2nd MD Uniform Coats


Jenkins Coat Information

Thomas Coat Information

Depot I Coat Information

Jenkins Coat

Thomas Coat

Richmond Depot I Coat

DepotI-II Information

Depot II Information

Trans Type II-III Information

Depot I-II Coat

Richmond Depot II Coat

Trans Type II-III Coat

Clark Coat Information

Type III Coat Information

Harrrison Tait Information

Clark Coat

Richmond Type III Coat

Harrison Tait Coat

Surrender Coat Information

Surrender Coat


Most of the Uniform Coat information is based on Ross Kimmel's case studies entitled "Enlisted Uniforms of the Maryland Confederate Infantry: Part I and II."

The following trends represent Maryland Confederate Infantry:

1.  Marylanders were not stereotypical rag-tag rebels.  They had a unique esprit-de-corps that led them to be as military and uniform as possible.  They were also known to be extremely reliable and well drilled.

2.  Maryland units looked fairly uniform at any given point of the war.

3.  A good historian should be able to determine what the Maryland Infantry was wearing at any given time.

4.  Maryland troops received clothing through the commutation system and Confederate quartermaster stores.

5.  Marylanders wore kepis in greater numbers than the typical Confederate units.

6.  Marylanders preferred not to wear captured Union blue clothing.

7.  Maryland uniforms became less and less adorned but remained sturdy, serviceable, and practical by 19th century standards.

In reenacting an individual doing a Maryland Confederate Infantry impression should be able to blend in with just about any generic Confederate unit, but a Maryland company, regiment, or battalion should stand out because of their uniformity, sharp drill, and by most of the soldiers wearing kepis.