This article is a bit long, but it sure has a lot to say about our becoming a vessel of honor for our Heavenly Father. Very often when I am talking to our Father I bring up analogies in the real world and my spiritual life. It makes things more real to me.

I was telling my husband about one yesterday morning. If someone really knows anything about a potter and the process from start to finish they may find all kinds of errors in this, but, it was what was in my heart and it made sense to me.

I thought about how before the potter even chose the clay he was going to use he had in mind what that vessel was going to be used for. We see this in Ephesians first chapter about us being chosen before the foundation of the world to be made into an image of His Son.

Clay was chosen according to what was going to be made. He didn't choose any other thing He made to be a like a human vessel for His use, so it was flesh and bone that He started with.

As the clay is shaped water is added to keep it moldable and the wheel has to constantly be turning, shaping with gentle hands. To much pressure and it is ruined, to little and it is still a lump of clay with no particular shape. We too are shaped and molded by what our Father allows us to go through, the Holy Spirit keeps us with an attitude of "Not my will, but yours be done", and yielding to His loving hands as he shapes this new being made in the image of His Son.

Putting the greenware in an over that has to be just so hot is a must for the finished product. Even then it can crack. We are told after we are called that to not think it odd of the firry trial that will come upon us to try us. He has to know our hearts if we are going to follow Him, or turn back. He isn't out to crack us, but to have a good quality vessel.

At this point the vessel can be used. Dry things can be placed in it, but it is porous and will absorb odors, and be stained by fluids. Its use is limited. Like a new born child of our Father is able to serve him, love Him and be His child, they are limited in the way they can serve.

The vessel the potter makes may or may not have designs put on it. We are to reflect the image of His Son when one sees us, so that image is imprinted in us by His Spirit.

Finally it is put back in the fire to harden the glaze. The vessel is usable for what it was created for. In our life the Holy Spirit is given to use when we first believe the word and obey, but later we have the gifts/ministries of the Holy Spirit given to us as we age spiritually, and can be used to be filled and emptied out over and over again as our Father fills us with what He wants to bless others with. We are just the container for Him to put them in, to get them to a person, then them receive what is in the vessel.

In a home pots, skillets, cookers, and many appliances and they each have a purpose that they are best used for. Yet each one of them is a valuable tool for us to use. Likewise we each are set into the body of the Messiah members in particular for a work. All members of the body are needed and not one is better than the other one or less needed. Like the appliances, cookware and the like in our kitchen, each member is best used for a certain ministry. I can fry in my big old canner cooker, but it works best in a skillet that is more shallow, so we too do best in serving with the gift we are given.

It says each member in the body is given a gift of the Holy Spirit if they have been baptized in it. We were ordained from before the foundation of the world to be a child of our Father, made in the image of His dearly beloved Son, and we each are given a work to do.

Just as a vessel the potter started with the clay, turning it molding it and getting a basic design, we too have a basic foundation of faith. We are not being put back on the wheel over and over, but come to a point in our life like the finished vessel, that we are to be filled and used for a good work, not being constantly placed on the potters wheel, lumps gotten out, bubbles worked out, and so forth. This we did when we repented of our sins, left the life we once had, came to know the savior, learned about the resurrections, judgements and the like. Now we go on building on the gospel of believeing that the Messiah came, was born of a virgin, the burial, resurrection, believing He is the Son of of our Heavenly Father, believing on His name and in Him, loving Him with all our heart soul, mind an strength.

I want to be a vessel of gold.

Mary Lois Bierman 8/12/2001 © 2001 Mary's Treasures of Jott'em Downs Contact to use.