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News & Updates

LAST UPDATED: Tuesday, July 18, 2000

Latest Update:
I'm so sorry. College and my job has finally gotten to me. I thought I could do this site and go to school and work. But I guess I can't. I'll be leaving the site up, hopefully allowing new players to get in on the X-Men TCG. But with this final post...I bid everyone goodbye.

Monday, July 17, 2000:
Just added where to get the Prof X promo to the promo checklist. Plus, some news on Norman Barth's deckbuilding program (first mentioned in TopDeck #9 I beleive). It should start to be worked on sometime in August he said. Later!

Sunday, July 16, 2000:
Well, just added xynocide's page to the links...

Saturday, July 15, 2000:
Good...found out what the first four promos are! Added it to the promo checklist. Plus, got some news on the Spiderman game. The design was just submitted this week, and the game will be released sometime next summer! It will be similiar to X-Men, but not completely compatible. My bet is that it will be more character-based than team-based. Anyways, thanks goes to stryfeball at the Yahoo! Club for the news straight from the man himself, Mike Fitzgerald!

Thursday, July 13, 2000:
Found out what the messed up symbol in the spoiler was, thanks to a friend of mine. It was a negative sign in those cards that had a ? beside a number. Later!

Wednesday, July 12, 2000:
Well, here it is...the Marvel TCG Mania page. It's debut is here and there are some things that are available, and some that are not. Well, gotta go!