© All rights reserved 6/11/1997 Mary Lois Bierman

For years when I prayed, afterwards I would keep telling myself all the verses as to why I should believe my prayer would be answered. Most times if I was not careful, I looked to myself, and when I saw the human me, I wondered why in the world our Heavenly Father would do anything for me!

Years ago I found a verse in the Bible, and jotted it down in my note book. I started to write things on the page over the years. This is what I have written down on the page.

When I pray for a need, pray expecting an answer. I will get an answer. If it is not a yes for now, maybe it is a yes, but later. It will either be yes or no. I am to go to Him with praise, and thanksgiving when I present my supplication. Some times what He gives us, and what we want are two different things. Trust me, He knows best, and good will come from it.

I read where the one I am going to in prayer, is able by His power in me to do for me more than I can ask, or even think to ask, according to His mighty power that works in me. Now think about that for a minute. I got to thinking about the explanation of what faith was. I tried to figure it out in a way that to me made more sense than the KJ language. So I came up with the following.

For me faith is expectation, or confidence because of some of the following things.
A..confidence in a promise given by someone I trust.

B. Confidence in my ability, or some one else's ability to get something done.

C..A strong belief in something because you have past experience with it, and believe it will work again.

D.. My belief in something, or someone.

E..It is expectation of something with no visible means for expecting it to happen.

I believe that confidence, or faith is an unseen action that is so powerful that it works on the seen, and unseen things.
Many times people will say something about nothing good happens for them, and they seem to draw bad things like a magnet. Why not believe good will happen?

Our Heavenly Father knows me totally. He knows my dreams, hopes, weaknesses, doubts, fears, strengths, or any things else. He has given me so many days to live. I can always cut them short. He has all this time schedule to teach, work with, and help me to grow. His schedule is all worked out as to when, and how I will learn something. I have to trust Him with absolute confidence that He can and will do what is good for me. I have my part too. I must do what He tells me to.

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