
In the book of knowledge we are told by our maker how to be separated, set apart for Holy use. We are told how to be clean mentally by our thoughts, and how we think of others. There is no room for, I can't be friends with you because you aren't in our group, and love to dwell together. Just as a tree can not bear bitter and sweet fruit, we can not have the sweet Spirit of our Father, and a bitter spirit dwelling in us.

We also are told how to keep this temple that He calls Holy clean, by what we put into it physically. Even what we eat, and touch can make us unclean. So we have laid out for us in Duet. 14 what foods are good to eat and those not good to eat.

We also are to come out of the world, and its ways. We are to be set apart in every day. Who and what we are. How easy it is for us to be mentally slack in knowing, and acting like who we are. We get involved in daily routines. We read scriptures, we pray, and we know we are His children, but what the part of us that eats, walks, sleeps 'knowing' who we are? Some people live the part of who they are, and they do not forget it, or other will not let them forget. With their whole being they eat, sleep, and breath that part. Sometimes they are born into it like a King or Queen. Sometimes it is man that puts one in that position like a ruler of a country. Others play a part they have set up for themselves, or belong to a culture, county, or family that act and are a certain way.

Our Father put us in His family. It is not an act, we were not born by natural means into it, and man did not elect us to that position. It was from a birth from above. By it we became royalty. Not royalty living in a slaves position, but with full rights to it as a child that one day will have full inheritance.

For now we have to remember who we are. How we act reflects on how others feel about other members of the Royal family. It can have such an impact, that when others are asked to be a part of it, they might refuse, rather than accept the invitation.

In our own feelings, how do we feel? Do we stand tall in the Spirit, yet not haughty? Do we at all times act inside, and out as member of the Heavenly Fathers family? Do we walk set apart from impurity, mentally and physically? Do we rub shoulders with those living contrary to His ways? If our children acted in ways that forgot who they were, and were running with those of ill repute, how would we feel?

We are to walk, talk, think, feel, be in every way a child of the Royal family, and we know that we know who we are. Am I, an one day a week member of the Royal family, or a whole life member?

© 01/14/1998 All rights reserved by Mary Lois Walters Bierman
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