Notes Played By Ear
Notes From The Heart
Notes Put To Music
Notes In B Flat
1 - 20
21 - 60
61 - 80
81 - 101
P1 A Place Called Home   P21 The Sedation of Medication P61 Time For Melon P81 Rural Bound Days  
P2 These Moments P22 She's Different They Say
(for Kathy)
P62 Need Only A Look P82 The Dandilions
P3 Little Hearts
(for Marcy)
P23 Let Me Entertain You
(Aides Epidemic)
P63 Planted Roots P83 Country Way
P4 Bond Between
(for Heather & Eric)
P24 Modern Times P64 Questions P84 Cry For Freedom
P5 Carry On P25 Brand New Key P65 Bones Repeating P85 Progress
P6 Papa
(for Father)
P26 Blessed Are We
(for the love of my country)
P66 Decesion Making P86 Soldiers Heavy Brow
(for Father & all the US Veterans)*(A),(P)
P7 Friend Or Foe
P27 Miner P67 Thought Bugging Me P87 These Hands
P8 Can't Recall P28 Days Gone By
P68 Testimony
(for my Lord)
P88 White Blanket Sleep
P9 Guess Who P29 Body & Soul P69 Happy Ending P89 January Day
P10 Daughter's Three
(for Mandy, Amy & Emily)
P30 Nuts P70 Down On The Farm P90 Mother's Love
(for Mother)
P11 Daddy's Girl P31 Shadow Below P71 Blackboard P91 Old Friends
P12 Me For You P32 Beauty Of Flight
P72 Own Bees' Wax P92 Through My Mother's Eyes
(for Mother)
P13 Depression P33 Outdoor Delight P73 Holiday Tales & Laughter
(for Mary Jane & the girls)
P93 Make A Way
P14 Husband P34 T'is Irish In Me P74 When I Smile
(for Kathy)*(P)
P94 Passing Time
P15 First Kiss P35 Brothers
(for Aaron & Adam)
P75 Dear Willow
P95 Losing Face
P16 Grocery Man P36 Remembrance Of Cheer P76 Could You Imagine P96 Touched By Destiny
P17 Kity Kat P37 Thoughts Of A Melody  P77 Voice Within P97   Dancing In The Wind
P18 Old Faithful P38 Knowledge Unknown P78 Pink Perfection
(for Kathy)
P98   I Exhale, Jadente; Sin Aliento
P19 Country Comforts
 Country Charm
P39 Endless Hours P79 Gray Photo's P99 A Writer's Heart
P20 Long Distance
P40 The Celebrated Birth P80 Tears P100 The Moon Seems Brighter Tonight
  P41 Canadian Mounted Skies   P101 String Of Pearls -
Dedication to Mother
P42 Gangs All Here  
P43 Sweet Valentine
P44 Wilderness Day
P45 Orange Blossom Cove
P46 Family Tree
P47 Quilted Comfort
(for Amy)
P48 Held Tightly Dear
P49 Old Lady Nostalgia
(for Mrs. Websdale)*(A), (P)
P50 Worn Pieces
P51 First Sign Of Spring
P52 Frustration On Communication
P53 West Windsor Place
(for Grandma Sarah Oberlander)*(A),(P)
P54 Special Something
P55 Lady Of South Sherwood
P56 Mama's Country Cobbler
P57 I Remember...In November
(for Vinod)
P58 Memorial Day Memories
P59 To Bob'Alo Bay
(for Father)
P60 Places In My Heart,
Future Memories Made
(for Connie)

Father's Garden

Cherished Reflections

Aunt Stell and David

Hot July Day

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Original poetry and short stories by M. Melody Tuli.
All rights reserved by poet.

*(A = Awards), *(P = Published)

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