Marvel Comics: 

Let the Surface Dwellers Beware!
Atlantis Attacks!
In the summer of 1989, Marvel applied a similar premise to the Evolutionary War and rolled out the Atlantis Attacks annual crossover. This crossover event surpassed the previous year’s effort running through 14 annuals and calling upon the talents of at least 10 writers and a horde of artists. Unfortunately, the combined talents of Steve Englehart, Roy Thomas, and John Byrne weren’t able to save this story.


The Scorpio Connection
“It seems like a surefire formula for success: Take two tough, no-nonsense heroes, add a story filled with espionage and intrigue, set it in a variety of exotic locales around the world, toss in some unexpected twists and surprises, have it written and illustrated by two of the top talents in comics, and what do you get? The Scorpio Connection”
                                 - Marvel Age #79 (October 1989)

West Coast Avengers Byrned?
West Coast Avengers #42-53
March - December 1989
Writer: John Byrne
Artists: John Byrne/Mike Machlan
Editor: Howard Mackie

John Byrne’s run on the West Coast Avengers (renamed Avengers West Coast later this year) was a controversial, but pleasant run. Editor-in-Chief Tom DeFalco felt that the title needed a change of direction. So, West Coast Avengers editor Howard Mackie hired John Byrne, who returned to Marvel after a stint at DC Comics doing Superman. Byrne filled both the position of writer and penciler, while Mike Machlan remained on the title as inker.


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