<BGSOUND SRC="psalm122.mid">

Dulwich Choral Society on tour - Meaux Cathedral, France

Martlet Choral Links is intended to give a world-wide web presence for the Choirs and Choral Societies in which I sing and to enable YOU to find out more about the music they perform, the venues, times and dates of performances.

The Choirs and Choral Societies:

St. Michael and All Angels, Croydon - the choir, music lists, scholarships, the organ, recitals and concerts, history and art, photo gallery, location and map. Croydon, St. Michael and All Angels Church - the Choir, the Organ and lots more!

St. Michael Singers - programme of events St. Michael's Singers

Sanderstead Singers - cathedral visits and music lists Sanderstead Singers

Alleyn Chorale - cathedral visits and music lists Alleyn Chorale

Dulwich Choral Society - Concert programme and other information South London Chorus (Dulwich Choral Society)

Concordia Chamber Choir - Concert programme Concordia Chamber Choir

Biographical details of professional musicians - Page under development Biographies and links to professional musicians

No link yet, site being developed Details of venues and links to associated web sites

Index of Programme Notes and Libretti Programme notes and libretti

St.Michael and All Angels Picture Gallery One - other galleries under development Photo Galleries

This web site is being developed by Graham Anstey

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