Sunday, February 11, 2001
Well hello there!  Yes, I am actually updating my page in a somewhat resonable fashion.  Go figure!  I am not really sure what in the hell I am going to type about, but I felt the need to give you all something to read about.

So I suppose I will start by talking about how boring my life is.  Let's use this weekend as an example.  Friday night I basically did nothing but go and pick up my Godson and come back home and sit around.  Saturday I had him here for most of the day and then took him home in time to catch a movie with my mother and a friend and then go to an Irish pub for dinner.  (So, ok, that was actually not too bad.)  Then I stopped at Blockbuster to get a movie and fell asleep at 11:15; I didn't even make it through the previews!!!  So then we're at today.  I woke up at like 8:30 and watched my movies i rented last night.  Then I layed around the house all day in my pajamas until about 3 when I got dressed and went shopping with my mother.  Oooh how eventful.  I bought some body wash, a candle holder, and 2 bras. 

Oh yes, let me discuss my little trauma with the bras.  I went to the rack and grabbed a bra in my normal size and decided to try it on since i had nothing else to do whilst waiting for mother to finish her shopping.  So I try it on and hmm, it is too big around my middle, so I was like YESSS I am losing weight, but then much to my horror, I realized that the cups were too small on me.  That means that my breasts are GROWING!!!  I am 24 years old, they should have stopped growing long ago.  So alas, I am completely horrified with my body once again.  Not that any of you really cared to know any of that....
Poet's Corner
I decided to use one of my old poems here this time since I haven't really been in a poetry mood this week...  Enjoy!
Love Lines

it is said
your life is in your hands
stare at my lines
count them off
all used up
out of lines
can't erase
start over
Recommendation #1: I would recommend seeing the movie Office Space as often as possible.  This movie is brilliant.  It makes me crack up with laughter just thinking about it.  I can recite much of the movie from memory now and I do so often.  Upon seeing this movie, you will never again be able to look at TGIFriday's restaurant in the same way again.  You will suddenly enjoy your ride in to work just a little bit more.  Believe me, it is a great movie!

Recommendation #2: Go and visit my old pages.  It is quite humorous to do so.  Some of you may even have been mentioned on them, yes Rob, that means you (see, I mentioned you here).  Trust me, it will be a good laugh.  You will see that I was more obsessed with myself then, than I am now (is that possible?)  Enjoy!
My Obsession:
For some strange reason, I have gotten away from my obsession section of the page.  I thoroughly enjoyed this section as it used to be all about Canadian men.  Here is the problem, while I still admire Canadian men, I have pretty much given up my former dream of finding one and marrying him.  Call it growing up, but I guess I have decided that I can be quite content with an American man.  So, onto my current obsession...

I am currently obsessed with moving out!  Yes, I believe I touched on this a little in one of my former rants, but I am sooo ready to get the hell out of dodge.  I keep getting asked why though.  "Jen, why do you want to move out now when you are planning on leaving Buffalo in a year?"  Well folks, I will answer that question right here and now.  Because I want to be on my own.  I am sick of people assuming that because I live with my mother that I depend on her.  Also, I want to prove that I can be independent.  I have so many people telling me that I will fail; that I will be moving back home in a few months.  I believe I am ready and can do this now.  I want to do this now.  I NEED to do this now.  Thirdly, when I move out of Buffalo next year, I will be moving away, far away.  I want to have had a year or so on my own before I go and move that far away and be completely alone.  Not only that, who knows what will happen in a year?  I may end up falling in love with the man of my dreams and he may want to whisk me away and make me his wife (OK, fat chance, but hear me out anyways).  If this happens, I will not want to just move in with someone having never lived on my own.  I want to be abe to be independent, be my own person for a bit, before I go and live with someone.  Call it selfish, call it wanting to be prepared for the worst, but whatever you call it, it's what I want.  So there, that is why I want to move out and why I want it to be now.