
I do not know very much about rip tide, but I have heard about it. It is an undercurrent that one can get swept out to sea in. If one knows what they are doing, they can swim parallel to the shore and get out of it. It can be a death trap. Some times there may be a life guard that has sent a warning out about it, and swimmers are told to not go into the water. Some regardless of the warnings will go in anyway, and someone has to risk their life to rescue them.

We have been given a book telling us about the rip tides in life. The one that is the life guard tells us to take heed to the warnings. We have been told to not be a part of the world and its ways. Yet if we are not careful we can be swept up in things of the world before we know it. It can look so innocent, yet be deadly, spiritually speaking.

We are told to not be unequally yoked in a business relationship, or a marriage. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? - 2 Cor 6:14
He will not stand with you in circumstances like that, since you went contrary to His will.

Yet many will date people that are not dedicated to the Father's will in their lives, then they are swept away in the current of something so big, they find themselves married to someone who lives life contrary to the Father. If the converted mate stays firm in their faith, pretty soon divisions takes place. The converted mate may start excusing the sins of the unconverted mate, and get swept up in their love for them, and eventually walk away from the Father themselves.

Even something so simple as the friends we choose to for our buddies, or who we let our children become attached to, can become a factor is our, or their choices. Once again if one is not careful they turn a blind eye to the faults of their friends. With the young people that are not mature, these choices are not real clear, and eventually they may follow along the same path.

Our Father is not going to put us where temptation is. Jas 1:13 We find ourselves in those situations, when we do not look away from things that are contrary to the Father's will. Jas 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. - Jas 1:14 Soon we find our flesh has swept us out to sea, so to speak, then the Father has to rescue us.

We do not have to be swept out to sea, Spiritually speaking. We have the Book with all the warnings, cautions, and safety precautions carefully recorded. If we care about our eternal life, we will adhere to it very carefully. If not, we may find the sea we are swept into, is one of fire, where we will not be rescued from.

© ML Bierman 03/03/98 All rights reserved. Not for sale in any form.
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