Pretend Journey Of A Prayer

This is based on fact, written in fiction. Lets pretend we can follow the journey one of our prayers at a distance.

After I prayed, I saw my prayer ascending up into the heavens like smoke from an incense. I followed at a distance unobserved. It went up to the heavenly Jerusalem. The city even from a distance was so beautiful. It went through gates that we huge pearls set in a very tall wall that had foundations that were every color of the rainbow. Reds, greens, blues, purples, and every color in between!

As I followed the prayer into the city there was music, singing that just filled the city. I had read back when the temple was on earth that there were thousands of singers and musicians. It was awesome as I heard the songs of worship and praise to the Father and His Son. The music just seemed to fill the city.

It was city as far as the eye could see. Beings, very great and fearful for a human to look upon were every where. Many, many different kinds. I remembered in Dan. 10:1 of Daniel describing what he had seen. I saw a man dressed in linen, and he had a belt made of gold around his waist. His body was like reddish. His face looked like lightning! His eye were like flaming torches. His arms and legs looked like polished bronze. When he spoke, his voice sounded like the roar of a crowd. Just like Daniel I felt faint!

Other beings were there like was described in Ezek.1: Some with four wings, some with less. The ones with four wings had one head with four faces. On one side was the face of a man, on one side a lion, on one side and ox and the other side and eagle.They were shaped like humans except they had four wings and four faces. Their legs were straight, their feet were like those of calves, and they glittered like polished bronze.

I could see many, many prayers drifting toward one direction. I followed and hid behind a big pillar and watched. Oh my, it was so awesome I could barely catch my breath.

There was a sea of glass mingled with fire like described in Rev. 15: There were angels that were holding harps and were playing and singing. They were in front of a throne. The Throne of Mercy!

The prayers went before an altar. And like it says in Rev. 8:3-4 An angel came with a gold incense burner and stood at the altar. He was given a lot of incense to offer on the gold altar in front of the throne. He offered it with the prayers of all of the Fathers children. The smoke from incense went up from the angels hand to the Father along with the prayers of His children.

There He was like we read about in Rev. 1:13 he was wearing a robe that reached to His feet. He wore a bold belt around his waist. His head and His hair were white like wool, like snow. His eyes were like flames of fire. His feet were like glowing bronze refined in the furnace. When He spoke His voice was like the sound of raging waters. In His right had He held seven stars, and our of His mouth came a sharp, two-edged sword. His face was like the sun when it shines in all it's brightness.

There at the throne of mercy there were prayers every where. Then I saw a huge book. It read on the back, Lambs Book of Life. So that is where all the names of the saints were written! It was so big.

All judgement had been given to His Son. All prayers stopped with Him before they went on before the Father. All the prayers went to His left where His Father sat on a throne next to His. It was a much bigger throne. The light from it was so bright I could not look at it. A rainbow was over it, and huge beings hovered over it. The prayers were right in front of Him. He heard each one of them. None was turned away. Each one stayed before the Father, and each had a time to be answered.

It went before the Father and His Son, and before the congregation of the first born written in down in heaven. Also before the just spirits made perfect.

I realized then what else was there. Lightnings and thundering. Much louder than I had ever hear on earth.

As I was leaving I noticed the beautiful clear river of water, and it came from the throne. Trees were on either side of it. I went back through the gates of pearls, passing angels ascending and descending from earth where they watched over and took care of all the children of the Father. I also saw other prayers going in to where the others had gone to. Only answers were going back down to earth. Not one of the children's prayers had been sent back.

As I returned back to earth, and to my room I sent a prayer up. A whisper of thanks for asking me to be His child. I then realized that not only what it was like where my prayers went, but I in spirit also went up before the Father just like my prayer had. Only I could not see it with my eyes. One day I will though, and I will be like Him. I will know Him as He knows me. I will know Him and I am known? Oh my mind can not contain it all, for it is to awesome for me to understand fully now. 3/1997

©Mary Bierman, Mary's Treasures. Not for sale. This article may only be copied with permission, as is, with this all this information attached to it . E-mail

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