Notes for Alfonso VIII THE GOOD

GEN: NSFX King of Castile GEN: Alfonso VIII was also the King of Leon
(1158-1214).  He vanquished the GEN: Moors at Las GEN: Navas de
Tolosa, bringing about a decissive victory against the Moslem GEN:
domination of Spain.  He founded the first university of Spain at GEN:
Palencia. GEN: ABBR Plantagenet Ancestry, 1928, Lt. Col. W. H. Turton
GEN: TITL Plantagenet Ancestry, 1928, Lt. Col. W. H. Turton GEN: ABBR
1992 Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc. GEN: TITL 1992 Grolier
Electronic Publishing, Inc. GEN: ABBR Prodigy Post from Michael J.
Raffin who has compil GEN: TITL Prodigy Post from Michael J. Raffin
who has compiled a large database GEN: using the following sources:
GEN: The original handwritten scrolls of Andre Roux. GEN: Capetian
France: 997 - 1328: Hallam, Elizabeth M.; 1980 GEN: Historie de la
France et des Francais au Jour le Jour; Librairie GEN: Academique
Perrin, 1976 GEN: Nouveau Larousse Universel, Paul Auge, 1948 GEN:
Royalty for Commoners, Stuart, Roderick W. GEN: Rosamond McKitterick's
text on the Carolingians GEN: Andre Castelot, Histoire de La France,

Return to Alfonso VIII THE GOOD

Notes for Henry V THE LION

GEN: NSFX Duke of Saxony
Added to his possesions the counties of Mecklenburg and Luneburg, by conquest
     from the Sclaves. He neglected his duty to Emperor Barbarossa and was
     publicly proscribed in 1180. He was obliged to absent himself from Germany for
     three years and he repaired to England with his second consort Maud.

Return to Henry V THE LION

Notes for Louis VII THE YOUNG

GEN: NSFX King of France GEN: Louis VII (Louis the Young), b.  1121,
d.  Sept.  18, 1180, the second GEN: son GEN: of Louis VI of France,
became heir to the throne on the death (1131) GEN: of GEN: his elder
brother.  He succeeded his father in 1137, a few days after GEN:
marrying ELEANOR OF  AQUITAINE.  Louis inherited not only a GEN:
prosperous, GEN: well-pacified royal GEN: domain, but also two
experienced counselors, Raoul of Vermandois and GEN: SUGER. GEN: His
youth and inexperience led Louis into over-ambitious projects GEN:
during GEN: the GEN: first 15 years of his reign. One of these was the
Second CRUSADE GEN: (1147-49), GEN: which was a military disaster,
although it enhanced the visibility, GEN: and GEN: hence GEN: the
prestige, of the French crown. GEN: In 1152, Louis had his marriage to
Eleanor annulled, and she promptly GEN: married GEN: Henry, count of
Anjou and duke of Normandy, who became HENRY II of GEN: England GEN:
in 1154.  The addition of Aquitaine to Henry's other possessions made
GEN: him GEN: much more powerful than Louis, and he was a frequently
hostile GEN: neighbor. GEN: With Suger and Raoul both dead by the end
of 1152, Louis had to GEN: reconstruct his government around new
advisors.  He established close GEN: ties GEN: with the counts of
Flanders and Champagne, collaborated with the GEN: church, GEN:
encouraged the growing towns, and carefully managed the resources of
GEN: the GEN: royal domain.  To check Henry II and the Holy Roman
emperor FREDERICK GEN: I, GEN: he reestablished strong royal influence
in Burgundy and Languedoc. He GEN: also GEN: supported the intrigues
of Henry's rebellious sons.  In 1165, Louis's GEN: third wife, Adele
of Champagne, gave birth to a long-desired male GEN: heir, GEN: who
was to succeed to the throne as PHILIP II.  Louis barely managed GEN:
to GEN: hold his own against his rival, Henry II, with his vast
holdings.  He GEN: left GEN: to his son, Philip, however, a stronger
and better-respected French GEN: monarchy than he had inherited. GEN:
Bibliography:  Dunbabin, Jean, France in the Making, 843 to 1188 GEN:
(1985); GEN: Fawtier, Robert, The Capetian Kings of France, trans.  by
Lionel GEN: Butler GEN: and GEN: R.  J.  Adam (1960); Petit-Dutaillis,
Charles E., The Feudal Monarchy GEN: in GEN: France and England from
the Tenth to the Thirteenth Century, trans. GEN: by E. GEN: D. GEN:
Hunt (1936). GEN: ABBR 1992 Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc. GEN:
TITL 1992 Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc.

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