How Does One Choose A Mate?

I hear so many times people state that there is no one in their assembly for a mate. They consider marriage out side of their faith. Yahweh tells us to not be unequally yoked. Now do you think He would tell us to not do that then there be no one in all world for us? He knows in all the world where there is a mate He has chosen for them. He is not beyond bringing them together. When it is our Fathers choice for us when we meet we are not a stranger. Something inside us draws us to each other. Deep down in our spirit we are what seems like soul mates. There is no way to explain it.

I guess for young people I would want to say. Go to your Father in heaven and let Him do the match making. Ask Him where is that person that needs you exactly like you are. Yes, exactly like you are. Fault, assets and all. Also where is the one that you need exactly like he is. The one that Yahweh has chosen for you. Most important to remember. When you think you are ready to marry may not be the time our Father has for you to marry. I know when the time came that my husband and I were brought together we were who we were because of what we had been through up to that time. We had things to learn, and all those things we went through taught us those things. Things that were needed in marriage. Things needed to be a parent if children were also to be born to the two of you.

It starts long before you meet. He choose you to be His child before the foundation of the world. That being so, then he choose who my parents were to be, or so it would seem. Making our walk with our Heavenly Father and His Son is to come before anything else. Especially in a marriage. Otherwise everyday things would carry over to the marriage. We have to walk in the Spirit of love to make a good marriage. This comes from being at one in the Spirit with out Father. With that the thorns in the marital bed will be only straws. Not important at all.

Life in a marriage is so sweet, wonderful and does not have to be like the worlds marriages that are made in the flesh . A child of our Father has a built helper at all times.

©Mary Bierman, Mary's Treasures. Not for sale. This article may only be copied with permission, as is, with this all this information attached to it . E-mail

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