

Welcome to Mary's Loyal ve Board

We are glad you have come to visit.

If you are a loyal voter, then please join us.

Our board is for competition and top sites.

It is a vote for a vote, so if you are asking for 1 vote,

you vote for the sites with a 1 beside their name.

If you are asking for 2 votes, you vote for the 1's and 2's.... and so on.

 I am allowing 2 Main Comp and 2 Topsites per person.

It's not that hard and it doesn't take a long time to do.:o)

Your Site Name:
Your Site URL:
Email Addy
Competition 1
Competition 1 Url
Competition 2
Competition 2 Url
Topsite 1 Url
Topsite 2 Url
If you have any comments or suggestions
for my site please add them below: