This Is Your Life

Our Heavenly Father holds us accountable for what WE understand, and how we act upon it. He will take responsibility for the level of our understanding. He blesses us accordingly understanding and convictions. As some one stated, "it's a level playing field for all of us that way."

Isn't it wonderful? Our Father knows how long we have to live. He has all this time to teach us. The teacher is the one that is responsible for what we understand if we are really wanting to learn, and obeying Him. I am so glad that each of us is different just as a family of children are different. All sizes, shapes, ages and maturity. We are brothers and sisters in the family of our Father. He is patient, kind and thoughtful in our ability to learn. Let us take note of 1 Cor. 13: His awesome love. Be like that toward others in all things to all people.

We each grow and learn at a different rate. The parent sees that child and nudges it along to to use what it has learned. Sometimes the parent knows the child can do something and has to push that child to go on and try. A parent is wise in how fast to teach.

We all are learning at the rate we are willing to let the Father teach us. Some have harder times understanding something, but eventually it 'clicks'. Just as an older child sees a two or three old can not understand why a square block will not go in a round hole. They see that the child has to grow in mind to be able to figure it out. We need to let each one grow spiritually in an area to figure it out as our Heavenly Father works with them. Yet a three or four year old may see something, and ask the older sibbling why don't you do this. They could see it and it was so plain and simple to them. Age or how long we have been a believer does not make one know it all. Let us all love each other. Let our Father guide us.

©Mary Bierman, Mary's Treasures. Not for sale. This article may only be copied with permission, as is, with this all this information attached to it . E-mail

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