"Right Click"
To Turn Music On or Off

When I visit other web sites, 
I always like to read their "about me" page. 
So I guess I should give you the same opportunity, 
especially since you are HERE! 
Grab something refreshing to drink, settle back, 
and please bear with me, 
because I have never been very good at talking about myself.

I have been fascinated with "web pages" ever since I started surfing the net. 
I kept telling myself, "I want to learn how to do that"! 
Finally, I decided, "no guts, no glory" and plunged right in and gave it a whirl! 
Of course, it hadn't been too long since I learned how to turn the 'ol puter on let alone do anything 
on it, but I decided it was time to venture out and try my hand with the age of technology!

I started out by buying a book to see what was involved. 
Yuk, learn html?! Well, I guess...and away I started! It was a long haul, I'm not the best "book learner". 
After many trials and tribulations, my first page was done! Not great, but done! 
It's been history since that day and I'm addicted!!

For sentimental reasons, I have kept my first page around. 
It's a continuous reminder of how much I've learned and how far I have come! 
I still have a lot to learn, but in due time, I'm sure I will accomplish my goals. 
Just wish there were more hours in the day or night! :-) 






My husband and I have been married 34 years.
I guess you'd call us "high school sweethearts".

Valentine Dedication to My Hubby!!

Check out my High School Alumni Page!
I volunteered to be PageMaster for 
CPPEHS Class of '65

We have 2 children and a beautiful new grand daughter! 
(be sure to check out their pages) We both were born and raised in the southern tier of New York State. 
In fact, we have lived in New York State all of our lives, but we are looking forward to retiring to a much better climate! 
Up-state N.Y. is famous for it's wonderful winters and we have 
been unfortunate enough to live in the snow belt areas most of our lives.
(Can you tell I don't really care for winter and snow?)
We currently live in a small town between Rochester and Buffalo, N.Y.



This ribbon will take you to my section dedicated to
September 11, 2001



In my spare time, (some days there just doesn't seem to be any)
I enjoy working on my computer
and have done some desktop publishing for family and friends.
I guess when I "grow up",
I'd really like to have my own home-based business!

I am a "homebody" who likes to spend time with my family. 
As a family, we enjoy camping and spending time with one another. 
I enjoy my new found hobby, scrap booking, Counted-Cross Stitch, "playing on the computer", and am an avid "oldies" fan!. 
I rarely watch TV except for my ultimate favorites, 
ER, Law & Order SVU & CSI.
We are currently enjoying our new role as "grandparents"! 
Grandchildren certainly are a JOY!


Click on "Grandma" 
to visit my collection 
dedicated to




"Click" on the Bunny to visit "Choco-Land" with me!




I am an avid "oldies" fan!
Click on the "Rock 'N Roll"
Grab a cup of coffee, or something cool to drink
sit back and relax or get up and dance to the tunes of the "60's"!


All music files are provided for your listening pleasure.
There is NO intent to infringe on ANY copyright.


Well, enough about me, I hope you enjoy your visit in my little hide-a-way. 
Please don't forget to sign our guest book so we'll know you 
stopped in for a visit, 
and do come back again, the coffee is always on! 





If you know where I "adopted" some of my adoptions...
Please help me give credit where credit is due!

Much to my surprise, I received this "Built with Love" Award!
Stop by and visit Carol, she has a great place to visit!

Thank you Carol for this lovely Award!