knowing what the hell to expect.

"Well Devon, since you won this challenge, you now get the privilege of SWITCHING one castaway from your tribe with one castaway from the Plaag tribe." Sean told him. "I need your switch right now." Sean continued.

Devon stood there, dumbfounded. He hadn't the slightest clue what to do. Mike V poked him in the back and told him to bring Imran over..

"MIKE R AND ZOLA" Devon told Sean.

"Alright, Mike R, Zola - please come forward." Ryan said.

Ryan pulled out a new blue buff and handed it to Zola and told her to go to her new tribe.

Sean handed the green buff to Mike R and told him to go meet all the Plaagers.

Vanessa was trying to hold back tears while Mike R dragged his feet walking to meet the rest of the Plaag tribe.

Both tribes walked back to their camps getting to know their new tribemate.